Author Topic: EVE Online War  (Read 6486 times)

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Offline Unknown Target

  • Get off my lawn!
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  • Push.Pull?
Less abbreviations and more explanations! :p


Offline Zuljin

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Less abbreviations and more explanations! :p

CCP would be the people who made EVE. So essentially I take it that they are secretly helping BoB gain an unfair advantage over the others.


Offline aldo_14

  • Gunnery Control
  • 213

An Eve Online developer known simply as "t20" has turned out his pockets and confessed to unlawfully obtaining in-game items, leaving himself with guilty-pie all over his face.

Like a child blubbing to an angry shop owner, he owned up to pilfering blueprints in June 2006, the very same schematics that are normally limited to stop alliances monopolising control on specific items. This display of naivety could have thrown the entire cosmos into economic disaster.

In his selfish onslaught he swiped no less than eight blueprints: a Flameburst Precision Light Missile Blueprint; a Phalanx Rage Rocket Blueprint; a Havoc Fury Heavy Missile Blueprint; a Bloodclaw Fury Light Missile Blueprint; a Spike L Blueprint; and the best of these, a Sabre Blueprint, which is thought to be responsible for earning billions of in-game currency, "isk".

The incident initially came to light after CCP, developer of the space MMO, undertook a routine investigation of staff accounts last summer. A third-party with hawk-like eyesight unearthed the inconsistencies and the Eve community waited for justice, but it didn't come. In an unusual display of leniency, "t20" got away with just a slap on the wrist, despite other malefactors having had their employment terminated in the past.

In light of his confession, CCP CEO Hilmar Veigar Petursson offered some soothing words of wisdom on previous shenanigans and measures the company is taking to prevent this behaviour in the future.

However, for some it's too little too late, as angry mobs converge on the official forums braying for answers and virtual blood spilling.

"The community at large is still left wanting for some actual results and closure of this incedent," blurted Bellum Eternus. "What say you CCP?"

And what say you, Eurogamers? Use your words below.


Offline Unknown Target

  • Get off my lawn!
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  • Push.Pull?
Ah...well that sucks.


Offline NGTM-1R

  • I reject your reality and substitute my own
  • 213
  • Syndral Active. 0410.
t20 was one of the better devs in terms of getting stuff done without spewing his friggin' ego all over the place (ToMB), actually, so the more sane among us are semi-pleased he was kept on.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Rictor

  • Murdered by Brazilian Psychopath
  • 29
One thing I really have to give EVE is that their art and design is second to none. It's one of the prettiest games I've ever seen, and this has nothing to do with tech specs and everything to do with their art direction. Plus their website, game branding, magazine etc is such that I would buy EVE merchandise just for its own sake.


Offline DragonClaw

  • Romeo Kilo India Foxtrot
  • 210
Doesn't the whole training system really screw over new players though? Considering it took people literally years of training to get where they are now, are new players really that far behind? This coupled with the fact that the game seems extremely boring unless you know a lot of people already playing it probably means it isn't getting too many new people...

It's a shame the combat really isn't exciting :(   I'd die for a MMO game with an economy like EVE's and graphics/combat like that nexus 2 tech demo


Offline Unknown Target

  • Get off my lawn!
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  • Push.Pull?
Or Freespace...:p


Offline miskat

  • 27
I will say that the game would improve 10 fold if you could manually pilot a'la freespace.  But it just wouldn't really work, since you're flying cruisers and battleships, etc.

But honestly, the combat isn't THAT boring most of the time.  If it's boring, you're probably doing something too easy.  I was running L3 missions yesterday, surrounded by about 25-30 pirates in mostly cruisers and t2 frigates (I believe they were T2) and it was really gripping.  There's so much going on that it pulls you in, and in a much different way than Freespace  or WoW does.  Freespace and WoW have "on your toes" twitchy reflexive combat.  EvEs combat is very thoughtful, you're sitting there thinking "oh **** oh **** I'm running low on cap, they're eating away at my armor....  I don't have shield boosters... should I warp out and come in again?  Can I pull this off... drop one gun, switch on hardener 2... wish I had another cap recharger... **** they took out one of my drones!  Release another medium.... take out that cruiser, then focus on the webifier..."

Then again, maybe this enthusiasm for EVE combat just shows how much of a dork I am.

And hell, everythingis exciting when you're flying in very lowsec (0.3 and below) and you're on the edge of your seat, scanning local chat, looking at peoples info, trying to figure out who the pirates are... where they are... HOW to be SAFE.  Nerve wracking.


Offline Darkage

  • 211
Doesn't the whole training system really screw over new players though? Considering it took people literally years of training to get where they are now, are new players really that far behind? This coupled with the fact that the game seems extremely boring unless you know a lot of people already playing it probably means it isn't getting too many new people...

It's a shame the combat really isn't exciting :(   I'd die for a MMO game with an economy like EVE's and graphics/combat like that nexus 2 tech demo

Believe me DC, the combat can be very exciting, especialy PVP :)

Pve can also be damn fun but i like to blow up other people, they are most of the tiem much harder to kill :)
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Returned from the dead.


Offline Hippo

  • Darth water-horse
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  • Grazing.
    • All Hands to War
Only drawback to pvp is its permanence in death... Its not like WoW where you do a walk of shame as a ghost or whatever and get in your body again and walk to someone to repair it, in eve you've lost money and time, and you have to re-build the ship/variations from scratch.

Don't get me wrong, i've been pvping since I was 3 weeks old (ask flipside), and wont ever stop.
VBB Survivor -- 387 Posts -- July 3 2001 - April 12 2002
VWBB Survivor -- 100 Posts -- July 10 2002 - July 10 2004



Offline Flipside

  • əp!sd!l£
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LOL 'Tis true, I remember being all paranoid and noobish about it ;)


Offline Unknown Target

  • Get off my lawn!
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  • Push.Pull?
Meh. I always say this when the subject of EVE comes up. If it's a space game and I can't use my joystick, then it's not a real space game (that goes for Freelancer too :p).

And of course they could do it for large ships - they could do something similar to Bridge Commander. When you get to a ship that large, it should be more about just rolling and maneuvering to bring your main guns to bear anyway.


Offline Ashrak

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    • Imagination Designs
I will say that the game would improve 10 fold if you could manually pilot a'la freespace.  But it just wouldn't really work, since you're flying cruisers and battleships, etc.

But honestly, the combat isn't THAT boring most of the time.  If it's boring, you're probably doing something too easy.  I was running L3 missions yesterday, surrounded by about 25-30 pirates in mostly cruisers and t2 frigates (I believe they were T2) and it was really gripping.  There's so much going on that it pulls you in, and in a much different way than Freespace  or WoW does.  Freespace and WoW have "on your toes" twitchy reflexive combat.  EvEs combat is very thoughtful, you're sitting there thinking "oh **** oh **** I'm running low on cap, they're eating away at my armor....  I don't have shield boosters... should I warp out and come in again?  Can I pull this off... drop one gun, switch on hardener 2... wish I had another cap recharger... **** they took out one of my drones!  Release another medium.... take out that cruiser, then focus on the webifier..."

Then again, maybe this enthusiasm for EVE combat just shows how much of a dork I am.

And hell, everythingis exciting when you're flying in very lowsec (0.3 and below) and you're on the edge of your seat, scanning local chat, looking at peoples info, trying to figure out who the pirates are... where they are... HOW to be SAFE.  Nerve wracking.

straight out the window when you hit 12 - 15 mill SP in a combat field :)

only thing that gets you going like that is when your at 30 m SP fling a 500 mill isk ship and warp into 5 hostyles alone ..... player hostyles that is
I hate My signature!


Offline Flipside

  • əp!sd!l£
  • 212
Sitting at 120km popping frigates with the Tachyon beams is a fun experience ;)


Offline phreak

  • Gun Phreak
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would be interesting if i stick around eve for that long
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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phreak317#7583 - discord


Offline miskat

  • 27

That looks really sweet.  ...Huh... avatars, animated emotes... I wonder how deep they are planing on going with this?  Items?  Weapons?  Avatar to avatar combat?  =/  This could be interesting.  Hell, though, that looks cool, even if it is just a way to move around and interact with other people.

They mentioned interest in adding in real "planetside" content, as well.  They discussed it in stages, including atmospheric flight and eventually landing.  I think the words "procedural generation" used.  Hope not, but then again... I hope so.  Makes it go quicker.

This game is definitely evolving.


Offline DragonClaw

  • Romeo Kilo India Foxtrot
  • 210
Does anyone remember the name of that other space MMORPG that died out really close to release a year or two back? It was a lot more arcade-like and also had avatar interaction on stations and stuff too.. I really liked playing the beta I'm suprised it died out so soon.


Offline Darkage

  • 211
Does anyone remember the name of that other space MMORPG that died out really close to release a year or two back? It was a lot more arcade-like and also had avatar interaction on stations and stuff too.. I really liked playing the beta I'm suprised it died out so soon.

I think you mean Earth and Beyond, wich you could pilot your own ships and indeed control your avatar on stations etc.
If it's not then i have no idea wich one it could be.
[email protected]
Returned from the dead.