Author Topic: Submit your Fanmail!  (Read 41615 times)

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Offline Axem

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Holley, Sherry, Meddy, Harriet: Who are your favorite magical girls?

Holley: Lyrical Tokarev! KILL THEM ALL!!!!
Meddy: Cure Happy!
Sherry: I much enjoy Cure White. She balances her responsibilities of protecting the weak from evil and studying hard for future educational opportunities.
Meddy: Harriet really likes Vita, don't you?
Harriet: Mmhmm!

Holley and Delta 1, you should have a rap battle!

Delta 1: I have a 5 year rapping ban at the moment...
Holley: Good, let's keep it that way.

To anybody: Favorite variety of pizza?

Holley: We did sort of answer this before, but we'll let other people answer this too!
Meddy: Mediterranean is nice. Nothing too spicy though.
Sherry: Vegetarian pizza is my preference.
Meddy: Harriet likes deep dish pizza, but we all know that's not a real pizza anyway.
Harriet: :nono:
Anna: I prefer calzones actually. Easier to transport on long missions. They're sort of pizza anyway, right?
Henrietta: Only pizza with the finest toppings, cheese made from the sacred cows of Altair VII, tomatos grown in the garden of the Saint Newell XVI, royal jelly caviar from Beta Centauri XI, and golden peppers harvested in the Vasudan ritual of Silharanhiln, the festival of sound stones. It costs 135 million creds to make a single pizza. I can only bare to have a single slice at a time. The rest goes into the fusion incinerator.


Offline JSRNerdo

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STEELE: It's time. Execute conditional UNKIND HANDSHAKE
Former Inferno lead, BTA fredder-ish and DE fredder. Driven out by ordinary fascists the_e, aesaar and general battuta. Will return if they're ever removed.


Offline Axem

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*Anna smushes a pie in JSRNerdo's face

Anna: Mission complete.


Offline JSRNerdo

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Haxase: You better apologise to all of those people whose spaceships you pushed around at 500m/s, mister! That was very rude and probably broke the speed limit on cruisers, and made everyone inside puke as well! Bad robot! Bad!
Former Inferno lead, BTA fredder-ish and DE fredder. Driven out by ordinary fascists the_e, aesaar and general battuta. Will return if they're ever removed.


Offline Commander Zane

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Haxase: You better apologise to all of those people whose spaceships you pushed around at 500m/s, mister! That was very rude and probably broke the speed limit on cruisers, and made everyone inside puke as well! Bad robot! Bad!
Rather, I think such an incident should be brought up as a proposal to the GTVA as a way to further weaponize Colossus hulls.

Merv, if someone were to approach you with an idea like this, what would your opinion be of it? Hyperspacing them into the enemy is one thing, but to use one as a massive Louisville Slugger...

Has anyone even tried using the collussus's own guns?


Offline Axem

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Haxase: You better apologise to all of those people whose spaceships you pushed around at 500m/s, mister! That was very rude and probably broke the speed limit on cruisers, and made everyone inside puke as well! Bad robot! Bad!


Rather, I think such an incident should be brought up as a proposal to the GTVA as a way to further weaponize Colossus hulls.

Merv, if someone were to approach you with an idea like this, what would your opinion be of it? Hyperspacing them into the enemy is one thing, but to use one as a massive Louisville Slugger...

Has anyone even tried using the collussus's own guns?

Merv: It's more economical to just construct a hollow Colossus shell, mount a subspace drive inside and have it ram ships upon exiting subspace. A fully armed Colossus may be able to do more damage over a longer period of time, but in terms of in raw damage/credits, the current method of Colossus warfare is the best bang for the buck. An armed Colossus would need to destroy 15.2 destroyers/week to match the effectiveness of the Subspace-Space Impact Method (or Subspace-SIM). (Weapons and crew are actually quite expensive) Using Colossuses as bats were an idea previously explored, but the added requirement of RCS thrusters and fuel pushed cost projections a little too high. We may review that proposal as technology continues to advance.


Offline JSRNerdo

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Merv: Can't you just exploit the rules of nature and have like, an Ulysses dock to a Colossus and have the Ulysses pilot tape down the joystick left?
Former Inferno lead, BTA fredder-ish and DE fredder. Driven out by ordinary fascists the_e, aesaar and general battuta. Will return if they're ever removed.