Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > FreeSpace Conversion

Welcome to the FS>FS2 Port Forum!

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This is the official forum of the FS>FS2 Port. Delivering the heart-rending missions and storyline of the original FS to the whoop-ass-grocery engine of FS2, GalacticEmperor's project is a dream come true to many long-time FSers. :)

Check it out, and enjoy... the FreeSpace Port.

Very interesting project... :nod:

Indeed. :)

Actually, a surprising amount of progress has been made, and not announced to the general community... you guys really should get a wriggle on and check out the site. ;)

I'll check it now :nod:


--- Quote ---Originally posted by Setekh
Indeed. :)

Actually, a surprising amount of progress has been made, and not announced to the general community... you guys really should get a wriggle on and check out the site. ;)
--- End quote ---

What's the best way to announce? I have headlines on my front page. I guess the best way.... is to announce it in my own forum!


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