Author Topic: "Complete" fonts  (Read 1351 times)

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Offline Yarn

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(Well, they're as complete as I could make them)

For some time, I knew that FreeSpace did some remapping of certain non-ASCII characters (specifically, the ones in the German and French fonts) when loading files. What I didn't know until a few months ago is that the remapping is actually a conversion from Windows-1252 to code page 437. However, the conversion missed certain characters like ÿ and ñ, so I made a patch (which was committed at revision 10923) that adds support for every character that exists in both (but not just one) of those character sets.

With that patch committed, I thought that I would expand the standard fonts to include all the characters that are now supported. Here they are:

And here is a test mod that includes a mission called Character Test, which displays every supported character along with their Unicode names and CP437 code points in the briefing. The three expanded fonts are included in data\fonts; to try one in the test mission, rename the font to font01.vf.

These fonts place the special HUD characters at index 176 instead of 127 or 164, so to use them, you need to add a language list to the beginning of strings.tbl or *-str.tbl and set +Special Character Index: to 176 for each language, like this:
Code: [Select]
#Supported Languages

$Language: English
+Special Character Index: 176

$Language: German
+Extension: gr
+Special Character Index: 176

$Language: French
+Extension: fr
+Special Character Index: 176


Here are all the characters, minus the HUD characters, that these fonts (and the game) support:
all ASCII characters
à, è, ì, ò, ù (lowercase only)
á, í, ó, ú (lowercase only)
é, É
â, ê, î, ô, û (lowercase only)
ë, ï, ÿ (lowercase only)
ä, ö, ü, Ä, Ö, Ü
å, Å
ç, Ç
ñ, Ñ
æ, Æ
ß (converted to ss)
¢, £, ¥, ƒ, ª, º, ¿, ¬, ½, ¼, ¡, «, », µ, ±, ÷, °, ·, ²
the no-break space

Remember that any files containing these characters must be encoded in Windows-1252, or else the characters may not display correctly in-game!

Also, these fonts are not fully compatible with retail, nor are they compatible with Polish, which uses a different character set (Windows-1250).
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 12:05:44 am by Yarn »
"Your fighter is running out of oil.  Please check under the hood and add more if necessary"
--strings.tbl, entry 177

"Freespace is very tired.  It is shutting down to get some rest."
--strings.tbl, entry 178