Modding, Mission Design, and Coding > FS2 Open Coding - The Source Code Project (SCP)

A "Quick Mission" mode!

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Freespace2 needs some sort of "Quick Mission" mode, sort of like the skirmish mode in X-Wing Alliance, where the player can easily make a simple mission by telling the game which ships they want in the battle, the environment(asteroids, minefield), and the ships'  goals(attack primary target, is primary target, etc.).  This could be accesed through the same place that can play single missions and stuff.  I'm not sure how exactly it could be done, but one way could be to generate a temporary mission file after all of the options are set, and then load the mission into the game.  This shouldn't be that hard for anyone who knows basic file operations in c++ and how to use FRED

you can make a mission like this in fred... just as the setup make the player fly to nav bouys to set variables... then when the game is setup, the bouys disapeer and the ships start spawning... i know this isn't as easy but it dosn't require any source code changing


--- Quote ---Originally posted by YodaSean
Freespace2 needs some sort of "Quick Mission" mode, sort of like the skirmish mode in X-Wing Alliance, where the player can easily make a simple mission by telling the game which ships they want in the battle, the environment(asteroids, minefield), and the ships'  goals(attack primary target, is primary target, etc.).  This could be accesed through the same place that can play single missions and stuff.  I'm not sure how exactly it could be done, but one way could be to generate a temporary mission file after all of the options are set, and then load the mission into the game.  This shouldn't be that hard for anyone who knows basic file operations in c++ and how to use FRED
--- End quote ---
hehe how about a "Mission Wizard" for FRED?  If you've used MSVC (or MS Office for that matter) you'll know what I mean...

FRED almost feels like a wizard its so easy :D

You could probably setup some sort of event trigger to randomize the enemies too.

yes you can, use the random value sexp.  And please, put all requests for source code changes into that one thread called "Requested changes to fs2 source".  Keep this place clean and organized.


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