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Red is interesting no? I present to you, my FreeSpace 3 Transmission.


Dr. Biscuit:
Alas, the silence was unbearable and well, I [█████] him to spare him the trouble (Don't worry though he's used to it.). It really is such a shame.

(To the powers that be, this post; for rather foreseen circumstances, may no longer belong anywhere. Do with it what you will, It will all be over soon.)

Part 1: [█████]
Part 3: [█████][█████]

[████████] first.

My life took me [████████████████████]. [████████████████████] life always got in the way.

[████████████████], last night [████████████████████████████████████████████] - lets go do something fun. [████████████████████] Wentz [████████] the FS2 Score [████████████████████████████] work done or lacking inspiration,[████████████████████████] I don't [████████████████████] FSO (or any videogame for that matter) [████████████] This time for some reason, [████████████████] inebriated imagination. [████████████████████████]. But that's just it, I don't know where to go from here.

[████████████] projects? Maybe... [████████████████████████] 12th of Feb [████████████████████████████]

God [████████].

Ahh to be impatient; such a pity. :v:[/font] Enjoy!

Dr. Biscuit:
Bumpity bump bump bump.

Oh... Hello me,

Why hello us!

Lets see what happens now.

Colonol Dekker:
The GTI alive and well I see. :D

Wow, this is very well done.  I would love to see more in this vein.

EDIT: Oh, the Google Drive audio isn't the same as the YouTube audio!  I like it :yes:

Uh, what? Did face dancers just become part of the FS universe?


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