I was playing the JAD Trilogy and the JAD 2.2 series on the latest version of FSO (using Knossos)
and I noticed a lot of glitches and oversights that should probably be fixed.
I cataloged these following issues:
Level 2:
When the Colossus crashes into the Sathanas, it creates a bunch
of shockwaves that last a very long time, are too slow, and is very hard to
look at due to the bright light from the shockwaves.
Level 6:
A extra cutscene is supposed to trigger if the player does not escape
the supernova on the way to the Knossos, or get killed by FRED
but does not get called. Here is the cutscene:
Fly like you want to win:
The race against Delta 1 is way too rigid, and a single mistake can
make you fail the mission. There should be more room for error.
(Maybe decrease Delta 1's speed?)
Meet cute:
When the Sentinels start shooting beams at you, if they hit you
they do a CRAZY amount of damage, and can kill you in like 3 hits
regardless of difficulty! Playing this level on easier difficulty levels
does not help at all! This makes the level VERY hard and frustrating!
It should probably be dialed back in the damage department.
I had to use cheats just to beat this level! (And I play on Very Easy!)
Just on the side, I think the cutscenes for JAD3:SoaP should be in
the tech room to watch including the unused cutscene. (See above for
info on cutscene in question.)Also, the 42nd Hitchhikers squad insignia
does not show up in the insignia list, of all the insignias there is one that
seems to not be visible, instead there is a blank slot. I assume that's supposed
to be the insignia for JAD.
These are all the glitches and oversights I could find during my playthrough.
It would be nice if these could be fixed.