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The state of audio (OpenAL) in FreeSpace 2 Open

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So this is old, but it's Google's most recommended hit for surround sound in the game.
I'm just going to say I'm dumb and I don't understand, but maybe also things have changed slightly since this was released? Is there an easier step by step guide? Or an updated one now that both the OpenAL soft and FSO have been updated? I'm just really unsure of how or what to do with the various 32 bit and 64 bit files and where to put them. I don't want to just monkey around with things and break stuff.


--- Quote from: JZStudios on December 23, 2017, 12:01:50 am ---So this is old, but it's Google's most recommended hit for surround sound in the game.
I'm just going to say I'm dumb and I don't understand, but maybe also things have changed slightly since this was released? Is there an easier step by step guide? Or an updated one now that both the OpenAL soft and FSO have been updated? I'm just really unsure of how or what to do with the various 32 bit and 64 bit files and where to put them. I don't want to just monkey around with things and break stuff.

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IIRC, You'll need the 32-bit .dll in the wxLauncher directory and the 64-bit in the FS2 directory (unless you're using a 32-bit FSO, in which case, just a 32-bit in the FSO directory will do fine).  There may be a specific subdirectory you're supposed to put it in.  Hop on the HLP Discord server and ask.

Current nightly builds include the OpenAL Soft DLL so it doesn't require any effort on the user's part.


--- Quote from: AdmiralRalwood on December 23, 2017, 01:38:37 pm ---Current nightly builds include the OpenAL Soft DLL so it doesn't require any effort on the user's part.

--- End quote ---

Would just need a 32-bit in the wxLauncher folder then, right? (if the FSO build was 64-bit anyways)

Just to throw my $0.02 in here, I can second everything Galneon said - I own a copy of Rapture3D "User" - bought it for $50(?) and it works w/ most OpenAL apps (not all, though - it worked with FS Open last I checked a few years ago). It continues to receive updates from Blue Ripple Sound (for free - buy once, get updates forever) and its HRTFs are, at least to my ears, the best 3D sound I've ever heard. I recommend using open-back headphones such as the Audio-Technica ATH-AD900X; closed-backs may sound muffled.

edit: For games which support 7.1 but not OpenAL, Razer Surround _kinda_ works but sounds inferior and in my exp. is laggy and glitchy (often turns itself off)

edit2: Can confirm putting 32bit in wxlauncher dir and 64-bit dll in FSO dir seems to be the way to go for any 3rd party OAL


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