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--- Quote from: Swantz on May 25, 2012, 06:05:05 pm ---I was on Hughesnet jr2, but I'm back home now.

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Solution for HughesNet:  Hotspot Shield (paid Elite version is faster with no ads, currently @ $29.95 a year, use code TechBargains20 to get a 20% discount off of that).

What happens: you get one of the most popular VPN services... and... well, just take a look at your HughesNet download allowance after downloading/uploading something.  Gosh darn, whoops, that's a crying shame.  :rolleyes:

My guess is HSS/HSS Elite is accidentally using some port that HughesNet is set to 'ignore' traffic on, perhaps for their corporate customers (the Front Desks at all of the Super 8s in my area use HN for whatever stupid reason.. it's slow, but it's steady and absolutely unlimited).

Anywho, if you're ever in a pinch, I'd use HSS, and if you're in a pinch with HN a lot, I'd fork over money for Elite (like I did, as I have to use it at home)

[grumble]FYI, HughesNet FAP caps are:

USD per month:$40$80$110Biz:$60$80$110$200$350MB U&D allotted within any 24-hour timespan:250MB350MB450MBBiz:250MB350MB450MB850MB850MBSpeed (Down/Up):1Mb/200Kb1.5Mb/250Kb2.0Mb/300KbBiz:1Mb/200Kb1.5Mb/250Kb2Mb/300Kb3Mb/512Kb5Mb/1024Kb
Any amount uploaded/downloaded past your "FAP" or Fair Access Policy gets you landed in a 24-hour dial-up speed mode.  This is to ensure "Fair, fast speeds for all users" and blah blah blah.. unless you have $10, in which case they will reset your allowance.  Ooh, I get it, it's more fair if you have more money?  Anyways, there are some encouraging signs, you can "bank" a day's worth of download allowance (so if you don't use the Internet you get 200% of your download allowance until you use it), you do get two free "reset tokens" (which otherwise cost $10) per month, and there has always been a window from around 2AM-7AM where your download/upload activity does not count against you. EDIT: Oh, and the Up & Down speeds are "max", you never get anywhere near that, ever, except, I've heard, during your first month of service, which is the period where you can get out of your two-year contract with them without paying an early termination fee.[/grumble]


--- Quote from: Aurora Paradox on May 25, 2012, 11:20:40 pm ---
--- Quote from: rscaper1070 on May 25, 2012, 10:33:11 pm ---This has to do with a missing Visual C++ Redistributable package but I can't remember which one. In the original install guide at starshattermods I had a link that The E provided that fixed this issue. As soon as we figure it out I'll update the OP.

For right now here's the MS Answers Page.

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I download and installed Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Packager for (x64), Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package for (x64), and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64).  I also downloaded and installed the security updates that were available for them.

Unfortunately, this did not resolve the issue.  I'm still receiving the same error message as before. 

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Now that you have the C++ package installed try deleting the mvscr1000.dll or whatever it is from your starshatter directory. From what I have read the current error you are getting come from mismatching 32 and 64 bit programs. This is just a shot in the dark, but give it a try and see what happens. If you go back to getting the original error then some have solved this by copying the .dll into their system32 directory. By advised though that microsoft support does not think this is a good idea, but apparently it does work for some folks. I would at least try deleting the file from your starshatter directory and see what that does.

I have a different problem.
The new exe supplied above does not launch correctly. Without so much as a black screen, "Starshatter has encountered a problem and needs to close. The game runs fine with the original exe and dll. I found the attached log, but I don't know what the error indicates. It might have something to do with having a 32 bit system, but eh.

[attachment deleted by a ninja]


--- Quote from: DireWolf on May 26, 2012, 10:47:47 am ---I have a different problem.
The new exe supplied above does not launch correctly. Without so much as a black screen, "Starshatter has encountered a problem and needs to close. The game runs fine with the original exe and dll. I found the attached log, but I don't know what the error indicates. It might have something to do with having a 32 bit system, but eh.

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You could try putting the game in C:\Games but otherwise I don't know. If you have to use the original exe be sure and change the compatibility mode to Windows XP SP2 and turn off desktop composition.

--- Quote from: starlord on May 26, 2012, 02:55:03 am ---rscaper, out of curiosity, are also the modfiles like the solcom and guardian mods preserved or still accessible?

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I have quite a few and I'm sure braddw25 has even more. It's just a matter of uploading them all.



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