General FreeSpace > Interviews

Interviewer Applications

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Dilmah G:
On an unrelated note, how did Mobius post here? I thought he was monkeyed? :wtf:

General Battuta:

--- Quote from: Mobius on July 05, 2009, 05:43:57 am ---I actually want to help. I haven't posted any additional interviews but I really wished to. I would have liked to interview TopAce about the Wiki, brand/chief about Fate of the Galaxy and Darius/General Battuta about Blue Planet. I didn't really have a chance to get those interviews started so I had to forget about them. I did not manage to interview several members of the ED Team, either.

--- End quote ---


Just GB will do :) I'm sure he'll make the more entertaining interviewee out of the two of us.

Though there's a half-done interview of me that Stormkeeper did a while ago floating around waiting to be finished.

Do you want Stormkeeper's interview to have precedence? If there's one around it'd be better to go for it...

General Battuta:
We're both on IRC now.


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