General FreeSpace > FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support
Ross 128
The ross 128 mission consist of fsport-Ross128.vp, readme, and 4 picture files.
Ive selected the containing folder as the Mod to play, but FS2Open says the active campaign cannot be found.
How do i set up / play this single mission?
Colonol Dekker:
MAke sure all relevant file types are in the correct folders, IE-data/maps etc. :)
Ive used the installer, all should be where they belong.
When i select the folder "fsport-Ross128" as the mod and run the game, it says "The currently active campaign cannot be found, please select another"
Colonol Dekker:
Umms, i know this is really going to sound stupid, but did it install to your FS2 folder? I only ask because sometimes people move stuff around........... :)
Please dont think i'm being patronising, :)
Wheres the Author?
The installer downloaded all for me, all the other mods seems to be in their own folders under the FS2 folder.
The Ross 128 single mission mod i downloaded manually, its a zip file that i extracted to FS2/fsport-Ross128/ cos thats the name of the zip.
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