Hosted Projects - Standalone > Wing Commander: Hostile Frontier
WCHF Discussion thread (was: kevin caccamo's landreich campaign?)
Talon 1024:
Andrew Carnegie number 2!!! :D
Anyways, I've went ahead and added more details to mine...
gevatter Lars:
This one looks quite true to the original concept. I like it and I hope you keep it close to the original.
Talon 1024:
I think I've decided to call this project "Wing Commander: Eon8" because False Colors sounds to me like WC in an Eon8-type situation.
The Eon8 site had a countdown timer on it (Don't worry, it's gone now), but nobody knew what it was for. Some say that it was the countdown to the destruction of the internet... In False Colors, the Civies didn't know about the situation on the frontier, and if they found out, it would be like falling into a black hole, and the entire human race would probably get wiped out easily.
Actually I'm not too sure if the description above is accurate...
gevatter Lars:
Well the situation in False Color isn't something I would discripe as an armageddon for the rest of humanity. Its a big problem for the Borderworlds and the Landreich but I don't think that even if the Kilrathi managed to get the damaged Dreadnough working again that Confed would let it roam freely and cut of its supply. Even the best warship can't work without supplys and the Kilrathi milita isn't in a shape to fight confed again at this point.
The only posibility would have been to use the sheer power of the Dreadnought to unite some other kilrathi system lords but even if Confeds intel is bad it surely would notice if their old enemy units again.
Beside that there was Melek who tried to work together with Confed. The posibility that he would inform Confed about the situation is quite likely.
That is at least as far as I would interpretate the situation from what I remember from the book.
Talon 1024:
Sorry about the long wait, but here is the new Andrew Carnegie model:
The model is not yet complete and the texture job hasn't even started. I dropped the old one because it was a major contradiction to WingCanonâ„¢ (no offense @ LOAF) and I wanted to do this WC mod correctly.
And here is the Tender Sindri:
P.S. Disregard the filename of the above picture...
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