Author Topic: Unequippable Weapons in FRED?  (Read 1877 times)

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Unequippable Weapons in FRED?
As nearly as I can tell, I renamed my mod folder, and now a bunch of the weapons in my .tbm no longer equip correctly.

When I launch FRED, all initially seems well: I get the default player ship. Thanks to a bit of modding, it's substantially bigger & better than the usual Ulysses:

This particular corvette has primary and secondary firepoints in its .pof, and the appropriate weapons in its ships.tbm file. However, all three of its gun banks, and two of its three missile banks, are empty by default. The appropriate weapons do not appear in the drop-down lists:

Surely it must be a weapons.tbm problem? I'm not quite so sure."Treb LRM" works fine, so this leads me to believe it's not a file issue.

...Also, for some bizarre reason, FRED is properly recognizing that these missing weapons exist. Here you can see "Hellstar", "Ice Queen", and "Aurora Wake" in the team loadout editor, which are the three missing primaries:

...And here are the missing secondaries, "Eos SSM" and "Supernova#MG". Along with the mysteriously working "Treb LRM":

Here is the wep.tbm file:
Code: [Select]
#Primary Weapons

$Name: Hellstar
$Model File: none
@Laser Bitmap: Archer_Bitmap
@Laser Glow: Kayser_Glow
@Laser Color: 20, 20, 220
@Laser Color2: 20, 20, 150
@Laser Length: 40.0
@Laser Head Radius: 12.0
@Laser Tail Radius: 12.0
$Mass: 0.1
$Velocity: 1200.0
$Fire Wait: 0.6
$Damage: 175
$Damage Type: NormalWeapon
$Detonation Range: 4780
$Armor Factor: 1.3
$Shield Factor: 1.0
$Subsystem Factor: 0.3
$Lifetime: 4.0
$Energy Consumed: 2.0
$Cargo Size: 0.0
$Homing: NO
$LaunchSnd: TerPulsePew
$ImpactSnd: 88
+Weapon Range: 2400
$Flags: ( "big ship" "particle spew" "cycle" "player allowed" )
+Start Width: 12.0
+End Width: 12.0
+Start Alpha: 1.0
+End Alpha: 0.0
+Max Life: 0.4
+Bitmap: archer_trail
$Impact Explosion: HFlakExp
$Impact Explosion Radius: 24.0
$Piercing Impact Explosion: exp06
$Piercing Impact Radius: 12.0
$Piercing Impact Velocity: 10
$Piercing Impact Splash Velocity: -2.5
$Piercing Impact Variance: 0.01
$Piercing Impact Particles: 5
$Muzzleflash: terpulse
+Count: 3
+Time: 28
+Vel: -0.03
+Radius: 5.0
+Life: 0.2
+Scale: 1
+Bitmap: Kayser_Particle

$Name: Ice Queen
$Model File: none
@Laser Bitmap: laserglow01
@Laser Color: 88, 176, 249
@Laser Length: 0.0
@Laser Head Radius: 0.3
@Laser Tail Radius: 0.3
$Mass: 100.0
$Velocity: 1800.0
$Fire Wait: 8.0
$Damage: 1500
$Damage Type: HugeBeam
$Armor Factor: 1.0
$Shield Factor: 1.0
$Subsystem Factor: 1.0
$Lifetime: 25.0
$Energy Consumed: 150
$Cargo Size: 0.0
$Homing: NO
$LaunchSnd: TEI_Shot
$ImpactSnd: 88
+Weapon Range: 12500
$Flags: ( "Big Ship" "huge" "beam" "same turret cooldown" "player allowed" )
$Impact Explosion: exp04
$Impact Explosion Radius: 32.5
+Type: 0
+Life: 4.0
+Warmup: 1500
+Warmdown: 200
+Radius: 55.0
+PCount: 30
+PRadius: 3.0
+PAngle: 360.0
+PAni: particle_Blue
+BeamSound: TEI_BBlue
+WarmupSound: beam_up2
+WarmdownSound: beam_down
+Muzzleglow: BlueBeamGlow2
+Shots: 0
+ShrinkFactor: 0.0
+ShrinkPct: 0.0
+Range: 15000
+Attenuation: 12000
+BeamWidth: 50.0
+Beam Flash Effect: capflash
+Beam Flash Radius: 25.0
+Beam Piercing Effect: exp06
+Beam Piercing Radius: 25.0
+Beam Piercing Effect Velocity: 200
+Beam Piercing Splash Effect Velocity: -20
+Beam Piercing Effect Variance: 0.01
+Width: 40.0
+Texture: taiicorebeam
+RGBA Inner: 160 160 0 255
+RGBA Outer: 60 60 0 10
+Flicker: 0.07
+Zadd: 7
+Tile Factor: 160, 1
+Translation: -0.2
+Width: 35.0
+Texture: BBlueHaze2
+RGBA Inner: 160 160 0 255
+RGBA Outer: 60 60 0 10
+Flicker: 0.15
+Zadd: 3
+Tile Factor: 70, 1
+Translation: -0.7
+Width: 55.0
+Texture: BlueLightning
+RGBA Inner: 160 160 0 255
+RGBA Outer: 60 60 0 10
+Flicker: 0
+Zadd: 5
+Tile Factor: 55, 1
+Translation: -0.15
+Width: 65.0
+Texture: taiiglowbeam
+RGBA Inner: 255 255 255 255
+RGBA Outer: 150 150 150 10
+Flicker: 0.35
+Zadd: 1

$Name: Aurora Wake
$Model File: none
@Laser Bitmap: laserglow01
@Laser Color: 88, 176, 249
@Laser Length: 0.0
@Laser Head Radius: 0.3
@Laser Tail Radius: 0.3
$Mass: 100.0
$Velocity: 1800.0
$Fire Wait: 4.0
$Damage: 900
$Damage Type: HugeBeam
$Armor Factor: 1.0
$Shield Factor: 1.0
$Subsystem Factor: 0.0
$Lifetime: 25.0
$Energy Consumed: 60
$Cargo Size: 0.0
$Homing: NO
$LaunchSnd: TEI_Shot
$ImpactSnd: 88
+Weapon Range: 3000
$Flags: ( "Big Ship" "huge" "beam" "same turret cooldown" "player allowed" )
$Impact Explosion: exp04
$Impact Explosion Radius: 25
+Type: 0
+Life: 3.5
+Warmup: 500
+Warmdown: 500
+Radius: 44.0
+PCount: 25
+PRadius: 2.8
+PAngle: 360.0
+PAni: particle_blue
+Miss Factor: 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0
+BeamSound: TEI_TerSlashBlue
+WarmdownSound: beam_down
+Muzzleglow: BlueBeamGlow2
+Shots: 0
+ShrinkFactor: 0.0
+ShrinkPct: 0.0
+Range: 4500
+Attenuation: 8000
+BeamWidth: 30.0
+Beam Flash Effect: capflash
+Beam Flash Radius: 15.0
+Beam Piercing Effect: exp06
+Beam Piercing Radius: 15.0
+Beam Piercing Effect Velocity: 200
+Beam Piercing Splash Effect Velocity: -20
+Beam Piercing Effect Variance: 0.01
+Width: 9
+Texture: BlueBeam3Core
+RGBA Inner: 255 255 255 255
+RGBA Outer: 150 150 150 10
+Flicker: 0.0
+Zadd: 8
+Tile Factor: 12, 1
+Translation: -18
+Width: 14
+Texture: BlueBeam4Core
+RGBA Inner: 160 160 0 255
+RGBA Outer: 60 60 0 10
+Flicker: 0.05
+Zadd: 6
+Tile Factor: 12, 1
+Translation: -13
+Width: 18.0
+Texture: BlueBeam2CoreHaze
+RGBA Inner: 255 255 255 255
+RGBA Outer: 150 150 150 10
+Flicker: 0.2
+Zadd: 4
+Tile Factor: 12, 1
+Translation: -7
+Width: 30.0
+Texture: SBlueHaze2
+RGBA Inner: 255 0 0 255
+RGBA Outer: 60 0 0 10
+Flicker: 0.1
+Zadd: 2
+Tile Factor: 12, 1
+Translation: -3
+Width: 50.0
+Texture: BlueFade
+RGBA Inner: 255 255 255 255
+RGBA Outer: 150 150 150 10
+Flicker: 0.35
+Zadd: 1

$Name: MGFlare
$Model File: none
@Laser Bitmap: invisible
@Laser Glow: invisible
@Laser Color: 255, 66, 0
@Laser Color2: 185, 55, 5
@Laser Length: 11.0
@Laser Head Radius: 11.0
@Laser Tail Radius: 11.0
$Mass: 0.1
$Velocity: 2.0
$Fire Wait: 20
$Damage: 0
$Detonation Range: 1
$Armor Factor: 1.0
$Shield Factor: 1.0
$Subsystem Factor: 1.0
$Lifetime: 10.5
$Energy Consumed: 0.1
$Cargo Size: 0.05
$Homing: NO
$LaunchSnd: 118
$ImpactSnd: -1
;$Rearm Rate: 300.0
+Weapon Range: 2000
$Flags: ( "countermeasure" "pulls aspect seekers" "spawn MGFlare#Child, 30")
$Muzzleflash: standardflak
$Spawn Angle: 60
+Heat Effectiveness: 5
+Aspect Effectiveness: 5
+Effective Radius: 300

$Name: MGFlare#Child
$Model File: none
@Laser Bitmap: railgun
@Laser Glow: maxim_glow
@Laser Color: 55, 150, 250
@Laser Color2: 55, 120, 210
@Laser Length: 20.0
@Laser Head Radius: 20.0
@Laser Tail Radius: 20.0
$Mass: 0.1
$Velocity: 100.0
$Fire Wait: 20
$Damage: 0
$Detonation Range: 3730
$Armor Factor: 1.0
$Shield Factor: 1.0
$Subsystem Factor: 1.0
$Lifetime: 50
$Energy Consumed: 0.1
$Cargo Size: 0.05
$Homing: NO
$LaunchSnd: 118
$ImpactSnd: -1
;$Rearm Rate: 300.0
+Weapon Range: 3750
$Flags: ( "countermeasure" "pulls aspect seekers" "child" "turret interceptable")
+Start Width: 11.20
+End Width: 20.10
+Start Alpha: 1
+End Alpha: 0
+Max Life: 4
+Bitmap: MissileTrail101
$Impact Explosion: ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius: 8.2
$Muzzleflash: standardflak
+Heat Effectiveness: 10
+Aspect Effectiveness: 10
+Effective Radius: 5000
+Missile Detonation Radius: 500


#Secondary Weapons

$Name: Treb LRM
$Model File: trebuchet.pof
$Mass: 20.0
$Velocity: 280.0
$Fire Wait: 1
$Damage: 350
$Blast Force: 160.0
$Inner Radius: 20.0
$Outer Radius: 40.0
$Shockwave Speed: 0
$Armor Factor: 0.9
$Shield Factor: 0.5
$Subsystem Factor: 2.4
$Lifetime: 30.0
$Energy Consumed: 0.0
$Cargo Size: 8
$Homing: YES
+Turn Time: 3.0
+Min Lock Time: 1
+Lock Pixels/Sec: 30
+Catch-up Pixels/Sec: 120
+Catch-up Penalty: 15
$LaunchSnd: 92
$ImpactSnd: 88
$FlyBySnd: -1
$Rearm Rate: 0.33
$Flags: ( "player allowed" "Bomber+" "huge")
+Start Width: 0.25
+End Width: 0.7
+Start Alpha: 1.0
+End Alpha: 0.0
+Max Life: 0.3
+Bitmap: newmiss1
$Impact Explosion: ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius: 15.0

$Name: Eos SSM
$Model File: MissileM.pof
$POF target LOD: 0
$Mass: 30.0
$Velocity: 170.0
$Fire Wait: 20
$Damage: 2000
$Damage Type: HugeWeapon
$Detonation Radius: 100
$Blast Force: 1000.0
$Inner Radius: 150.0
$Outer Radius: 300.0
$Shockwave Speed: 60
$Shockwave name:        shockwave01
$Armor Factor: 1.0
$Shield Factor: 0.1
$Subsystem Factor: 0.5
$Lifetime: 42.0
$Energy Consumed: 0.0
$Cargo Size: 10
$Homing: YES
+Turn Time: 0.1
+View Cone: 360.0
+Min Lock Time: 5
+Lock Pixels/Sec: 10
+Catch-up Pixels/Sec: 10
+Catch-up Penalty: 10
$Free Flight Time: 1
$LaunchSnd: 97
$ImpactSnd: 101
$FlyBySnd: -1
$Rearm Rate: 1.0
+Weapon Range: 5950
$Flags: ( "Huge" "bomb" "Big Ship" "same turret cooldown" "no lifeleft penalty" "particle spew" "cycle" "player allowed" "local ssm" "No Dumbfire" )
+Start Width: .875                                     
+End Width: 10.5                                       
+Start Alpha: 1.0
+End Alpha: 0.0
+Max Life: 5.0
+Bitmap: MissileTrail107
$Impact Explosion: ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius: 28.64
$Piercing Impact Explosion: exp04
$Piercing Impact Radius: 14.32
$Piercing Impact Velocity: 25
$Piercing Impact Splash Velocity: -25
$Piercing Impact Variance: 20000
$Piercing Impact Particles: 10
$Muzzleflash: gausscannon_sanctus
+Num Fired: 1
+Radius: 5
+Fire Delay: 500
+Counter rotate: 1
+Twist: 3
$Local SSM:
+Warpout Delay: 3000
+Warpin Delay: 500
+Stage 5 Velocity: 600
+Warpin Radius: 1500
+Lock Range: 12500
+Count: 1
+Time: 1
+Vel: 0.0
+Radius: 0.7
+Life: 0.1
+Scale: 0.0
+Bitmap: missilespew03_0004
$FOF: 20
$Burst Shots: 6
$Burst Delay: 500
$Thruster Flame Effect: missilethruster03
$Thruster Glow Effect: missileglow03
$Thruster Glow Radius Factor: 2.0

$Name: Supernova#MG
$Model File: MissileL.pof
$POF target LOD: 0
$Mass: 40
$Velocity: 150.0
$Fire Wait: 10
$Damage: 5000
$Damage Type: HugeWeapon
$Blast Force: 2000.0
$Inner Radius: 200.0
$Outer Radius: 400.0
$Shockwave Speed: 80
$Shockwave name:        shockwave01
$Armor Factor: 1.0
$Shield Factor: 0.1
$Subsystem Factor: 0.5
$Lifetime: 60.0
$Energy Consumed: 0.0
$Cargo Size: 25.0
$Homing: YES
+Turn Time: 2.0
+View Cone: 360.0
+Min Lock Time: 7.0
+Lock Pixels/Sec: 50
+Catch-up Pixels/Sec: 120
+Catch-up Penalty: 20
$Free Flight Time: 1
$LaunchSnd: 96
$ImpactSnd: 101
$FlyBySnd: -1
$Rearm Rate: 0.05
+Weapon Range: 5000
$Flags: ( "Bomb" "Huge" "Big Ship" "same turret cooldown" "no lifeleft penalty" "particle spew" "player allowed" "No Dumbfire" )
+Start Width: 1                                     
+End Width: 10.5                                       
+Start Alpha: 1.0
+End Alpha: 0.0
+Max Life: 7.0
+Bitmap: MissileTrail107
$Impact Explosion: ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius: 40.92
$Piercing Impact Explosion: exp04
$Piercing Impact Radius: 40.92
$Piercing Impact Velocity: 25
$Piercing Impact Splash Velocity: -25
$Piercing Impact Variance: 20000
$Piercing Impact Particles: 10
$Muzzleflash: gausscannon_karuna
+Count: 1
+Time: 1
+Vel: 0.0
+Radius: 0.7
+Life: 0.1
+Scale: 0.0
+Bitmap: missilespew03_0004
$Thruster Flame Effect: missilethruster03
$Thruster Glow Effect: missileglow03
$Thruster Glow Radius Factor: 2.2


And the shp.tbm file:

Code: [Select]
#Default Player Ship
$Name:                       GTCv Bellerophon#Player


#Engine Wash Info

$Name:                       Default
$Angle:                      10.0
$Radius Mult:                1.2
$Length:                     400
$Intensity:                  1.0


#Ship Classes

$Name: GTCv Bellerophon#Player
$Short name: TCov3cP
$Species: GTVA-TEI
$POF file: corvette3t-03-p.pof
$Detail distance: (0, 4500)
$Density: 1
$Damp: 0.2
$Rotdamp: 0.6
$Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 30.0
$Rotation time: 30.0, 30.0, 30.0
$Rear Velocity: 0.0
$Forward accel: 15
$Forward decel: 10
$Slide accel: 0.0
$Slide decel: 0.0
$Glide: Yes
+Dynamic Glide Cap: true
$Autoaim FOV: 10
+Converging Autoaim
$Warpin Speed: 120
$Warpout Speed: 120
$Expl inner rad: 75.0
$Expl outer rad: 750.0
$Expl damage: 500.0
$Expl blast: 1300.0
$Expl Propagates: YES
$Shockwave Speed: 190.0
$Shockwave Count: 3

$Allowed PBanks: ( "Ice Queen") ("Aurora Wake") ("Hellstar" )
$Allowed Dogfight PBanks: ( "Ice Queen") ("Aurora Wake") ("Hellstar" )
$Default PBanks: ( "Ice Queen" "Aurora Wake" "Hellstar" )
$Allowed SBanks: ( "Supernova#MG") ("Eos SSM") ("Treb LRM")
$Allowed Dogfight SBanks: ( "Supernova#MG") ("Eos SSM") ("Treb LRM")
$Default SBanks: ( "Supernova#MG" "Eos SSM" "Treb LRM" )
$SBank Capacity: ( 800, 800, 800)

$Shields: 0
$Power Output: 1.0
$Weapon Regeneration Rate: 0.005
$Max Oclk Speed: 50.0
$Max Weapon Eng: 1600.0
$Hitpoints: 45000
$Subsystem Repair Rate: 0.02
$Armor Type: Heavy Armor 100
$Flags: ( "fighter" "big damage" "player_ship" "show ship" "no primary linking")
$AI Class: Captain
$Countermeasure Type: MGFlare
$Countermeasures: 10
$Scan time: 2000
$EngineSnd: 128
$Closeup_pos: 0.0, -25, -1050
$Closeup_zoom: 0.5
$Score: 40
$Subsystem: engines, 15, 0
$Engine Wash: Default300
$Subsystem: navigation, 7.5, 0
$Subsystem: communications, 5, 0
$Subsystem: sensors, 7.5, 0
$Subsystem: weapons, 7.5, 0
$Subsystem: turret04, 3.4, 3.0
$Alt Subsystem Name: Light Pulse
$Default PBanks: ( "STerPulse" )
$Turret Base RotationSnd: 254
$Turret Gun RotationSnd: 255
$Turret BaseSnd Volume: 1.0
$Turret GunSnd Volume: 1.0
$Turret Reset Delay: 15000
$Flags: ( "check hull" "reset when idle" "carry no damage" "carry shockwave" "fire on target" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$animation: triggered
$type: initial
+relative_angle: 90, 0, 0
$Subsystem: turret05, 3.4, 3.0
$Alt Subsystem Name: Light Pulse
$Default PBanks: ( "STerPulse" )
$Turret Base RotationSnd: 254
$Turret Gun RotationSnd: 255
$Turret BaseSnd Volume: 1.0
$Turret GunSnd Volume: 1.0
$Turret Reset Delay: 15000
$Flags: ( "check hull" "reset when idle" "carry no damage" "carry shockwave" "fire on target" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$animation: triggered
$type: initial
+relative_angle: 90, 0, 0
$Subsystem: turret06, 3.4, 3.0
$Alt Subsystem Name: Light Pulse
$Default PBanks: ( "STerPulse" )
$Turret Base RotationSnd: 254
$Turret Gun RotationSnd: 255
$Turret BaseSnd Volume: 1.0
$Turret GunSnd Volume: 1.0
$Turret Reset Delay: 15000
$Flags: ( "check hull" "reset when idle" "carry no damage" "carry shockwave" "fire on target" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$animation: triggered
$type: initial
+relative_angle: 90, 0, 0
$Subsystem: turret07, 3.4, 3.0
$Alt Subsystem Name: Light Pulse
$Default PBanks: ( "STerPulse" )
$Turret Base RotationSnd: 254
$Turret Gun RotationSnd: 255
$Turret BaseSnd Volume: 1.0
$Turret GunSnd Volume: 1.0
$Turret Reset Delay: 15000
$Flags: ( "check hull" "reset when idle" "carry no damage" "carry shockwave" "fire on target" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$animation: triggered
$type: initial
+relative_angle: 90, 180, 0
$Subsystem: turret08, 3.4, 3.0
$Alt Subsystem Name: Light Pulse
$Default PBanks: ( "STerPulse" )
$Turret Base RotationSnd: 254
$Turret Gun RotationSnd: 255
$Turret BaseSnd Volume: 1.0
$Turret GunSnd Volume: 1.0
$Turret Reset Delay: 15000
$Flags: ( "check hull" "reset when idle" "carry no damage" "carry shockwave" "fire on target" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$animation: triggered
$type: initial
+relative_angle: 90, 180, 0
$Subsystem: turret09, 1.5, 20.0
$Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret10, 1.5, 20.0
$Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret11, 1.5, 20.0
$Alt Subsystem Name: AAA Beam
$Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret12, 1.5, 20.0
$Alt Subsystem Name: AAA Beam
$Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret13, 1.5, 20.0
$Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret14, 1.5, 20.0
$Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret15, 1.5, 20.0
$Alt Subsystem Name: AAA Beam
$Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret16, 1.5, 20.0
$Alt Subsystem Name: AAA Beam
$Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret17, 1.5, 20.0
$Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret18, 1.5, 20.0
$Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret19, 1.5, 20.0
$Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret20, 1.5, 20.0
$Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret21, 1.5, 20.0
$Alt Subsystem Name: AAA Beam
$Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret22, 1.5, 20.0
$Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret23, 1.5, 20.0
$Default PBanks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )
$Subsystem: turret24, 1.5, 20.0
$Alt Subsystem Name: AAA Beam
$Default PBanks: ( "AAAf" )
$Flags: ( "check hull" "only target if can fire" "target requires fov" )


Neither starting up the game nor FRED gives errors or logs (Even FRED debug doesn't give any warnings). In fact, the missing weapons behave normally in missions where they are already saved onto the ship. Opening those working missions in FRED empties the player-corvette's weapons, exactly as seen above.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2018, 08:27:18 am by Erebus Alpha »
"Obviously the meson bomb is a form of cat-toast-device, with the buttered toast inverted, so that the cat and toast both fly in the direction of gravity much faster than expected. By introducing artificial gravity, a pair of cat-toast perpetual motion accelerator units can be made to collide with one another, and they produce an unimaginably devastating explosion. Both cats are named 'Meson'."

 - Wikileaks 2383


Offline JSRNerdo

  • [`_`]/
  • 29
  • Gone!
Re: Unequippable Weapons in FRED?
Try removing the "big ship" flag from your weapons, as that means they can't be equipped on small ships.
Former Inferno lead, BTA fredder-ish and DE fredder. Driven out by ordinary fascists the_e, aesaar and general battuta. Will return if they're ever removed.

Re: Unequippable Weapons in FRED?
Holy crap, I forgot that I left the player-Bellerophon flagged as a 'fighter'!

Tagging it properly as 'corvette' also fixed the problem.

Interestingly, this should also solve the problem with enemy capships behaving like idiots around the player! (Such as never launching torpedoes.)
"Obviously the meson bomb is a form of cat-toast-device, with the buttered toast inverted, so that the cat and toast both fly in the direction of gravity much faster than expected. By introducing artificial gravity, a pair of cat-toast perpetual motion accelerator units can be made to collide with one another, and they produce an unimaginably devastating explosion. Both cats are named 'Meson'."

 - Wikileaks 2383


Offline JSRNerdo

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Re: Unequippable Weapons in FRED?
Oh, one more thing, assuming your trebs and supernovae are VLS launched I recommend you put the "gun convergence" flag into your ship table. That will make them actually fire VLS-style instead of just always firing forwards.
Former Inferno lead, BTA fredder-ish and DE fredder. Driven out by ordinary fascists the_e, aesaar and general battuta. Will return if they're ever removed.


Offline Spoon

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Re: Unequippable Weapons in FRED?
Oh, one more thing, assuming your trebs and supernovae are VLS launched I recommend you put the "gun convergence" flag into your ship table. That will make them actually fire VLS-style instead of just always firing forwards.
Interesting, didn't knew gun convergence did that. I've always made the weapon in question a swarm weapon, which also makes them fire properly down their normals.

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them