Author Topic: RELEASE — Blue Planet  (Read 178033 times)

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Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
Hey guys, I've loved playing FS2 ever since I was a kid when I found a demo disk for it that my cousin had. A few years ago when I found out about mods, especially BP and WiH I got super excited to play them, and man are they so good. I just want to say that I would so love to see the next act get completed, or if there is any list of progress or maybe potential release date I'd love to see them. Or if there is anything we can do to help with the project (idk how). I'm dying to get my hands on the end of the story!

I'm glad to see people are posting on here and I hopefully that means the story is still being worked on when possible and hasn't been abandoned.

Cheers and thanks for the awesome work so far! This mod has really done wonders for the game's story!
 :) :) :)


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
BLUF: After a 10 odd year hiatus, and mostly thanks to COVID-19, I've gotten back into Freespace. Replaying BP, especially WiH, has been ****ing incredible; and the team who made it what it is deserve some words of praise and some additional publicity.

To be honest, I barely remembered WiH as it used to exist. My decade old memory is a blur of cool fighters, torpedoes, hectic capship battles and some very well written fiction. But with the new gauges, full voice-acting, and what I assume is probably a rebalancing of the missions(?), this mod is a straight-up standalone game that's well capable of fetching a price on the shelf of a digital store somewhere, and definitely a great goddamn way to embrace social-distancing. Playing it again was like playing WiH for the first time.

And the WiH I just finished plays like a gritty blend of DCS, Mass Effect, BSG, and Blackhawk Down. God-****ing-damn. I never realised what an impact (good) VA makes to a mod, but the paid casting of the lead roles sells the story extremely well, and hearing the raw emotion through actually realistic ACM calls over the radio in missions like Delenda Est and Post Meridian builds the atmosphere of a good gunfight like nothing else I've seen in the FS mod-verse. In addition to that, the EW and TACCOM displays capture the most disgustingly green/gunfight boner inducing military-nerdery that keeps most of the DCS community alive. That, and the rectification of a stoppage on the gun mid-gunfight and other little 1%ers like that really capture the idiosyncrasies of doing your job in a combat unit. And to be honest, it was done so well at times that I would honestly compare the experience to some of my own real life funtimes sweating through a helmet whilst screaming into a radio, un-****ing the gun, and working out what to do next. So good job guys, I mean it.

And that doesn't even scratch the surface of the story-telling depth the mod has now. With the Fiction Viewer pieces, a new soundtrack, and actually good voice-acting of the narrative, I would definitely rate it in the top five pieces of fiction I've experienced this year. I was 100% engrossed until the very end (currently playing through part 2, which is equally as amazing, even without VA). All the narrative ancillaries and e-mail excerpts, INTREPs and whatnot, do a great job of painting what life on the losing side of a war (and maybe being in contact with another race?) must feel like. The only part of the story I feel didn't age particularly well was the writing of the romance sub-plot, but I fully acknowledge that they're probably the hardest narrative component to pull off in an FS context, that most people seemed to have enjoyed it, and I probably have my enjoyment affected by the fact that some of the lines remind me of a very young Dilmah G's attempts at romance and the self cringe-factor really gets me good. That aside, I can concede that it was very well acted, and on the whole, our community is way too small to make a mountain out of a molehill in what is overall, a very, very good mod.

So what was the point of that? Well, to say thanks. Playing WiH was a real ****ing good time, and I'm thoroughly impressed just how far people will go to create good fiction on this platform. FSO is easily the most underutilised platform in the developed world and we should all refer five of our friends and have them refer five of their friends and swap bank details at some point...or...something. But really, this is excellent, and I absolutely will be attempting to broaden the coverage here in Oz. You guys as the team did really well, and even during rainy days such as these, you should feel good that you helped create a ****ing great work of art.

And finally, does the fact my forum handle somehow appears in the end credits make this post incredibly masturbatory, and indicative of narcissism gone wild on the BP team of 2009 with naked attempts at jerking each other off in public? Honestly - I did very little here apart from play test some of the very early versions of the mod and give some half-assed mil-nerd advice in between hardcore teenage ****posting on the forum. The WiH I played is nothing like the one I remember, and that's why I love it. Great job guys. I really hope this gets finished.

Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
BLUF: After a 10 odd year hiatus, and mostly thanks to COVID-19, I've gotten back into Freespace. Replaying BP, especially WiH, has been ****ing incredible; and the team who made it what it is deserve some words of praise and some additional publicity.

To be honest, I barely remembered WiH as it used to exist. My decade old memory is a blur of cool fighters, torpedoes, hectic capship battles and some very well written fiction. But with the new gauges, full voice-acting, and what I assume is probably a rebalancing of the missions(?), this mod is a straight-up standalone game that's well capable of fetching a price on the shelf of a digital store somewhere, and definitely a great goddamn way to embrace social-distancing. Playing it again was like playing WiH for the first time.

And the WiH I just finished plays like a gritty blend of DCS, Mass Effect, BSG, and Blackhawk Down. God-****ing-damn. I never realised what an impact (good) VA makes to a mod, but the paid casting of the lead roles sells the story extremely well, and hearing the raw emotion through actually realistic ACM calls over the radio in missions like Delenda Est and Post Meridian builds the atmosphere of a good gunfight like nothing else I've seen in the FS mod-verse. In addition to that, the EW and TACCOM displays capture the most disgustingly green/gunfight boner inducing military-nerdery that keeps most of the DCS community alive. That, and the rectification of a stoppage on the gun mid-gunfight and other little 1%ers like that really capture the idiosyncrasies of doing your job in a combat unit. And to be honest, it was done so well at times that I would honestly compare the experience to some of my own real life funtimes sweating through a helmet whilst screaming into a radio, un-****ing the gun, and working out what to do next. So good job guys, I mean it.

And that doesn't even scratch the surface of the story-telling depth the mod has now. With the Fiction Viewer pieces, a new soundtrack, and actually good voice-acting of the narrative, I would definitely rate it in the top five pieces of fiction I've experienced this year. I was 100% engrossed until the very end (currently playing through part 2, which is equally as amazing, even without VA). All the narrative ancillaries and e-mail excerpts, INTREPs and whatnot, do a great job of painting what life on the losing side of a war (and maybe being in contact with another race?) must feel like. The only part of the story I feel didn't age particularly well was the writing of the romance sub-plot, but I fully acknowledge that they're probably the hardest narrative component to pull off in an FS context, that most people seemed to have enjoyed it, and I probably have my enjoyment affected by the fact that some of the lines remind me of a very young Dilmah G's attempts at romance and the self cringe-factor really gets me good. That aside, I can concede that it was very well acted, and on the whole, our community is way too small to make a mountain out of a molehill in what is overall, a very, very good mod.

So what was the point of that? Well, to say thanks. Playing WiH was a real ****ing good time, and I'm thoroughly impressed just how far people will go to create good fiction on this platform. FSO is easily the most underutilised platform in the developed world and we should all refer five of our friends and have them refer five of their friends and swap bank details at some point...or...something. But really, this is excellent, and I absolutely will be attempting to broaden the coverage here in Oz. You guys as the team did really well, and even during rainy days such as these, you should feel good that you helped create a ****ing great work of art.

And finally, does the fact my forum handle somehow appears in the end credits make this post incredibly masturbatory, and indicative of narcissism gone wild on the BP team of 2009 with naked attempts at jerking each other off in public? Honestly - I did very little here apart from play test some of the very early versions of the mod and give some half-assed mil-nerd advice in between hardcore teenage ****posting on the forum. The WiH I played is nothing like the one I remember, and that's why I love it. Great job guys. I really hope this gets finished.

I haven't browsed the forum in a bit, but jumped on today after a few months and saw this. I second every word of praise here, as always. BP really is the game I measure other games by and there are very few that reach its height.
I will happily contribute my efforts where I can to see this project finished.


Offline MisterPianoMan

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Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
Hello again, pilots

I have recently reinstalled my OS and that has caused me to lose a pilot profile I had played through every type of mod on. That being said, I know that in the mission Universal Truth from Age of Aquarius campaign has a specific fighter you can obtain (because I had previously obtained it [also don't want to name-drop and spoil things]) by doing certain actions throughout the campaign. I'm currently on said mission and finding it excruciatingly hard to rack up a lot of kills on Insane without said fighter. Yes, I'm aware I will most likely have to restart the campaign to obtain it, but if someone could PM me or reply to this (If allowed [not even sure this is allowed]) the steps to take, I would greatly appreciate it as I cannot for the life of me find any answers anywhere else.

Thank you all


Offline General Battuta

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Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
Man we should probably update those install instructions, huh?

Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
Man we should probably update those install instructions, huh?

Yea, they're getting a little long in the tooth  :p
I mean, there's even an IRC link at the bottom...does anyone even use that anymore, or are we all on Discord now :nod:


Offline StoBo

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Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
I hope I'm not overlooking something obvious but I'm having trouble with Blue Planet on Linux. I'm running via the latest version of knossos downloaded from github, on a laptop running Ubuntu 20.04.2 with an 1920x1080 screen.

At this resolution the window gets pushed down under the taskbar at the top of the screen, so that the bottom 30 or so pixels are completely cut off, and under my bottom taskbar so that when I swing my mouse all the way down the taskbar takes the focus away from the game window. Obviously that makes flying around impossible.

I don't get this problem running FS2 retail, or the Freespace Port, or any other fan campaign I've tried. Just Blue Planet.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
Running in Window mode? Go to FS2 setting before starting BP and untick any window mode


Offline StoBo

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Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
I have "windowed mode" and "fullscreen window" both off.


Offline genites

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Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
Hey all, am new here but just went through the full playthrough of the Blue Planet parts on youtube which are currently out and was amazed to say the least.
Have played a ton of space sims along with other games but this story was by far one of the best I have seen, and i've been gaming for near 20 years. This mod instantly made me seek out more, and here I am. Have also spread the word about this community to some of my old Freelancer buddies.
Was a bit sad that there arent any new parts of the mod out, but do hope that some day we can see a conclusion.


Offline xmac1x

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Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
Just finished playing through Blue Planet and wanted to say thank you to all involved. I was blown away by the inensity of the story telling, the missions, the voice acting, the immersion. Absolutely an emotional roller coaster too. For all the hard work that's gone into making this mod, I truly thank you.

Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
The inspirations drawn from Babylon 5 and Assassin's Creed are subtle enough to not ruin it, yet obvious enough for a fan to notice at first glance. Being a huge fan of both series this is simply amazing for me :-)
I just love it. This is one of the best games I ever played. Not mods. Not campaigns. Games! Just started Act 3. The lack of voice acting makes following the story in-mission a bit more difficult but what the heck. This is one of the games/stories I with would never end...
Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way!!

Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
I'm currently having an issue with Blue Planet Complete, where, upon loading the second mission, I simply receive an in-game error that says, "Unable to load mission," (see screenshot) and then I am returned to the main screen of FS2.  I'm only encountering this with the second mission of Blue Planet: War in Heaven 1.  I tried loading the original FS2 campaign and had no issues.  I'm currently running fs2_open_21_5_0_20211004_a1ae1d80a_x64_SSE2.exe file.  Here are my command line options that I have set:

-3dshockwave -soft_particles -aa -fb_explosions -fb_thrusters -enable_shadows -no_vsync -fps -dualscanlines -targetinfo -orbradar -rearm_timer -stretch_menu -ship_choice_3d -weapon_choice_3d -3dwarp -warp_flash -mipmap -res 1920x1080 -ambient_factor 0 -spec_point 2.0 -spec_static 0 -spec_tube 2 -bloom_intensity 0

If you need any more information, I'd be happy to provide it.  If you'd like to contact me on Discord regarding this, that works too - my Discord is:


Thanks for the assistance.

[attachment deleted to save space]

Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
That bug happens with the 21.5.0 Nightly Builds. Idk why it happens but use one of the older Nightly Builds and it should load

Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
That bug happens with the 21.5.0 Nightly Builds. Idk why it happens but use one of the older Nightly Builds and it should load

See attached image for what my selection options are.  In the main Knossos settings (accessed via the gear in the upper right), I have the 21.5 build available, but not when I go into the individual mod settings.  When I select any of the others, I encounter the same problem.  I also have this problem with Jaded's modpack for Blue Planet (I assume because it uses the original Blue Planet Complete modpack as a dependency).  Also, with Jaded's, if I select the 1.2.0 option, it tells me that FSO isn't installed.  Not a huge deal because I can at least start the game by selecting 1.1.0, but it's just odd to me.  Either way, I still run into the above problem once I start the mod.

[attachment deleted to save space]
« Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 12:26:30 am by Crypthammer »

Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
Did you find a resolution? I have the same error, at the same point, using 21.4.0.  This is a fresh install of Freespace 2 and BP on a fresh download of Knossos, as I was having problems in other campaigns as well.

Log file is here:

Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
This is identical to a problem I'm still having with Battle Of Neptune

Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
That bug happens with the 21.5.0 Nightly Builds. Idk why it happens but use one of the older Nightly Builds and it should load
this isnt just nightly mods im running default install and have the same issue and i have no other options to fix.

Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
I'm having issues running Blue Planet on Linux. I have the same problem praseodym describes above with the taskbar, but I can work around that. However, on the very first mission I get a lua error:

Code: [Select]
LUA ERROR: [string "proBox-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:87: attempt to index a nil value


stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[string "proBox-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:87: in function 'GetTextFromGauges'
[string "proBox-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:64: in function 'UpdateText'
[string "proBox-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:54: in function 'MakeList'
[string "proBox-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:198: in function 'proBoxOn'
[string "String: proBoxOn()"]:1: in main chunk

I can click "Continue" and the mission will load, but then nothing happens...I'm just flying around, and there's no dialog or missions updates. The mission appears completely broken.

This is Blue Planet Complete, installed via Knossos, version 1.1.5. Any ideas for how I can fix?

Re: RELEASE — Blue Planet
Hey everyone, I've recently discovered Freespace and have played Multiple Mods for the game and haven't encountered any errors until now. I have just started Age of Aquarius in Blue Planet Complete and everything works fine until the first mission, and below is the message I get as soon as I click the "commit" icon in the bottom right corner to start the mission. I can click continue and the mission will start, and I have the objective to make contact with earth... yet nothing will happen; I just undock and can fly around but I get no dialogue, the mission just will not progress any further.

Any help would be appreciated as I'm fully invested into the freespace universe and It's so gutting to not be able to continue the story!

LUA ERROR: [string "proBox-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:87: attempt to index a nil value


stack traceback:
   [C]: ?
   [string "proBox-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:87: in function 'GetTextFromGauges'
   [string "proBox-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:64: in function 'UpdateText'
   [string "proBox-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:54: in function 'MakeList'
   [string "proBox-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:198: in function 'proBoxOn'
   [string "String: proBoxOn()"]:1: in main chunk
