Author Topic: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"  (Read 32119 times)

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Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
I'm sorry to say I ran into a problem when playing the campaign just now.

I had just completed mission 5-3 "Into The Unknown" and tried to go onto the next mission.  It then takes me to a cutscene with Strike Group Alpha but then a Command voice in the background starts yelling at me to complete my mission objectives and to not leave the battlefield.  Then it shows an Ares exploding and says I failed the mission (which is especially weird during a cutscene).

Would it help if I posted a debug fsopen log like is often suggested for people to do?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 02:55:17 pm by CT27 »


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
Not for a mission bug like this.  Logs are more useful when assets fail in some way (like when a mod fails to load in the first place.)


Offline niffiwan

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
Kinda sounds like the cutscene isn't locking the player in place when it starts. Having said that, it's also odd that you'd be travelling fast enough to leave the mission area unless the cutscene is unusually long.
Creating a fs2_open.log | Red Alert Bug = Hex Edit | MediaVPs 2014: Bigger HUD gauges | 32bit libs for 64bit Ubuntu
Debian Packages (testing/unstable): Freespace2 | wxLauncher
m|m: I think I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Bmpman is starting to make sense and it's actually written reasonably well...


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
For what it's worth, I didn't have this particular problem in the version before this recent update Cyborg posted.  Before this, there was no "Command" speaking and an Ares never showed up.  As far as I remember it was just Strike Group Alpha.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 07:42:51 pm by CT27 »


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
That's weird.  I don't remember editing the mission.  Let me crack it open and see what's going on.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
For what it's worth, I looked in the tech room and the movie was called "Strike Assault" and is listed as 5-4 in the campaign list.


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
The mission starts with the player at coordinates where it will kill the player.  Not sure why it wasn't triggering before.  Another small fix... lol 


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
I don't think I've seen this happen in 'cutscene missions' before, has anyone else?


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
I mean, I don't know if it was happening before, but I've caused it to happen by flying far enough out.

It's a really simple problem caused by alpha 1 starting the mission too far out.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 07:40:53 pm by Cyborg17 »


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
Good to know it's fixable at least.


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
Mission5_4 Patch

Simply extract it to your Freespace2 folder and allow it to overwrite the old mission file.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
You've succeeded again Cyborg17, it worked. :)

OP will be updated shortly.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
I've found one more issue on another playthrough of this campaign in case anyone could know what to do.

In mission 2-6 "The Pirate Strikes Back", when the GTVA reinforcement capital ships come in to attack the pirate capital ships, the GTVA capital ships don't fire their beam weapons.  When I order them to attack enemy ships, the good guy ships move in and only attack with anti-fighter turrets (lasers).  But when I target GTVA capital ships, their capital ship beams aren't destroyed, they look like they should be working.

However, the pirate cruisers' capital beams seem to work okay.

Is it possible the good guys' ships have their capital beams turned off for this mission?

(I'll add though that this 'bug' isn't game breaking as it's still possible to successfully complete the mission anyways...this problem just makes it a while longer than it should be).


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
I haven't replied to your PM because I've been sick. 

This may not be an actual issue.  I haven't looked at the mission file, but if the mission doesn't have an event that unlocks the beam weapons of the friendly warships, then I have to assume that the intention is to leave them locked, even though it makes more sense to unlock them.  I'll be able to tell when I get home.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
Thanks for wanting to look into it.

Hope you get better and it's nothing serious.


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
It wasn't too bad.  But I had to stay home from work.

 The mission events look like they're correctly set up, and when I play, all ships seem to be firing their beams correctly.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
I'll try it again later today.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
What difficulty were you playing on (I've noticed changing difficulty can change things occasionally)?

I played the mission again just now.  It happened like before.  When the pirate cruisers arrived shortly after the mission started they were able to use their capital beams (green).

Again, however, when allied capital ship reinforcements came in (Copernicus, Capella, Olympus, etc.) came in, they never fired beams (those kind of ships were supposed to have blue beams I believe).  Even if I directly ordered a reinforcement capship to attack an enemy capship it would only move in and attack with anti-fighter lasers (but never blue beams). 

I even targeted allied capships and was able to target their beam turrets (so they had them at least).

So enemy beams could fire, but those of the good guys couldn't.


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
I know some of the closer warships probably have bad firing arcs and so aren't fighting, but I know I saw the far away capital ships firing.  But there's no logical reason why they wouldn't fire.  The ship's arrival and their beam-free-all both use mission time.

Hold on..... are you having any framerate issues?  Also, what exe are you using?  Are you able to take a video of what's going on in the mission?


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: "The Aftermath"
What's there seems to be running okay so I'm not sure it's framerate.

For what it's worth, the build I'm using is 3.7.1 (nightly build 11061)