Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > FreeSpace Conversion
About the FS2 to FS MOD...
Unknown Target:
Will it have ion beams and flak? I think it should, I mean, it won't be cannon, but no ion beams or flak make the original pretty boring, because when I play FS2 and then go back to FS, it's so...boring, if you see what I mean.
Anyways, that's my two cents
Mmh, it's FS to FS2, anyway, I sure hope there won't be beams or flak (save the lucifer beams).
FS-->FS2= not legal
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Hey all, thanks for the interest. I've got a thread running over in the HLP forum too, so check there to see if there are any answered questions.
--- Quote ---Originally posted by Unkown Target:
Will it have ion beams and flak? I think it should, I mean, it won't be cannon, but no ion beams or flak make the original pretty boring, because when I play FS2 and then go back to FS, it's so...boring, if you see what I mean.
Anyways, that's my two cents
--- End quote ---
Remember what Alpha 3 said in that one nebula mission? "It's a miracle we won the Great War. No shields, no flak guns, no beam cannons." Well, that's FS1 for you. Ships duke it out with laser turrets and that's it. Still a change of pace, though. On the plus side, you won't get knocked around by the AAA beams from that Demon you're trying to bomb. And the beam and lighting effects are all that more spectacular when you see the Lucifer in combat. Lucifer=light bringer, by the way.
--- Quote ---Originally posted by Darkage:
FS-->FS2= not legal
--- End quote ---
So does that mean that B5-->FS2 and SW-->FS2 are illegal too? Say goodbye to TAP. But I digress. I think we've been over this, but I'm not sure. There are just two main points I want to make as far as legal issues- when Dark first ported the FS1 models to FS2, he contacted the big because he was worried. Technically, they were illegal but Volition didn't care. Second, remember that this requires Freespace 2 to run, a game made by Volition. In fact, I encourage all of you to buy FS1 to get the full experience and all the features that aren't avaliable for download. Furthermore, I am not making any money off this at all. I also give full credit to for doing everything and include the original mission designer's name in the ported missions. I have also sold my soul to THQ so they will leave me alone.
Thanks for the support. Keep the feedback and questions coming!
"An evil mind is a constant comfort."
Revisit the Great War at The Freespace-Freespace 2 Port Project
Grey Wolf:
Luckily we DID get shields by the end of the war...
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