Community Projects > The FreeSpace Port Upgrade
Post Processing Bug with MediaVPS
Soul Reaver:
I recently reinstalled FSPort and FSPort MediaVPS using the Knossos installer.
When I tried the game, I noticed the primary weapon shots looked really bad:
Turns out this happens when I add the -post_process flag in the FSOpen options. Removing it makes the shots look normal (but of course also removes the post processing affects from the graphics, like bloom)
The same thing happens on two different machines with totally different specs.
Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Which built are you using? Most recent one?
The E:
This looks to me as if the bits in the effect texture that are supposed to be fully transparent aren't. Does this happen for this specific weapon or all weapons?
If it's only this weapon, it might be worthwhile to look at the textures for that effect and make sure that they're set up correctly.
Soul Reaver:
--- Quote from: Nightmare on October 02, 2019, 04:43:32 am ---Which built are you using? Most recent one?
--- End quote ---
Whichever one gets installed via Knossos. It lists the FSPort MediaVPS version as 3.7.2, and FSPort as 1.0.0.
--- Quote from: The E on October 02, 2019, 05:56:05 am ---This looks to me as if the bits in the effect texture that are supposed to be fully transparent aren't. Does this happen for this specific weapon or all weapons?
If it's only this weapon, it might be worthwhile to look at the textures for that effect and make sure that they're set up correctly.
--- End quote ---
It happens with both the ML-16 and the Disruptor, as you can see in the screenshot. Not sure about others.
Could you try switching to the most recent built? Outdated builts often have bugs that have been fixed in the meantime.
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