Author Topic: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging  (Read 111642 times)

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Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Tell your friends: Tomorrow is meme stream day!
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Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Next week is Aftermath Reboot 2! Would love a really good splash for it if CT27 or Herkie can provide!
Ill Fated Gaming YouTube

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Aaaaaand copyright strike. 
"Courage is the complement of fear.  A fearless man cannot be courageous.  He is also a fool." -- Robert Heinlein


Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Not a strike, but basically won't play in any country unless I trim out the 26 seconds of Evangelion music, LOL. Stand by while I see if I can trim only the song and not the sound.
Ill Fated Gaming YouTube

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Offline Strygon

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Not surprised, the content bot is particularly aggressive for Eva tracks. Ran right into that one time when I uploaded an End of Evangelion ****post and got the entire thing claimed and regionlocked globally in the span of a couple seconds after uploading.
Makes missions sometimes.
Finished Projects: Operation: Cloak and Dagger

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[23:22] strypolygon: andrew
[23:22] strypolygon: i have one favor to ask of you
[23:22] strypolygon: never try speaking german again
[23:23] Andrewofdoom: No.

[18:50] 島風改八百三: the duck has multipli
[18:50] 島風改八百三: many duck
[18:50] 島風改八百三: left side
[18:50] 島風改八百三: even side
[18:50] 島風改八百三: handle it

[21:34] MP-Ryan: Why on earth would you Google this
[21:34] The_E: why would you not

[06:46] Strigon: how big is a mini-campaign again?
[06:46] Asteroth: smaller than a campaign
[06:47 ]Strigon: thanks

[05:56] Strigon: If I had to take a shot for each time I randomly decided to change the UI sounds, I'd have died of alcohol poisoning by now

[17:36] qazwsxal: time to have some fun
[17:41] z64555: VC++5 is not my idea of fun

[EatThePath] do your missiles do anything absurd?
[Strigon] describe absurd
[Strigon] the entire mod is absurd


Offline CT27

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging

In the past I said I'd send you a kind of mini-guide on TBG with some hints about it since it's not as straightforward as AFR.  I'll get that wrote up and sent to you on Wednesday.  It won't be for every mission, but just some general advice that a first time player might not know (I'll try to minimize spoilers about the story, but I'd rather spoil a tiny bit rather than you running into something some people might feel like an ambush).


Offline NickM

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
looking forward to it! I'm sure it will be a gas.


Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
We have successfully survived the copyright bot! Apparently the (beta) mute music only for the 26 second offending Evangelion song worked, since we're relisted.

« Last Edit: January 23, 2023, 04:00:51 am by redmagejoe »
Ill Fated Gaming YouTube

Available for Voice Acting work!
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Offline ShivanSpS

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Keep in mind this for when you do JAD2.2X, because it is much, much worse.


Offline herkie423

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Next week is Aftermath Reboot 2! Would love a really good splash for it if CT27 or Herkie can provide!

Here is the image for the TBG splash screen. It's 16:9 format, 1600x901

Here is the download link:

Also for context before entering TBG, watch this video first. It's the AFR post-credit scene.


Offline herkie423

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Some pointers before playing AFR 2: TBG---

1. Don't use 3D shockwaves. You can set this on your Knossos Launcher. It is because I used shockwave effects for special warp-ins. It will be ugly to see 3D shockwaves when special ships warping in (not jumping in  :))

2. If possible, use TTS because there are a lot of in-game dialogues this time as this is a character-driven story unlike AFR which is a player-driven campaign. You can set this in your Knossos Launcher (just the "in-game" option checked)

3. You might encounter "tiny" HUD problem here as you did with AFR. If you have this problem, apply the same fix you did with AFR.

4. Read the description of the campaign so that you'll have some idea of what TBG gameplay will look like, link below:
« Last Edit: January 24, 2023, 12:07:19 am by herkie423 »


Offline herkie423

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
I also forgot.... bind these keys as shown in the link below:


Offline herkie423

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Oh, I'll say this once again...

If AFR deviated from the canon, traditions and feel of the Freespace universe, AFR 2:TBG breaks them entirely. Here are some of the reasons why and sure enough I was "crucified" by many of the HLP community.  :lol: But no harm done, I always accept criticism

Capital ships, from destroyers to cruisers and transports are fast, very fast. They all have a maximum speed of 100ms and for special ships, 300ms. This is faster than your fighters. I purposely did this to make ships travel great distances in less possible time.

Your enemies here matches your hardware. The same shields, the same armor, and the same level of weapons. Many complained about this so I made many adjustments. Now, it's playable.

I used Fury AI in TBG and most didn't know that AFR does use Fury AI too (derived from Blue Planet War in Heaven). But... the Fury AI of TBG is modified by me. The first released version of TBG back in 2020 was hell to players even on "very easy mode." So I toned down certain aspects. Also I modified/added some of the parameters in my Fury AI to enable opposing corvettes and cruisers to properly "dogfight" as they almost behave like fighters. They no longer attempt to broadside (most of the time).
« Last Edit: January 24, 2023, 12:56:09 am by herkie423 »


Offline CT27

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
RMJ:  I received a suggestion from Herkie on FB he wanted me to give you in regards to the one file that there is an update for for TBG:

The "current" missions file for TBG (the one presently on Knossos) should be moved to your desktop temporarily (Herkie said to move it and not copy it...I don't understand everything about it myself but this was his suggestion) for the duration of the TBG playthrough.  That way, if the new file you download and move into its place doesn't work with Knossos for some reason, you can move the previous version back in (Herkie isn't 100% sure either way about this, but he thinks there's a possibility a file that was moved in to the folder from outside of Knossos...that Knossos may not like that).  This may be an issue or it may be no big deal at all...Herkie wanted me to just say this to you just in case.

P.S.:  To make sure you get this RMJ, I also PMed this to you.

P.S.S.:  If anyone else is wondering, we are having issues with Knossos and can't upload the one file that has an update ourselves (therefore the suggestion to RMJ to manually download the file and switch it out of the folder manually).  Someone had said they would help us with one more update but it looks like that person is busy and won't be able to make it in time.


Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
I updated them yesterday
Cutscene Upgrade Project - Mainhall Remakes - Between the Ashes
Youtube Channel - P3D Model Box
Between the Ashes is looking for committed testers, PM me for details.
Freespace Upgrade Project See what's happening.


Offline herkie423

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
I updated them yesterday

Oh. Yes!!!  :) :) :) Thanks a million.  :yes:


Offline CT27

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
This is very much appreciated MJN, thank you.


Offline herkie423

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging

Please take note that TBG is very different from AFR and the rest of the FS2 mods and Freespace itself. CT27 will provide some hints.

I am very excited about the upcoming stream and I want to join in the Team Speak. But I am only using my mobile, my PC is isolated from the net. Will it be possible for me to use mobile?


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
I managed from a tent in north wales so you should be OK.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
So I found a way to cheese the copyright system. My Live Chat Replay disappeared because of the "mute song" version of the video being an "edit" rather than the original. So it allowed me to revert to original, and this time only American Samoa, Russia, and Niue are blocked from viewing the Just Another Day stream. And I got my Live Chat back. I wonder how far I can take this cheesing...
Ill Fated Gaming YouTube

Available for Voice Acting work!
Email me: [email protected]
Steam me: redmagejoe