Author Topic: Good Job Fellas  (Read 1740 times)

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Loved what you've done with WC Saga so far and can barely wait to see more.  Better combat sim than the original IMO and like some other post I'd only recommend a few changes such as being able to continue on without hearing the same chatter a 2nd, 3rd, etc time and maybe remap the keys to where A=Autopilot or N=Flipping through Nav coordinates as defaults but I figure you've got a reason for this.  Only found one real bug and that was during the cut screens at the intro and a couple of other places where the control screen background would flicker at the top and bottom.  I'm not sure if its a posted bug but figured I'd mention it being the only one I found.  Love the combat between fighters and found the engine lovely for a space sim.  Combat with bigger ships in groups was pretty amazing but like the orginal game there always remains that fatal flaw for larger ships like the destroyer.  Kill the fighter cover and slip behind the engines and go to town without any real way of getting harmed.  I don't know if I can thank everyone enough for bringing back some glory to the WC series.  Excellent job and keep up the great work.  To be honest this should be the new WC title being released instead of that crap thats coming out on the XBox.

Yes, very well done! I haven't played the prologue completely yet (gotta get the hang of dodging multiple missiles). But I like it very much. The voice actors are doing a great job and I hope we'll hear more funny conversations.

Good Job!

To FastFreddie:   Your point about the CapShip vulnerability to sitting behind and blowing them to bits is something I mentioned to the forum a few weeks back.  I noted how in one mission against a Light Destroyer...I was able to kill just ONE rear-ish turret, select "Match Speed" , then simply make very minor thrust adjustments to stay below and behind the ship at such an angle that I could see and partially target the other 2-3 turrets back there, and blow them up ! - without them even seeing or engaging me.

I mentioned that the simple fix would be for the Cap Ship to simply have rotated / rolled over a bit - or slowed up, turned to port 10 degrees, etc. - just make SOME kind of course-correction to bring to bear those other guns....but the computer (controlling the cap-ship) simply had it move along a fixed pattern / path - seemingly - without any independent thought or recognition of the "Cheap Trick" I was using to blow it away.


* - the whole "blow the turrets off" thing is still something I have mixed feelings about because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense how it's able to be done so easily in Wing-III / Prologue ....granted, the Prologue has made the turrets MUCH stronger / tougher to destroy than they were in the basic PC-game, I think, but it's still odd how you can attack a Kilrathi Cruiser with (Supposedly) 3000-cm / eq of forward your Ion / Laser Cannons at a turret along the front of the ship for about ...10-seconds ?  (estimated) - and you can see the shields bar on your HUD - for the Cruiser - go down - then you start dealing %-Damage to the Turret itself - 100% ..bam bam 90%....bam bam 65% ....etc. till 0% - BOOM! - Turret explodes.

But the thing I don't get is how in the heck did your Arrow (or whatever the ship you are flying) manage to blast through 3000-cm /eq. - in effect knock out the entire forward shield array - with it's puny Starfighter-scale blasters ? 

Since it's well-established that the Turrets do NOT "extend above the shields" - as that would be retarded - and in most Sci-Fi's (Wing-included) your OWN weapons are "set-up" to "match the frequency of your own shields" so that your OWN shots can be fired (from within your shield bubble) OUT - without you damaging yourself  !   :yes:

So when we blow off turrets in SAGA (or basic Wing-III) - EFFECTIVELY we have to be saying that we have somehow blown out the enemy cap-ships shields - first..... so again, how does minor-damage fighter-guns manage to blast through (so quickly !) - 3000 cm / equivalent of shields ?  (in this example) ?

Alek:  I image that the fighters guns are blasting apart the shields faster that the cap ship can regenerate them.  This is all done in theory and not some WWII fighter game where we're very sure of what exactly would happened.  No matter how great a story is written it problably will always have holes in it esp at this scale.  I prefer not to let myself get bent out of shape for what may be small oversights because what would be the point of putting cap ships in the games if there was no way to destroy them.  Small tactical errors may be changed so I mentioned it but it might just be a bad flaw in the orginal design of the ship by the enemy.  Great game either way and I'll continue to play it.