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I wasn't very clear in my wording.  My apologies.

I meant the "Hi, I'm <insert name here>" threads that don't really ask a question, but just say "Hi".

Stop stealing ideas from WS, ****ers.


--- Quote from: an0n on February 02, 2007, 01:55:19 am ---Stop stealing ideas from WS, ****ers.

--- End quote ---

Stop stealing from the intarweb, bastard.

Actually I find this a little unpersonal for the newbies, to be driven on a seperate route and read special pages or fill out forms, you rather scare away the not so patient individuals.

There have been a lot of newbies registering lately, and ?  I think it's great to have new people around, giving them a warm welcome and see the community growing (though our "standard" welcome text is rather dumb, not all will understand why someone welcomes them with "open fire on .... "-message  and then post the welcome image. If one not get's the joke behind this (that the welcome banner is a beam shot) it was his first and only post)

Think of when you guys came here with a lot of questions , you were happy when people helped you out. Not to mention that quite a lot of this "newbies" seem to be very talented individuals and just took notice of this site due to recent releases (not only because of WCS), there are different types of newbies out :)

The real newbie might be sometimes annoying, but when they get the usual personal welcome they get a better image of the community .
IMO what we need, is a "how to get started" page or thread were we can direct the newbie too (after we welcomed him) , but not only Karajormas Signature, something that stands more in this community/site   (no offend meant Kara :) ) The Wiki itself, as great as it is, is to complicated for newbies which don't know where to even start.

In conjunction of the "change" thread, maybe this could be the first small community project, creating such a "how to get started" thing.

Just my 2 cents :)

Actually I think a how to get started link would be a very good idea. Link liberally to the Wiki and my FAQ for more details on how to do stuff but give people an idea of how much you can do with FS and FS2_Open.


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