Author Topic: Voice recognition build  (Read 35640 times)

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Offline RandomTiger

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Re: Voice recognition build
Plug your walkman/mp3 player headphones into the mic socket. :)


Offline Nuke

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Re: Voice recognition build
id test it if i had a mic.
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Re: Voice recognition build
This is utterly awesome.

But you know what would be even cooler? If I had a mike and headset.

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Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: Voice recognition build
I'm sure it rocks, but it seems to be utterly impossible to use in any other Windows XP than one with English language settings. I'm just getting a message "Failed to create the command recognition context. -> Failed to init voce rec" ...

So, it doesn't work on my Finnish Windows even though it is XP (with SP2). It seems that I'd need a ******* American English version of Microsoft Office to make speech recognition work on this computer...  :mad: :hopping:

...What makes me even more bitter, my Opera actually DOES recognize spoken commands quite well. But this FS2 feature seems to be dependant of Windows' own(ed) feature that is nor present in all language settings. Bad. Thing. Is there any possibility to make this feature use some other method to recognize speech? Because I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to make this thing work. All the help files considering speech recognition just keep telling me to click nonexistent buttons or entries or choose a feature that is seemingly not available. Arrrrr....

I bet this is the problem with Starfox also, being Finnish like me. Oh boy, does this suck... The API mentioned earlier doesn't really help at all either, it's just a bunch of files that can't be used. Unless someone knows how they can be used, they're not any use as they are, I would neet something to actually USE them...

I really hope that you people can rig this system to use some other kind of system to recognize voice commands, I really have no intention to buy an American English (or simplified/traditional chinese or japanese) version of Microsoft Office to get this working. Otherwise it would be a very nice feature, if it worked for all.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 11:57:43 am by Herra Tohtori »
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Offline knn

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Re: Voice recognition build
Operating System Support and Requirements

Supported Operating Systems

    * Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Home Edition; all language versions.

I don't know what Opera uses, it installs voice libraries when you activate voice recognition, so it's probably not M$.
You could try installing the voice SDK itself instead of the redist (redistributable, the file you installed, with msm in the name), though that doesn't make much sense, but, with M$, who knows. Shoot also requires that you download the SDK, not the redist, so maybe they know something. If it still doesn't work, try Shoot (be sure you have .NET installed for that)
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Offline MetalDestroyer

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Re: Voice recognition build
I've tested it too and no result. I've no error message. u have the SAPI SDK 5.1, a headset microphone. I trained the software with my mouth. And when using the -voicer flag, and say into the mic "Alpha two destroy my target" or "Beta cover me" there are nothing done.

I use the latest CVS build.


Offline knn

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Re: Voice recognition build
Is this in the CVS? RT said he had problems connecting to cvs. Try the file in the first post
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Offline karajorma

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Re: Voice recognition build
@metal : Did you train the thing to respond to your voice using the Speech panel?
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: Voice recognition build
Okay, I managed to make it work, and it really whips the llama's ass, as they say... The SDK installation solved the problem. Thanks to knn.

It's actually quite good, only thing is that you have to divide the command into two parts: Alpha wing *break* Destroy my target. During the break it opens the comm window, and if it doesn't open that, the latter part of the command does nothing. But it's still cool, and managing different tasks to different wings is quite a bit faster and more accurate.

I just might try the Shoot with IL-2 FB...
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Offline knn

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Re: Voice recognition build
That could be solved by making a new command 'Alpha wing destroy my target' instead of 'Alpha wing' and 'destroy my target'. That would also mean you would have to add every other command plus every other wing name... lots of commands. Here's where having a built in engine comes in handy: instead of checking for simple matches, it could record the entire sentence, then check the first word, if it matches a wing name, continue and try to recognize the command. Wing could be optional, so 'Alpha, destroy my target!' would work as well. Since I don't know a thing about MS SAPI programing, I don't know how difficult this is to implement, but if it's possible, it would give voice enabled FS2 a huge advantage over FS2 and GameCommander/Shoot
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Offline MetalDestroyer

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Re: Voice recognition build
@metal : Did you train the thing to respond to your voice using the Speech panel?

Yep sir ! I train the  thing ^^. I will try to give a break between Alpha Wing and Destroy my target.


Offline FireCrack

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Re: Voice recognition build
You only have to say

"alpha, destroy my target"
actualy, mabye not.
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Re: Voice recognition build
Hey RandomTiger

I just found this build and I have to say this is the coolest new feature I've seen in awhile!  :yes:  It makes really heated battles so much easier to manage.  I'm wondering how tough it would be to add even more commands.  Any chance of putting in things like shield managment, targeting, match speed, etc?  I know there's the shoot! option, but this seems so much more elegant. 


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: Voice recognition build
Got a problem.  I'm running XP Professional, and I've got no Voice recognition option.  When I select "speech" in the "control panel", my only options are Text-to-speech.  It seems that I need Office XP in order to get it.  So much for that idea.
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Offline karajorma

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Re: Voice recognition build
Installing the speech SDK should work.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: Voice recognition build
Installing the speech SDK should work.
Do you mean THIS or THIS?  'Cause I already downloaded and installed the first of those, and all it had was some compressed files.

OK, I assumed that being the larger file, the first one would have everything the second one did.  Installing the second option has solved my problem.  Now all I have to do is find a patch cable for my mic.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 08:17:20 am by Trivial Psychic »
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline Kaine

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Re: Voice recognition build
tested this and its now my favourite build <3 but for some reason thruster trails don't seem to work with it. will try a few other things... (more <3)


Offline Kaine

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Re: Voice recognition build
double post i know, but i really don't want to see this feature buried. any chance of an 02/28 or 03/01 build with -voicer functionality?


Offline CaptJosh

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Re: Voice recognition build
Um, all recent builds have this. I haven't downloaded the 03/01/06 build, but the 02/28/06 build has it. The checkbox is in the experimental category of the features section.

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Offline Kaine

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Re: Voice recognition build
gives me an "unable to load resource" error and then "unable to init voice rec" error on start (then runs fine) though. i will investigate.

works fine with original voicer build, but not with 02/28 or 03/01, go figure. anyone else experienced this?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2006, 04:24:17 am by Kaine »