Archived Boards > Neo Terra Victorious

Need a new fred2 worker? or voice?

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Ive always enjoyed the NTF point of view better then the GTVA's thats why I like your Mod.
If your looking id like to help out with your project by mapping or lending my voice;7
Please leave a post with information.

Well, send me a sample mission, and I'll consider you :)

We aren't doing voices (at least at this point), though

but we WILL need him eventually won't we Alikchi?  (for voices i mean)

I don't want to aim that high at the moment. Voices would be pretty hard to get for a not-well-known campaign like NTV (look at the trouble BWO's been having!) but if we do find it feasible after the campaign has been released then we could coordinate something like that. :)

By the way, RF, I've been kind of busy, but I'll test your mission ASAIFLI.

(plus, it's my birthday!)

your birthday?  COOL :)

EDIT:  Mine's tomorrow :cool:


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