Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > FreeSpace Conversion

About the FS2 to FS MOD...

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Okay, my thoughts? Here you go:  

We have the missions for sure. Check...

The models. Now, if we use Dark's ones, we know we have permission there.   expressed no disagreement with those, so if you are still lacking models from FS1, I believe those models could be converted with a minimum of fuss. A quick email to Adam could sort this out.

The ANIs and cutscenes I believe we can do without. Not only are they are largely replaceable by a novelisation (especially the Ancients cutscenes... no-brainer), but they would make download sizes obscene. Going for the program approach, that would check to see if FS1 is installed, I guess that would be neat, but you're going to have to find someone to do that for you. It seems pretty difficult to me. I would leave that behind and just go straight for the novelisation approach (converting the cutscenes and ANIs that we lack into a written form).

As for music... well... I wouldn't really mind the FS2 music. But that's just me.  

So basically, the FS Port would be rather stripped down, but I would still definitely enjoy it if only because it was FS1 and it was in the FS2 engine. That's just my thoughts.

--- Quote ---Originally posted by Setekh:
As for music... well... I wouldn't really mind the FS2 music. But that's just me.  

--- End quote ---

yeah, that's just you    

Anyway, galacticEmperor, sorry, i can't program, i was just opening my big mouth to suggest things that are most likely impossible to do. Huh, yeah, I'm just like that, sorry  

Thanks Steak. No barbecues.

My comments on Setekh's comments on my comments on Darkage's comments on my comments on his comment:

We have the missions? Good!
Dark converted all the models that were not included in the FS2 VP. All the weapon models were there anyway. Table entries simply made use of the stuff that was there.

Anis=optional. If you have FS1 it's a BIG bonus, but it's possible to do without.


"An evil mind is a constant comfort."
Revisit the Great War at The Freespace-Freespace 2 Port Project

I've got to say I agree with Setekh on this one as well - it seems the easiest way to go about things without upsetting the powers-on-high whilst maintaining a fun campaign.

--- Quote ---Originally posted by GalacticEmperor:
The Ancients cutscenes I'm doing as Command Briefings (silent)...
--- End quote ---

No you aren't!!!   You're going to do the Ancient cutscenes as still shots with BG muzak (from the original cutscenes, perhaps). For the stills, you'll use these.    

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