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The CMake build system

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The problem with allowing other forks to upload builds is that it reveals the password of the FTP host to everyone since if anyone can specify their own repository and branch then that branch could have been altered so that it prints the password to the console while compiling the builds. Also, the encryption system of Travis CI and Appveyor do only work for a single repository so scaling it to multiple forks is not trivial.

The easiest solution would be to just have a manual or semi-manual system where a pull request for a test build branch is created by the contributor and a developer with push access can then check if nothing nefarious is being done with the CI scripts.

What if we automate that actual check?  Compare the requested fork's build scripts to the main repo's via diff, as long as they're cool, let it fly?  I mean I guess a user-intervention based process would probably be safer in case methods we didn't think of occur.

Another possibility could be that anyone requesting builds from a fork provide their own upload credentials to be used.  Being able to host the builds would be great but being able to upload custom builds to a given location would still be a huge help I think.


--- Quote from: ksotar on December 08, 2017, 11:51:04 am ---How can I build for OS X while on Windows? A lot of my friends somehow happens to have Macs.

--- End quote ---

Not while on Windows, no, but it's possible (sometimes) to dual or triple -boot Mac OS X, Windows (and Linux if you want that too).

Post over on /r/hackintosh see if your hardware is currently supported.  They also have a Discord server

Since Hackintosh has been mentioned (which is against Apple's EULA), I'll mention that you actually CAN run a macOS VM on Windows with either VmWare or VirtualBox. It doesn't work out-of-the box and requires a few tricks but it's possible... However, that also violates Apple's EULA so I won't explain how until a mod can tell me if we're allowed to talk about it here.


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