FreeSpace Releases > Mission & Campaign Releases
Hotfix 1.1.2 Released
--- Code: ---Patch Notes 1.1.2
Bug Fixes
Mission 19
Fixed an issue where the player couldn't complete the mission after satisfying the mission objectives.
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Hate to break this but that progress killing bug I told you about has reared its ugly head in "jailbreak" :/ Good thing this mod is in beta
--- Quote from: CapellaGoBoom on November 18, 2023, 12:09:45 pm ---Hate to break this but that progress killing bug I told you about has reared its ugly head in "jailbreak" :/ Good thing this mod is in beta
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Bruh lmao, I'm gonna get a fix out and then take myself out back.
thanks for the release, was waiting for this for a long time, to bad u couldn't do was u wanted to do at beginning, this story have so much potential, anyway, thanks again :yes:
--- Quote from: Kher on November 19, 2023, 08:42:03 am ---thanks for the release, was waiting for this for a long time, to bad u couldn't do was u wanted to do at beginning, this story have so much potential, anyway, thanks again :yes:
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Thank you for your kind words! I do intend to make future additions to the initial campaign overtime (such as completed command briefing animations) but initial burn out was starting to hit so I made the impulsive decision to just release it as it is and add onto it overtime. I figured it may be better for the community overall (and my ADHD) to just release an initially buggy, bare bones campaign rather than not release anything at all.
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