Author Topic: C5 Modded  (Read 1126 times)

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Hi guys.  I used to play Wolfman's mods years ago.  I went by Texray1 then.  I was stunned to stumble onto  these new versions.  I just have a couple of questions.

I was trying out the Mission Editor and I can add Resource Buildings just fine.  I tried to change the Mech tonnage (forget the proper term) that you start the mission with and it doesn't change.  Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Also, during a mission, when I try using the number pad to target the head or the legs, it doesn't seem to do anything.  I have 4 Elite pilots.  Has that feature been disabled?

I did the Claymore mission and Claymore was added to my roster.  I also did the Rooster mission but he didn't show up afterwards.  Not sure why.

Other than that its been a blast playing these missions again and getting to use some new mechs.  The Jagermech IIIC was very valuable after I reworked him a bit.

Thanks again for the great fun.

When it works like MCG you need to move your units after using numpad for aiming.

The order I know that works:

1. NumPad 8 + Left Klick to targeting enemy
2. Give Mechs a point to go
3. While they start moving they also start to fire the desired heads f.e.
It has become appalingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.

Albert Einstein

I'll give the moving a try.  I don't remember worrying about that in the past but who knows.