Author Topic: And Some More Eye Candy  (Read 15305 times)

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Offline Geezer

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And Some More Eye Candy
In case you wondered what the Starborn looked like...

If a man walks in the desert and speaks where no woman can hear, is he still wrong?


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Try incorporating some of that in, too! :D

If you want to be ready for Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn, then download and play the prologue first.


Then, while waiting for the Darkest dawn, Download Starshatter 4.02

You 'll understand why once you have.

Now THAT is a piece of cool work...


Offline Geezer

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It's by a fractal artist named Jim Grieve.  All I did was color-shift it from the original pastels.
If a man walks in the desert and speaks where no woman can hear, is he still wrong?

So those things are piloting the enemy ships? Weird...


Offline Geezer

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Originally posted by .::Tin Can::.
So those things are piloting the enemy ships? Weird...

Actually, Tin Can, there are Vasudans and humans piloting the enemy ships.  The Starborn are around 800 KM in diameter and somewhere between superheated gas and pure energy.  Take a look at the   Background History and the Starborn FAQ.
If a man walks in the desert and speaks where no woman can hear, is he still wrong?

So then, are you flying as a starborn, a terran, or a vasudan in this campaign?


Offline Geezer

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You're human, a pilot for the United Terran System (UTS) government.
If a man walks in the desert and speaks where no woman can hear, is he still wrong?

That why I asked if you would be after the starborn or after the Vasudans who Earth cast out.


Offline Geezer

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Neither side is aware of the Starborn.  The only race in the galaxy that knows anything about the Starborn is the Shivan Groupmind and it took the Groupmind thousands of years to figure out that there was something strange going on.  But even the Groupmind doesn't know what the Starborn are doing and why they're doing it.

The Shivan Groupmind is trying to destroy the Starborn because it was bred into the Groupmind that any intruder into subspace had to be destroyed.  The Groupmind has no idea that it was the Starborn that created the Groupmind to keep subspace clean.  At the same time, the Starborn are unaware that the Groupmind is trying to destroy them, never imagining that their creation would turn on them - or even being able to discover that the Starborn exist.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2004, 09:00:35 pm by 62 »
If a man walks in the desert and speaks where no woman can hear, is he still wrong?

sw00t. well I already know the story, but you are not fighting the starborn in the campaign are you? do you get to see them at all?


Offline Geezer

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Hmmm...fighting the Starborn...the simple answer is that you're fighting stranded Vasudans and their human allies.  The more complex answer is that both sides are fighting against the SB and both sides are fighting for the SB - they just don't know it.  The SB have used their influence on both sides to create the situation in Sol.  For them, it's just a round of the Great Game.  For the humans and Vasudans, it's life and death.

As far as seeing them, I can tell you this without giving away any secrets:  You won't see a SB leading a charge of capships into battle.  That's not what they do.
If a man walks in the desert and speaks where no woman can hear, is he still wrong?

Yeah, but I was wondering if you come into contact with any Starborn in the campaign whatsoever, from either fighters, capships, or whatever the case.


Offline Geezer

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I'm not going to answer that one - we're getting into the secret stuff ;7
If a man walks in the desert and speaks where no woman can hear, is he still wrong?

I can already tell they will be in the campaign. Its so obvious... :rolleyes:


Offline Geezer

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Is it? I guess time will tell. :D
If a man walks in the desert and speaks where no woman can hear, is he still wrong?

Perhaps. For now, I need to get everyone's respect by making my huge-ass level and then posting it in the Campaign room to see if anyone likes it or not. Trust me, its HUGE, and its rather chatty too. Plus its a believable story-line if you know what I mean (I mean really, compared to some of the things I've seen?)