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Star Wars general discussion
Knight Templar:
--- Quote --- There's also the Ssi-ruuvi ships - I have diagrams of the ships in the Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels - fighting against a whole swarm of those Battle Droids would be so sweet!
Hmm... as a matter of fact, that battle droid is just about the simplest thing one can imagine... Hmmmm...
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I have that book :) bassically the Ssi-ruuvi fighter is a 5 by 5 pyramid with good textures and a gun on each point, thrusters on each surface.
Don't forget the Sun Crusher ! that could make a nice mission, you already have the super nova affect ;7
Didn't somebody make an SSD awhile ago and wanted to call it FS.. GTXD Excalibur or something?
--- Quote ---Originally posted by Sandwich
There's also the Ssi-ruuvi ships - I have diagrams of the ships in the Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels - fighting against a whole swarm of those Battle Droids would be so sweet!
Hmm... as a matter of fact, that battle droid is just about the simplest thing one can imagine... Hmmmm... ;7
Oh, by the way, turrets on a rotating submodel work wonderfully, so a Hapan Battle Dragon would be quite a ship to include. I took the idea of its rotating turrets for the GTExD that I did a while back, as a matter of fact. :)
--- End quote ---
Me and Sandwich could get together all the ship diagrams and send em to the modelers that whay they know what they look like, and I made a list back in the "Jobs" thread of the ships used bay the Imperial, and Rebles, and one's used bay both I would like to ask if you could at least include the Scimitar I've always whanted to see that ship in action!:nod:
Stargunner: I have the book. So does Black Wolf, and most, if not all, of the schematics are online. There's tons of reference material everywhere. Thanks for the offer.
Knight Templar:
Don't they have a revised version out with NJO ships ?
at least i thought i saw it in canada. :doubt:
Not to my knowledge. The last Guide was the new Esstential Guide to Characters,.... there are however a FEW NJO era craft in the RPG Starships of the Galaxy,...but only one image at best for them. (Defender Class Star Destroyer for example)
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