Author Topic: GVSC Neith  (Read 22360 times)

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Looks really pretty now. :nod:


Offline mr.WHO

  • 29
Here's a download link to the package. It's assumed you know where these things belong.

Random thought - why FS science ships have to have solar panels? IMO Hippocrates look like better science ship (you can quarantine/separate experiment area with ease from crew quarters).

Those are sensor arrays, not solar panels.

Some real world examples:


Offline Goober5000

  • HLP Loremaster
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    • Goober5000 Productions

The Faustus has solar panels. :nervous:  They are named as such in the model and table.

I guess solar panels make a ship more "sciency".

I thought the Faustus uses Fusion reactor, and therefore has its own little sun as energysource... :D