Hosted Projects - Standalone > FRED Academy (Diaspora)
Campaign 1 Plotline
General Battuta:
I think it'd be more fun to keep everything in character.
The exercise framing story might not even be necessary. You could ditch it entirely and play this as an actual historical event.
--- Quote from: ThePsuedoMonkey on October 10, 2012, 10:57:31 pm ---Oh, I got the tube launch to work!!! It turns out that the Jettison_Cargo_Delay SEXP tries to force an acceleration toward the bow and dorsal of the battlestar.
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Huh. Didn't notice that at all. I wonder if calling that operator before force-glide & set-mobile would keep any of that movement from being seen?
--- Quote from: Killer Whale on October 10, 2012, 11:51:35 pm ---Quick question, the outline mentions "In this simulated exercise..." How is everyone tackling this? Are you doing the (de)briefings/dialogue "in-character" so to say, or as if everyone knows they're in a simulation.
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I was figuring 'in character' would be best for the briefs and missions. Blowing up a simulated ship full of simulated civilians because someone on a radio told you to doesn't really work for me, at least.
I've set up the Dropbox folder, so here's the public link.
If you've never used Dropbox before, it uploads everything from your "Dropbox" folder (you can choose where to put this folder) if you install it, or you can just use the web interface. There are two caveats to using Dropbox, first is that anything you do to the private folder affects everyone (i.e. deleting something from a dropbox folder deletes it from the server). Second is that we'll need to know each other's email addresses to share the private folder (which gives you guys write-access), since that's what it uses as your username when you sign up. If that's OK with everyone, you can either PM or email it to me.
General Battuta:
I seriously think you guys should consider dropping the war exercises frame story. It could have real immediacy as an actual event.
Killer Whale:
^ Done.
So I'm launching from a Sobek Battlestar, what should I call it? I'm presuming we'd all want to be on the same one?
Edit: Just the Theseus maybe? The ship's been around for a while so it would make sense to be set "between the wars" sort of thing, and some of the built-in/pre-made messages use Theseus so it's easier to use.
While I'm here:
In other words, Tube Launches are harder than they look. (I set you to freaking immobile Theseus, why are you moving around me, why can't I move afterwards?! What the frak is the difference between my code and Diaspora's?! Sun bitmaps? Event names? GRAAR!)
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