Author Topic: Inferno FAQ Thread  (Read 216384 times)

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Offline Woomeister

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Originally posted by Moonsword
Can we swipe ships that have been dropped from the Inferno lineup, such as the Eheros?

You might not want that one though, the model is supposed to be a bit faulty...

3) I also notice that the bigger the ship, the longer it takes to completely explode (like most cruisers and corvettes only give off 2 seconds of little explosions and a Sathanas gives off about 25 seconds of little explosions before the big explosion. How long does a Gigas and Gargant give off little explosions before the big one?

    As a matter of interest, I blew up the Shivan Base that came with release 1 in a mission, and about 10 minutes later it was still blowing up. If a Sathanas takes 25 seconds, that thing probably woulda took 25 minutes.


Offline Woomeister

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Originally posted by High Max
1) Will the site be updated soon Woo? I click on the ship links and it doesn't take me anywhere. Are you gonna wait until everything is finalized before updating? I think in another topic thread, you said you were gonna wait until it's all finalized. Also, I don't know if you still have an Inferno Archive section.

No plans for site updates yet, they take a lot of time to do.


Offline Goober5000

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The time for a ship to explode is calculated thus:

6 + (4 * [explosion damage] / 1000) + (4 * [object radius] / 1000) seconds

This would be a good thing for the SCP to add to FRED.


Offline Kosh

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On a different note, I suppose you all won't object if I do *swipes all the Ancients stuff out of R1* this?

I personally would love to see an ancients campaign (that is good of course).
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Offline Woomeister

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Originally posted by High Max
2) How big is a Gargant shockwave:eek: Very big? [/B]

Never tried that one actually.


Offline NGTM-1R

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I imagine the destruction of the Gargant would have an effect similar to that of the station where the Icanus was constructed. Namely, if you're in the same mission area, you're dead. Regardless of whether you're flying a Perseus ADV or a destroyer.
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Offline Woomeister

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The table entry isn't probalby set up for that though :)


Offline Kie99

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Originally posted by SadisticSid
As a general rule, as long as you ask, or give credit to the original creators of anything we've used in the mod, you can use it for your own campaigns.

It may seem a stupid question but can I release the model in a zip file with my campaign files, or do I just have to say "you need the Inferno files to play this campaign"?
I remember downloading Sol:A history, on its own about 25Megabytes, then realising I had to download 136 Megs of Inferno on a 56K connection
[moves off topic into rant] Then seeing the link on the Inferno site and seeing "The main files required to play the campaign." so I thought oh I'll download about 20 Megs, I should be alright, then getting about fifty error messages when I started playing the first mission!!!!![/off-topic rant]
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Offline Woomeister

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Sol A History was an INF addon campaign, and so was designed to use the main R1 release. If you want to use only specific ships you can extract them and use them seperately.

If you planned missions based on the INF mod and wanted it to be compatable with R1 you would release any additional files and put a 'requires INF R1' on it. Since you wouldn't want to redownload the files if you already have R1.

But if your making a campaign and say wanted to use the Warlock or something you would just extract the files you need and give credit to the author/maker :)


Offline NGTM-1R

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Since the Gigas is so huge, if it blows up, it's gonna take a long time to blow up, just like the Sathanas. So you can probably jump out before it shockwaves.
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Offline Getter Robo G

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Has anyone defeated the Gigas?

Last time I tried it was 12 to 1 and Ent-D lasted 2 secs....
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Originally posted by High Max
1) If the Gargant would have such a destructive effect on anything within the mssion area, does that mean that the destruction of the Gigas would have the same effect as the destruction of the Gargant?

2) According to what I've heard, Inferno will have at least one mission in which you aid in the destruction of and witness the destruction of a Gigas, so how is the player supposed to survive the shockwave of a Gigas exploding?

3) Also, Jetmech Jr, I did what you suggested and I am using the vanilla explosions for Sol a History campaign and it makes the campaign somewhat more enjoyable to me than when I played it last year and I didn't know previously how to use vanilla explosions for Inferno campaigns. However, I had to redownload the Inf core and EA pack because I deleted them a while ago and it only works if you have those Inferno additions. One problem though, the Earth isn't there like it should be. Do I have to download the Terran pak? Is the Earth in a ships table in the Terran pak?

I think so...TBH, whenever I play Sol: A History, I just plop all the INF VP's into my 'SAH" mod folder. Do you know how to use the -mod flags?
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Offline Rico

Originally posted by High Max
But it would be cool to watch it blow up completely

Perhaps you can watch that in a cutscene after the mission? Like the destruction of Capella after the last FS2 mission :cool:


Offline NGTM-1R

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And now, for something completely different.

After much struggle with a parser that wants its beams ordered differently from the others in the table, then changed its mind and wanted them the same, I have gotten the Ancients beams working (well, the ABeamTiny anyways).

Screwily enough, I can see a beam glow, but no actual beam. The beam does fire, though, because it will do damage.

Is it supposed to be doing that, or should I go whack the parser again?
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Offline Goober5000

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You might be missing the texture for the beam itself.  In that case the beam would appear invisible.


Offline Woomeister

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Originally posted by High Max
1) If the Gargant would have such a destructive effect on anything within the mssion area, does that mean that the destruction of the Gigas would have the same effect as the destruction of the Gargant?

No, only if any Gigas debris survives the blast should you start worrying about mass area destruction :p

Originally posted by High Max
2) According to what I've heard, Inferno will have at least one mission in which you aid in the destruction of and witness the destruction of a Gigas, so how is the player supposed to survive the shockwave of a Gigas exploding?

Since it takes a while for the shockwaves to start, you should be able to clear the area, even in the Jotun.

Total destruction takes over 5 minutes IIRC.


Offline Rico

as we agreed, but how do you get to titness the actual explosion? Will you have a little cutscene movie or something?


Offline Woomeister

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Since I can only do simple cutscenes it'll be in game.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Originally posted by High Max
Nevermind, I found the problem. I read a past topic on this forum and it said that the Earth is not appearing because it's out of the drawing distance if I'm using a FSO build that doesn't belong to Phreak. I'm using FSO 3.6 and HTL. I guess that is what is causing it. I can't turn off HTL because it will make the FSO jerky by having less frames per second. Kind of wierd it makes it jerky despite the fact that I have 512MB RAM and a 128MB Radeon 9800 along with an Athlon 2600+. However I have 98 and not XP and maybe that affects it.

Um, the HTL draw distance problem has been fixed for about a year now, since the early days of HTL incorporation.  If you're using FSO 3.6, you should be seeing it no problem so the culprit is something else.  My next suspect would have been your video card, but then I got to reading there that you've got an R9800, so no problems there.  After reading your previous post, I am puzzled as to why you downloaded the individual packs, rather than the full R1 pack.  Its possible that the earth.pof wasn't included in the individual packs (though I could be wrong about that).  Either way, if you can find the earth.pof file, just plot it into your mod directory, ensure the table entry is there and references the proper pof file and it should work.

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