Modding, Mission Design, and Coding > The FRED Workshop
TAP taking on staff.
TAP is now looking for several new people to join the team, providing support and assistance with the project where needed.
We are currently looking for people who can fill the following roles:
* Modelers
* Texture/graphic artists
* Model Converters
However if you feel you have some other skills that could assist in the development of TAP then please feel free to apply for a position with the team stating what skills you have and why you think you can help us. We can always use an extra hand from the right people :)
All interested persons should contact myself either here (via posting or private message) or by email at: [email protected]
I could make mission backgrounds, filling the entire space with nebula and using the available 60 bitmaps.
Interesting that. We're still looking at the difference aspects and methods available to achieve the homeworldy feel of a stellar scape.
Let me have a little think and I'll get back to you soon. :)
--- Quote ---Originally posted by TopAce
I could make mission backgrounds, filling the entire space with nebula and using the available 60 bitmaps.
--- End quote ---
You want do art for TAP and you say to me you can't do art :wtf:
--- Quote ---Originally posted by FreeTerran
You want do art for TAP and you say to me you can't do art :wtf:
--- End quote ---
You misunderstand! I am able to make nice backgrounds with FRED. Understand: SHIFT-I, add dneb02, position:43, 33, 23.
The background image is really a thing I cannot do.
Sorry if I were ununderstandable.
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