Author Topic: Verbesserungswunschliste  (Read 7284 times)

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Hi, ich habe euer Game gespielt, und ich bin ganz begeistert.
Ich habe aus lauter Enthusiasmus prompt aufgeschrieben, was ich noch verändern würde

-Mein größter Wunsch ist, daß für jedes Raumschiff wieder ein liebevoll designtes Cockpit-Bitmap gibt, wie in Wing Commander 1+2 und Privateer 1.
-Den Joystick könnte man auch wieder mit im Bild sehen. Ich finde, das war ein tolles Feature in den alten WC-Teilen. Es könnten sogar Lichter und Anzeigen auf dem Joystick angebracht sein.
-Die verschiedenen Bordkanonen müßten sich stärker voneinander unterscheiden. Mir erschließt es sich nicht, was nun so viel toller an einer Tachyonenkanone gegenüber dem Laser sein sollte.
-Die In-game-Dialoge müßte man auf jeden Fall skippen können, damit man sich nach einem Fehlversuch nicht alles noch einmal anhören muß.
-Die Menüs sind unübersichtlich. Zu viel Design! Das Menü zur Tastenbelegung ist schlecht konstruiert. Man kann kaum erkennen, ob einer Funktion die Taste rechts gegenüber zugeordnet ist, oder die darüber/darunter.
-Die Sprachausgabe könnte man auch ganz weglassen, oder man müßte sie auschalten können. Statt dessen ein übersichtliches Textnachrichtensystem, mit verschiedenen Farben, je nach Witigkeit der Nachricht.
-Die Missionen sollten nicht im Hangar beginnen, sondern schon nach dem Start. Warum? Der Hangar ist nicht besonders ansehnlich, und es kostet Zeit.
-Die Autopilot-Sequenzen sind viel zu lang. Bitte kürzer! Oder habe ich bloß die Tast zum Skippen nicht gefunden?
-Daß ein Torpedo 10 oder mehr Sekunden braucht um aufzuschließen, wirkt unrealistisch. Warum sollte da schlechtere Elektronik drin sei als in den Raketen? Vielleicht sollten Torpedos grundsätzlich ungelenkt sein.
-Die Schildanzeige ist unübersichtlich. Vorder- und Achterschild würden vollkommen genügen (wie bei X-Wing?)
-Das HUD müße von überflüssigem Designkram befreit werden.
-Der Coolie sollte nicht per se mit der Rundumsicht-Funktion belegt sein (ich glaube, die wenigsten benutzen diese Funktion, denn es gibt doch den Scanner!). Mein Vorschlag ist, ihn mit dem Verteilen von Schild- und Laserenergie zu belegen.
-Auto-Aiming könnte ganz abgeschafft werden. Würde in ein reines Ballerspiel passen, aber nicht in Wing Commander.
-Ich hätte ich lieber zwei Frauen als Wingmen als Assassin und Ninja.
-Das Wackeln, das durch das Einschalten des Afterburners verursacht wird, ist nicht schlecht, aber übertrieben stark.
-Stattdessen hätte ich gerne ein Rucken, das durch Geschoßeinschlag hervorgerufen wird (abhängig davon, wo und in welchem Winkel die Geschosse das Raumschiff treffen=
-In der Tech-Anzeige müßte man die Raumschiffmodelle beliebig drehen und vergrößern können. Das automatische Drehen finde ich überflüssig. Müßte zumindest abschaltbar sein.
-Kanonen mit begrenzter Munition, wie in Wing Commander 5, wären auch super.
-Bei Beschädigung des Schiffes müßten gewisse technische Geräte zeitweilig ausfallen, um die Dramatik zu erhöhen.
-Für den Einzelspielermodus muß es auf jeden Fall eine Taktische Karte geben. In diesem Modus müßte man seinen Wingmen auch Befehle erteilen können. Wer hat schon Zeit, sich mitten im Dogfight noch um die Belange der anderen zu kümmern?
-Dieses Aufschließungs-Dreieck sieht zwar cool aus, es nervt aber mit der Zeit und sollte durch etwas Schlichteres ersetzt werden.
-Wenn die Raketen extern aufgehängt sind, sollte man mehrere auf einmal abschießen können. Wenn sie jedoch innerhalb des Schiffsrumpfes aufbewahrt werden, sollte das Auswählen der Raketen ein Geräusch hervorrufen (das von dem Lademechanismus herrührt).
-Die Bordkanonen bräuchte man nicht unbedingt koppeln können. Wenn drei Kanonen auf einmal feuern, wirkt das irgendwie wie zuviel des Guten. Vulcan-Kanonen mit begrenzter Munition sollte man aber immer zuschalten können, da sie keine Energie benötigen.
-Ich hätte gerne einen schlichten, weißen Pfeil statt dieses Raumschiffes zum Mauszeiger. Der Mauszeiger ist ein Werkzeug, kein Designobjekt.
-Wenn eine Rakete eine Heatseaker ist, so sollte sie auch als solche angezeigt werden. Nicht als "Javelin" oder "Speculum" - ich finde, derlei Bezeichnungen verwirren während des Kampfes.
-Einige Raumschiffe sollten auch mal sofort nach einem Treffer explodieren, und nicht immer erst 3 Sekunden lang durch den Raum wirbeln. Das finde ich, weil ich zum Zeitpunkt der Explosion meine Nase längst schon einem neuen Ziel zugewandt habe, und sie so gar nicht merh zu Gesicht bekomme.
-Die Glide-Funktion kann entfallen. Sie ist umständlich und wirkt unrealistisch.
-Statt dessen könnte man Seitenschub einbauen, also "Sliden" (ähnlich Descent).
-Ich weiß nicht, ob sie nicht existiert, oder ich sie nur nicht gefunden habe, aber ich würde eine Außenansicht meines Fighters sehr gut finden.

edit: I played the whole game now and I found the following things:

-The amount of energy transfered when "trasfer shield energy to lasers" pressed is way too small.
-Redirecting all energy to engines has no effect!
-The "bank"-button and the "get target in reticule"-button should be united to one button. This was done so in X-Wing, and I found it very very useful.
-The engine flames should stop burning when the unit stands still.
-Large ships should have another explosion sounds than the small ones. This "engine stuttering" only fits to fighters!
« Last Edit: January 12, 2007, 12:43:51 pm by Fred Alert »


Offline karajorma

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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
Rear one, I played of you Game, and I am completely inspired. I noted from loud enthusiasm promptly, what I would still change My largest desire is that for each spaceship again affectionately a cockpit bit-map gives Design width unit, as in Wing COMM other 1+2 and Privateer 1. One could see -Den Joystick also again also in the picture. I find, that was a mad feature in the old WC parts. Even lights and announcements on the Joystick could be appropriate. -Die different mounted guns would have to differ more strongly from each other. It is not opened for me, which now at a Tachyonenkanone opposite the laser should be so many madder. One would have to be able to skip -Die of in-game-dialogues in any case, so that one does not have to again sound oneself after an unsuccessful attempt everything. -Die menus are unclear. Too much Design! The menu for key allocation is badly designed. One can hardly recognize, whether the key is assigned to a function right opposite, or over/under it. One could omit -Die acoustic output also completely, or one would have her auschalten to be able. Instead of its a clear text communication network, with different colors, depending upon Witigkeit of the message. -Die missions should begin not in the hangar, but already after the start. Why? The hangar is not substantial particularly, and it costs time. -Die autopilot sequences are much too long. Ask more briefly! Or don't I have only grope for skipping found? -Dass a torpedo 10 or more seconds needs to unlock over, works unrealistically. Why should there worse electronics in it is than in the rockets? Perhaps torpedoes should be in principle unguided. -Die sign announcement is unclear. Front and figure eight sign would be sufficient perfectly (as with x-Wing?) -Das HUD must be released from redundant Design stuff. -Der Coolie should not be occupied by SE with the all-round visibility function (I believe, the few use this function, because there is nevertheless the scanner!). My suggestion is to occupy it with the distributing from sign and laser energy to. Car Aiming could be abolished completely. In a pure Ballerspiel would fit, but not in Wing COMM other. -Ich would have I rather two women than Wingmen than Assassin and Ninja. -Das Wackeln, which is caused by switching on of the Afterburners on, is not bad, but exaggerated strong. -Stattdessen I would have gladly jerks, which is caused by projectile impact (dependent on where and in which angle the projectiles meet the spaceship = In the Tech announcement one would have to turn and to increase be able the spaceship models at will. I find the automatic rotation redundant. Would have to be at least disconnectible. Cannons with limited ammunition, like in Wing COMM other 5, would be also super. With damage of the ship certain technical devices would have to temporarily fail, in order to increase the Dramatik. For the single player mode there must be an in any case tactical map. In this mode one would have to be able to give its Wingmen also instructions. Who has already time to worry in the middle in the Dogfight still about the interests of the others? This unlocking triangle looks cool, it nervt however with the time and should be replaced by something simpler. -Wenn the rockets are externally hung up, should be able to shoot one several at one time. If they are kept however within the hull, selecting the rockets should cause a noise (to the load mechanism is due). -Die mounted guns one did not braeuchte necessarily to couple can. If three cannons fire at one time, that works somehow as too much the good one. One should be able to however always connect Vulcan cannons with limited ammunition, since they do not need energy. -Ich would have gladly a simple, white arrow instead of this spaceship to the pointer of mouse. The pointer of mouse is not a tool, a Design object. -Wenn a rocket a Heatseaker is, then she should be indicated also as such. Not as "Javelin" or "Speculum" - I find, such designations confuse during the fight. Uniting spaceships whirl not always only 3 seconds should explode also times immediately long by the area after a hit, and. I find that, because I long already turned at the time of the explosion my nose to a new goal, and she merh to face does not get so at all. -Die Glide function can be void. It is pedantic and works unrealistically. One could insert side thrust to place its, thus "Sliden" (similarly the cent). -Ich does not know whether she does not exist, or I did not find her, but I would find an external opinion of my Fighters very good.

So that we don't ALL visit babelfish
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
Hallo Fred Alert!
Willkommen im Hard Light Productions Forum!

Leider habe ich weder das Talent, noch die Zeit, die Standard-Willkommens-Rede auf Deutsch zu übersetzen und somit fasse ich mich kurz:
Feuerleitstelle - Ziel Fred Alert.
Beam Kanonen fertig und FEUER!

Erst mal einige kleine Infos vorneweg:
WCSaga ist eigentlich ein MOD für die FreeSpace 2 Open Engine und hat somit natürlich alle deren Features, aber auch alle ihre Nachteile.
2. Dieses Forum und der Großteil der User sind englisch-Sprachig. Es wäre also am besten, wenn du englisch schreiben würdest.

Und nun zu deinen Wünschen:
1. Die Cockpits werden bereits nach- und nach in die Fighter von FS2 eingebaut (schließlich basiert dieses Spiel auf der FreeSpace 2 Open Engine). Man kann diese (bisher noch experimentelle) Cockpit-Ansicht sogar per Flag irgendwie anschalten... Frag mich aber bitte nicht wie ;)
Die Cockpits sind sogar voll in 3D ;)
Wie es mit Cockpits in WCSaga aussieht, kann ich dir leider nicht sagen, aber wie bereits erwähnt, sind die Möglichkeiten vorhanden.

2. Uhm... Ob das ohne weiteres möglich ist, weiß ich nicht. Da alles in 3D berechnet wird könnte das etwas aufwändig werden...

3. Hierzu kann ich leider nichts sagen...

4. Hierzu wäre wohl etwas gebastel an der Engine selbst nötig... Da WCSaga ja - wie gesagt - die FS2_Open-Engine nutzt (eigentlich ist es sogar nur ein MOD für FS2_Open) müsste man sich wohl an das SCP-Team wenden.

5. -

6. Ich denke, man kann die Sprachausgabe "abschalten", indem man die entsprechende VP-Datei löscht.

7. Wieso nicht im Hangar starten? Im Original WC war das ja schließlich auch so (Ich habe Teil 3-5 + Secret Ops gespielt).

8. Diese "Sequenz" ist nichts weiter als ganz normales Spiel mit Zeit-Beschleunigung. Vielleicht WÄRE es möglich mit LUA-Scripting oder ähnlichem etwas zusammenzubasteln, jedoch weiß ich nicht, wie groß der Aufwand dafür wäre...

9. In den Original WC-Spielen brauchte der Torpedo auch lange zum aufschalten, oder?

10. Noch mal: WCSaga ist ein MOD für FS2_Open oder eher gesagt: Die Stand-Alone-Version nutzt die FS2_Open-Engine. Es wurden meines Wissens nach nur sehr wenige Änderungen vorgenommen. Und in FreeSpace 2 haben die Flieger nun mal vier Schild-Seiten...

11. Das HUD hat meiner Meinung nach kein/wenig unnötiges Design-Kram.

12. Ich weiß gerade nicht genau, aber kann man den Coolie-Hat nicht frei belegen?

13. Auto Aiming? Wo gibt es in dem Spiel Auto-Aiming? Der Bord-Computer erfasst bei Zerstörung des momentanen Zieles automatisch das nächste, aber das war auch schon in WC so und lässt sich auch abschalten...
Oder meinst du die Zielmarken vor den Schiffen? Auch die gab es in WC (zumindest in Teil 5, wenn ich mich nicht irre).

14. Uhm... Das ist aber jetzt nicht dein Ernst, oder? Sorry, aber soll man extra für dich das Spiel umschreiben? Schon in WC konnte man sich seine Wingmen nicht immer aussuchen... Und meinst du wirklich, das SO viele Frauen als Kampfpiloten zur Confed gehen?

15. -

16. Hmm... Keine Ahnung ob das möglich ist... Allerdings ist WC (und FreeSpace 2) ja ein Action-Weltraum-Shooter und da muss es - zumindest meiner Meinung nach - nicht so realistisch sein ;)

17. Drehen kann man die Modelle beliebig. Zoomen leider nicht.

18. Das ist sogar möglich... Ich habe WCSaga noch nicht durchgespielt, weiß also nicht, ob sowas noch kommt...

19. Sowas gab es meines Wissens nach auch in WC nicht... Und man soll es ja auch nicht übertreiben ;)

20. Auch hier gilt: Es ist ein ACTION-Spiel. Und solche taktischen Karten gab es, soviel ich weiß, in WC auch nicht...

21. -

22. Achtet man im Kampf so sehr darauf?

23. Auch hier gilt: War auch schon in WC so...

24. -

25. -

26. Das hat mich schon in WC immer genervt...

27. Glide-Funktion? Was ist denn das?

28. Gibt es... Zumindest in der Engine. Ob die Schiffe in WC so gebaut sind, dass sie das können... KA... Ach ja... Noch mal zur Info: WCSaga benutzt die FS2_Open-Engine. Dies ist die Weiterentwicklung der FreeSpace 2-Engine, die 2001 oder so von Volition/Interplay als Open-Source freigegeben wurde. FreeSpace 1+2 sind übrigens eine Art Nachfolger von Descent.

29. Sollte gehen: Die Entf-Taste auf dem Nummern-Block (also das "," zwischen der 0 und der Enter-Taste. Mit Enter kann man wählen, ob man die Kamera oder das Schiff steuern möchte).

More to follow...

Sorry guys... I'd like to translate it to semi-proper english, but I don't have Time right now ;)
Maybe later...


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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
Ok, I am going to do this one in English *g*

Hi, I have played your game and I was thrilled. I was so exited I immediately wrote down a few suggestions I have to make it even better.

- My biggest wish would be to have a nicely designed Cockpit again, like in WC 1&2 and Privateer 1.

You must realize that WC Saga is not a normal game but a MOD. It is a MOD using the Freespace2_Open Engine. As such it is limited to the features
that engine offers. So any features that are concerning the engine should probably be adressed to the people working on the Freespace2_Open Engine.
But the good news is, many of the features you requested for the engine are things those guys have already thought about as well and some are
even in the works already. But the WCSaga crew will probably want to finish all the stuff that's still to do to make the main campaign happen.
Such minor features are the icing that might be added along the way =)
That said I'll leave away those of your questions concerning the engine since as I said those are not really in the hands of the WCSaga crew.

- There should be bigger difference between the different guns available in the game. I hardly see any advantage of a Tachyon over a Laser Cannon

This is something the Saga crew will have to answer, but I am sure there is a big enough difference. I am sure the prologue didn't really use all weaponry yet
we'll see in the main campaign so there's also some room for more variety left as there was in the original Wing Commanders.

- One should be able to skip the ingame-dialogues so one wouldn't have to listen to all of it again after failing a mission
This is also an engine problem, but honestly... I don't know a single Space Sim that wouldn't have this "problem". When a mission is very long it is boring
to have to do it all over again, but on the other hand, being able to jump quickly to any point where one was killed last would kinda take the challenge out of it, don't you think?

- The voiceovers could be left away totally, or one should be able to turn them off. Instead one could add a well organised textmessage screen with different colors depending on the urgency of the message.

I personally thing the voice actors did a great job and add a lot to the feeling and atmosphere of the game . But you are right, sometimes during a fight you
tend to miss one or two lines. But that organised message screen you want does already exists. I think you can access it via F4. I am not sure, it's definitely one of the first five Function keys. THat screen offers mission goals, mission evens and a message log. You can always enter that screen and read again if you missed something. THe game will be paused while you do so.

- The missions should not start in the hangar but already in-flight. Why? The hangars simply don't look that nice and it takes time to take off

I'd have to disagree with your opinion on the looks, but that's personal taste. It takes only a few seconds to take off and the reason it is in there is mostly because all the Wing Commander games since WC3 did it that way. And WC1 did too by the way, even if it was just a cutscene. Those two games would have had that in too if the engine had been capable of doing something like that back in those days.
So the reason it is in WCSaga is mostly because of WC nostalgica. This is a WING COMMANDER MOD after all...

- The autopilot sequences are way too long. Please make them shorter. Or did I just not find the key to skip them?

Those autopilot sequences aren't sequences at all. The game simply puts your fighter on autopilot and kicks in time acceleration.
Autopiloting was not a feature of FS2 so the people working on the engine tried to implement something similar the best they could. I thing their current
solution is quite nice. And this way you somehow don't feel that much of a break, you don't see a cutscene but you really are on autopilot.
That some sequences are too long is probably due to the fact that the limit for the time acceleration is only 64x. I don't know if the engine can handle 128 or 256 times.

- It seems unrealistic that a torpedo needs 10 seconds or more to lock on to a target. Why should there be worse technology in them than in the missiles. Maybe torps should be unguided altogether.

This is also something that is done so it is consistent with the WC games. The torps in the WC games (remember WC2?) also took a long time to lock on.
As an explanation from the WC Storyline: The torps don't take that long to lock on because they have worse technology but because they are trying to lock on to the capital ship's shield frequency so they will penetrate it. The torp is the only weapon that can do that, which is why it is so powerful. I don't know exactly how this is handled in the engine but that's what the story background is. So that long lock-time is quite intentional :)

- The shielding is not well arranged. Front and Rear shielding would be enough (like in X-Wing?)

That may be so but again, first the FS2 engine works with 4 sections and second most WC games also had four shield sections for most fighters. So this is again
something the MOD is trying to be consistent with.

- One should get rid of all that needless design crap in the HUG

I actually don't know what you mean. I personally use every single part of the HUD extensively? Any concrete suggestions what you think is too much or not useful enough?

- The coolie hat should be configurable and not set to the views by standard. No one uses that anyway, we have a radar! My suggestion would be to put the shield control on it.

The Saga crew may know better but I think the hat is already configurable...

- Auto-Aiming should be kicked. That would be nice for a shooter but not for Wing Commander

Auto Aiming? I don't think there is any auto aiming. What exactly do you mean?

- I'd rather have two women as wingmen than Assassin and Ninja

I am sure the main campaign will have a few female characters you will meet during the game.
It's all a matter of finding good female voice actors I guess ;)

- That shaking from the afterburner is nice but a little too extreme

Again personal taste, but that is adjustable in the engine. Wether the crew will change that is up to their personal taste and to the opinion of the majority of players...

- Instead why not have a rocking motion whenever the ship is hit by something, depending on the direction the impact is coming from.

Something for the engine modders.

- One should be able to freely move the models around in the tech screens. I don't like the automatic turning

I think that is already possible...

- Cannons with limited ammunition like in WC5 would be cool

Maybe the Saga crew will surprise us in the main campaign :)

- When the ship is damaged certain systems should fail for some time to make things more dramatic.

That happens already. When you take heavy damage systems do fail. That appears next to the hull status in the upper center of the HUD

- There should be a tactical nav map in single player in which one could give the wingmen orders.

Would be nice but that is a major feature that would have to be implemented in the Freespace2_open source first. But go ahead and suggest that to the
developers. Maybe they can come up with something.

- The target lock triangle is cool at first but a little annoying after a while. Could it be replaced by something simpler?

I guess so.. again personal taste.

- If the missiles are stored on external pilons one should be able to fire more than one simultaneously. If they are stored in a missile bay the selection should make a loading sound.

Actually you can fire a salvo of two missiles at once. Don't ask me for the shortcut for that though. Look it up with F1. About the rest: I think that would be a little too much work to implement with little real effect for the player.

- Full guns should not necessarily be available as a setting. Firing three canon types at once seems a little like overkill. But Vulcan cannons should always be usable together with other guns since they have limited ammo and don't use energy.

Well the Thunderbolt VII of WC3 could fire all three gun types at once, so there's no reason to deny the player that possibility in a MOD that tries to capture the gameplay of WC3.

- I'd like to have a simple white arrow instead of that spaceship as a cursor. The cursor is a tool, not a design toy.

You're not really into fancy design and graphics are you? ;) Anyway I don't like overdesigned cursors myself, but I think the spaceship is still ok. It looks nice and still does the job well.

- If a missile is a heatseeker it should say so and not be called "Javelin" or "Speculum" - I think such designations just confuse during battle.

Well the heat-seeking missiles in the WC universe are simply called Javelin HS. That's their name in all the games. Besides.. Real life heat-seekers also have names. Like "Sidewinder" or "IRIS-T" for example. I think the number of different missiles is small enough to still get the idea what they are used for.
I think in the game it doesn't make much difference anyway, you just lock em on and fire them.

- Some ships should explode immediately after a direct hit and not always take 3 seconds to explode while drifting through space.  I think so because usually by the time it explodes I have already targeted another enemy and don't have it in my view anymore.

Hat is also a game design decision. But most space sims do it that way. It kinda looks more dramatic, though you might miss some of the explosions.

- The Glide-function could be left out. Is is hard to handle and seems unrealistic.

I guess you mean the Shelton-Slide capability of the arrow? Well again.. the Arrow had that feature in WC3, so it does have it now too. Any unrealistic?
Why the hell that? It's space. In a newtonian space sim physics engine all fighters would behave like that. Actually the steering WCSaga and all WC games feature
is very arcade like, even though more easy to handle.

- Instead one could add side thrusters (like in Descent)

Good feature, but not really consistent with the WC games since none of them offered that.

- I don't know if that exists but I'd like to have an external view of my fighter

Does exists. The chase view e.g. Look up F1 to find out how to activate it.


Offline karajorma

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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
- One should be able to skip the ingame-dialogues so one wouldn't have to listen to all of it again after failing a mission
This is also an engine problem,

No it isn't :) Skipping chat isn't simple but it's definitely doable. Especially in bits of the mission where nothing but chat is occuring.

Event 1 - Player Dies Or Fails
---Alpha 1
---Player Fails Mission
--PlayerDeathsAndFails[0]  <---------------------------Player Persistant variable
-- +

Event 2 - Player wants to skip dialog
-- >
--- 1
-Modify Variable

Event 3 - Some Chatter
--Whatever conditions
- =

Now the chatter the first time you play the mission. After that you can press the 1 key to skip it. Some changes would need to be made to the mission that moves the plot on again after the chatter but there's no real reason that you have to force the player to sit though the chatter every time he plays :)

And of course you don't have to let him skip the action :D

I had planned to add something along these lines in BtRL but the opportunity never really presented itself. I have an idea where I can use a simplified version though :D

« Last Edit: January 08, 2007, 04:21:41 pm by karajorma »
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
this sounds like a royal pain in the butt to implement :)
Wing Commander Saga: A Legend Is Reborn | WingCenter
Tolwyn’s reputation for risk taking with other people’s lives was considered  to understate the facts. The admiral’s willingness to sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve his objectives had long been lauded in the popular press. He was “the man who got things done”.- Colonel Blair

No errors, no random CTDs, just pure fun and proof of why getting hit with missiles is a bad thing.
-WC Saga's beta tester

Report Wing Commander Saga bugs with Mantis


Offline karajorma

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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
It's a bit of an annoyance but not really that much. And it would greatly improve replayability :)
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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I see it was your intention to make a kind of sequel to WC 3-5, with a similar style & gameplay. And you perfectly succeeded.
I like that the HUD's that configurable, the in-game speech is authentic, sounds & music are perfectly implemented, and you only included the beautiful looking starfighters.


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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
Hi, ich habe euer Game gespielt, und ich bin ganz begeistert.
Ich habe aus lauter Enthusiasmus prompt aufgeschrieben, was ich noch verändern würde

-Mein größter Wunsch ist, daß für jedes Raumschiff wieder ein liebevoll designtes Cockpit-Bitmap gibt, wie in Wing Commander 1+2 und Privateer 1.
-Den Joystick könnte man auch wieder mit im Bild sehen. Ich finde, das war ein tolles Feature in den alten WC-Teilen. Es könnten sogar Lichter und Anzeigen auf dem Joystick angebracht sein.

freespace2 was without cockpits, you only see the HUD.
yeah i missing cockpits in the beging too, but that was a small negativ point behind a great game.
the problem is that WCS are a total conversation of Freespace 2, so theres in standarts no cockpits.
but like Mr_Maniac they work on it.

i dont know if a animated joystick possible, the modder experiement with animated 3D huds, but i dont know how far it work in the moment.

-Die verschiedenen Bordkanonen müßten sich stärker voneinander unterscheiden. Mir erschließt es sich nicht, was nun so viel toller an einer Tachyonenkanone gegenüber dem Laser sein sollte.

some kannons make more damage to the shields, some cannons make more damage to the hull, and some cannaons ignore the shields?
i dont try it exactly but laser is more shield and less hull damage and ion more hull and maybe more shield damage, but suck many energie.

-Die In-game-Dialoge müßte man auf jeden Fall skippen können, damit man sich nach einem Fehlversuch nicht alles noch einmal anhören muß.

if you know that is no action you can use the time compressor with shift + . and shift + , .
that dont skip the dialogs but you can make it a little bit faster.

-Die Menüs sind unübersichtlich. Zu viel Design! Das Menü zur Tastenbelegung ist schlecht konstruiert. Man kann kaum erkennen, ob einer Funktion die Taste rechts gegenüber zugeordnet ist, oder die darüber/darunter.

to the menu itsself, i like it.
to the keysettings: its look in the first time a little bit bemusing but if you work a little bit with it, thats ok.

-Die Sprachausgabe könnte man auch ganz weglassen, oder man müßte sie auschalten können. Statt dessen ein übersichtliches Textnachrichtensystem, mit verschiedenen Farben, je nach Witigkeit der Nachricht.

sorry, but today modern games doesnt have so a feature.
no shooter, no RTS or roleplaying game.

-Die Missionen sollten nicht im Hangar beginnen, sondern schon nach dem Start. Warum? Der Hangar ist nicht besonders ansehnlich, und es kostet Zeit.

comeon that 5 second you have and i miss really in freespace 2 the hanger start and landing sequences.
i dont really like it to start directly in the mission area.
a start of the carrier, jump in the mission area, complett the mission, jump back to the carrier and land, thats my dream *g*

-Die Autopilot-Sequenzen sind viel zu lang. Bitte kürzer! Oder habe ich bloß die Tast zum Skippen nicht gefunden?

yeah sometimes they a little bit to long, but they work with the time compression of Freespace2.
in the orginal FS2 its was 4x, now its 64x, but for WCS i think 128x isnt so bad.

-Daß ein Torpedo 10 oder mehr Sekunden braucht um aufzuschließen, wirkt unrealistisch. Warum sollte da schlechtere Elektronik drin sei als in den Raketen? Vielleicht sollten Torpedos grundsätzlich ungelenkt sein.

so you need more skill, i mean if you look on in 1 second, you fly, lock on, fire, hit the burner and say goobbye.
so you have to fill in the anti fighter screen, more action and so on.

the other thing is, the most rockets fellow a heat signature, the torpedos look really on the target or a subsystem.

-Die Schildanzeige ist unübersichtlich. Vorder- und Achterschild würden vollkommen genügen (wie bei X-Wing?)

nope. its seem a little bit overkill, but after some mission, you will see that its ok and good.
x-wing if with shields a little bit simple after that.

-Das HUD müße von überflüssigem Designkram befreit werden.

thats personaly, in my opionin its ok.

-Der Coolie sollte nicht per se mit der Rundumsicht-Funktion belegt sein (ich glaube, die wenigsten benutzen diese Funktion, denn es gibt doch den Scanner!). Mein Vorschlag ist, ihn mit dem Verteilen von Schild- und Laserenergie zu belegen.

maybe, but you can configurate itsself if you want this.
i like to look around and sometimes its helpfull.

-Auto-Aiming könnte ganz abgeschafft werden. Würde in ein reines Ballerspiel passen, aber nicht in Wing Commander.

auto aiming? theres only a help, you need self enought skill still for perfects shots.
i play Freespace after it released and sometime i dont hit really often a fighter (yeah i know im a low skiller ;) ).

-Ich hätte ich lieber zwei Frauen als Wingmen als Assassin und Ninja.

they two are funny, a little bit mad and good buddies.
i dont see if there so much wrong with them, but we dont know, maybe theres any where out there a woman that want to hunt you ass *gg*.

-Das Wackeln, das durch das Einschalten des Afterburners verursacht wird, ist nicht schlecht, aber übertrieben stark.

thats the normal effect of the afterburners in FS2, dont know if it possible to chance it, but i think after so often to play it, that it can be a little bit stronger.

-Stattdessen hätte ich gerne ein Rucken, das durch Geschoßeinschlag hervorgerufen wird (abhängig davon, wo und in welchem Winkel die Geschosse das Raumschiff treffen=

for that you need a really good physics engine and much more power in your pc.
and rockets can have shockwaves, but if you every time if you hit shake like hell, you cant really aim on a target.
i dont think that this will bring more joy, only more frustration.

-In der Tech-Anzeige müßte man die Raumschiffmodelle beliebig drehen und vergrößern können. Das automatische Drehen finde ich überflüssig. Müßte zumindest abschaltbar sein.

thats coded in FS2.
if you want the ships a little bit greater: use F3 in the menü. there you have other options too.

-Kanonen mit begrenzter Munition, wie in Wing Commander 5, wären auch super.

possible, but you have then really good to shot ;)

-Bei Beschädigung des Schiffes müßten gewisse technische Geräte zeitweilig ausfallen, um die Dramatik zu erhöhen.

support FS2, all fighters have subsystems, like weapons, and all can take damage.
if the hard damage they working correctly anymore and they can be destroyed.

-Für den Einzelspielermodus muß es auf jeden Fall eine Taktische Karte geben. In diesem Modus müßte man seinen Wingmen auch Befehle erteilen können. Wer hat schon Zeit, sich mitten im Dogfight noch um die Belange der anderen zu kümmern?

in FS2 no tactical map.
and i dont miss that really, you have you protection list.
yeah in great missions you lost sometimes the overview, but i dont see that as an directly disadvantage.

you can give your wings oders, with c.
but the the oders there are in wcs deactivated.
maybe because your are a rookie and not a wing commander.

-Dieses Aufschließungs-Dreieck sieht zwar cool aus, es nervt aber mit der Zeit und sollte durch etwas Schlichteres ersetzt werden.

you mean if you look on missles?
i dont think so.

-Wenn die Raketen extern aufgehängt sind, sollte man mehrere auf einmal abschießen können. Wenn sie jedoch innerhalb des Schiffsrumpfes aufbewahrt werden, sollte das Auswählen der Raketen ein Geräusch hervorrufen (das von dem Lademechanismus herrührt).

you can fire missles in double mod too, like cannons, with shift + -.
but you have in the most mission only 8 rockets and theres no rearm in the mission.
the other thing is that you very often only one rocket need to destroy a target.
i think its a dissipation if you fire to rocktes at the same time on one target.

-Die Bordkanonen bräuchte man nicht unbedingt koppeln können. Wenn drei Kanonen auf einmal feuern, wirkt das irgendwie wie zuviel des Guten. Vulcan-Kanonen mit begrenzter Munition sollte man aber immer zuschalten können, da sie keine Energie benötigen.

they fire slower if the fire in double mod and they eat more energy.
so i dont see there really to great advantage.

-Ich hätte gerne einen schlichten, weißen Pfeil statt dieses Raumschiffes zum Mauszeiger. Der Mauszeiger ist ein Werkzeug, kein Designobjekt.

dont know what you mean, if you mean the courser in the main menu, thats the normal courser.

-Wenn eine Rakete eine Heatseaker ist, so sollte sie auch als solche angezeigt werden. Nicht als "Javelin" oder "Speculum" - ich finde, derlei Bezeichnungen verwirren während des Kampfes.

normaly you look before a mission how you missions work, but its simple, look on and fire.
if come no look on, fire and forget.

-Einige Raumschiffe sollten auch mal sofort nach einem Treffer explodieren, und nicht immer erst 3 Sekunden lang durch den Raum wirbeln. Das finde ich, weil ich zum Zeitpunkt der Explosion meine Nase längst schon einem neuen Ziel zugewandt habe, und sie so gar nicht merh zu Gesicht bekomme.

feature of Freespace2 and trust me you see often enaught how a ship exploded and maybe you killed too, lol.

-Die Glide-Funktion kann entfallen. Sie ist umständlich und wirkt unrealistisch.
-Statt dessen könnte man Seitenschub einbauen, also "Sliden" (ähnlich Descent).


-Ich weiß nicht, ob sie nicht existiert, oder ich sie nur nicht gefunden habe, aber ich würde eine Außenansicht meines Fighters sehr gut finden.

the times (*) botton on the numbersblock pat of your keyboard, with + and - on the numbersblock you can zoom in and out.
but i prefer the ego perspective, not the 3rd person.

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attention: this english is dangerours and terrible, runaway so fast you can!


Offline gevatter Lars

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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
The gliding/sliding isn't unrealistic at all. You just turn of your thrusters and use the newton effect...means you will keep on going in the direction you traveled before and use your smaller thrusters to turn your ship. I think the sliding you mean is more like you keep our engines turned on and just add the side thrusters. That way you will keep you direction pointed forward and fly to the side at the same time.

Its more a matter of taste then on what is more realistic. The entire motion if the fighters in most of the spacegames is in an arcade like mode. Just games like I-War or I-found-her had a more realistic flighing style. So I don't bother much about realsim ^_^
OK a little bit of realism is heavier fighters/ship turning slower and so on. But between the slide and glide...its a matter if taste.
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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
If you're going to start talking about reality go complain at Chris Roberts for having an enemy race of talking, spaceship flying cats.

Then once you're done you can start with us as to whether glide is realistic or not :p
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Offline gevatter Lars

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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
This wasn't meant to be a discussion about what is realistic and what is not. In the german posting before their was a line where someone said that he finds that gliding isn't as realistic as sliding and I just wanted to say that I don't think that any game or better said very very few, have a realistic way of flighing. Its just a game its for fun.
So no discussion just my answere to his posting and my opinion about it.
"Yes! That is my plan, and I see nothing wrong with it. I figure that if I stick to a stupid strategy long enough it might start to work."
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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
I wasn't having a go at you Lars. :D That's why I said have a go at us. Cause the original poster was. :)
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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
cats, mhh i ask me, why the confed not try big space mouse with explosive stuff as decoy.

sorry i cant resist :D.

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attention: this english is dangerours and terrible, runaway so fast you can!


Offline Polpolion

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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
About the cockpits, FS2 is capable of doing that, it's just that they need to be included in the model, then you need to add a flag to the ship's table entry.

Also, I use the coolie hat to change veiws. :p


Offline gevatter Lars

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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
WC cockpit where quite detailed and full of stuff so that I think it would be better when we could freely move around the HUD elements. Else it could get a little bit confusing if parts of the cockpit, like the radar for example, are twice their. One from the FS HUD the other from the cockpit graphics. That would be quite distracting to me.
"Yes! That is my plan, and I see nothing wrong with it. I figure that if I stick to a stupid strategy long enough it might start to work."
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Offline Tolwyn

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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
I would prefer if we could use a separate cocpit model. It could be more detailed. Even better would be to use a 2d cocpit. It would allow us to implement more details
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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
I would prefer if we could use a separate cocpit model. It could be more detailed. Even better would be to use a 2d cocpit. It would allow us to implement more details

I'm not sure where, but I'm sure aldo has posted screenshots showing a cockpit view somewhere here in the past. Ask him how it's done?
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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
I'm not sure where, but I'm sure aldo has posted screenshots showing a cockpit view somewhere here in the past. Ask him how it's done?

I know how it is done: the cocpit is implemented into the model, eye point is set accordingly. But we do not want to overwork our models again :)
Wing Commander Saga: A Legend Is Reborn | WingCenter
Tolwyn’s reputation for risk taking with other people’s lives was considered  to understate the facts. The admiral’s willingness to sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve his objectives had long been lauded in the popular press. He was “the man who got things done”.- Colonel Blair

No errors, no random CTDs, just pure fun and proof of why getting hit with missiles is a bad thing.
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Offline gevatter Lars

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Re: Verbesserungswunschliste
I would only overwork the models when we would have the posibility to do it completly. Means best would be if we could put the HUD graphics on the 3D elements. But even if it would be possible to put the HUD elements to where they belong it would be good and would make at least me thing about adding cockpits.
"Yes! That is my plan, and I see nothing wrong with it. I figure that if I stick to a stupid strategy long enough it might start to work."
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