Author Topic: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency  (Read 345144 times)

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Offline Blaise Russel

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Pretty damn good campaign. Challenging, but good.

You should definitely consider getting this voiceacted - it would be well worth the effort.


Offline Vretsu

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Simply a glorious campaign. It's even better because I never even knew it was in development, and hence, am not at all bothered at having allegedly waited six years.



Offline takashi

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
how many missions?


Offline Vretsu

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
According to the website's "about" page, which took me three seconds to access from here, seventeen.


Offline Sparky

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Hahaha, I played a few missions and I'm loving it so far. I found a quirk though:

In the mission where you have to protect the Installation and fly as Thoths, i messed up and the station got destroyed. I said f-it and once the Vasudan cap ship entered it said I completed the mission.

The debriefing had both that I protected it and it was a serious loss that it was destroyed. lol


Offline Cobra

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Played it. The missions are well done and well written. I'm not sure if I call the Vasudans' speech formal or not, I guess I'm just used to Volition's way of Vasudan speech over a translator. :)
To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow. - Metrodorus of Chios
I wept. Mysterious forces beyond my ken had reached into my beautiful mission and energized its pilots with inhuman bomb-firing abilities. I could only imagine the GTVA warriors giving a mighty KIAAIIIIIII shout as they worked their triggers, their biceps bulging with sinew after years of Ivan Drago-esque steroid therapy and weight training. - General Battuta


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Pretty damn good campaign. Challenging, but good.

You should definitely consider getting this voiceacted - it would be well worth the effort.

I have plans to try gathering support for voice acting later on, if the campaign ends up becoming sufficiently popular. There are some hurdles involved (custom Vasudan talk would be needed in a few places to have it sound appropriate, and I would need to find a different way of specifying the debriefing music), but I also think that the campaign would greatly benefit from it.

In the mission where you have to protect the Installation and fly as Thoths, i messed up and the station got destroyed. I said f-it and once the Vasudan cap ship entered it said I completed the mission.

The debriefing had both that I protected it and it was a serious loss that it was destroyed. lol

It looks like you ran into a very rare bug there. The installation actually becomes invulnerable when the destroyer comes in to prevent this from happening, but upon examination it's theoretically possible for it to get blown up during the few seconds while the destroyer is coming out of subspace. That mission is pretty old (was originally made in 2001) and I've easily played it at least 30 times by now, but I somehow never had that occur. It's a simple fix though and I'll include it in a patch.

By the way, out of curiosity, what kind of scores are you guys getting? (the number it gives you at the end of the campaign)


Offline Cobra

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Uh, yeah, I wondered about that. What the hell is it for?
To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow. - Metrodorus of Chios
I wept. Mysterious forces beyond my ken had reached into my beautiful mission and energized its pilots with inhuman bomb-firing abilities. I could only imagine the GTVA warriors giving a mighty KIAAIIIIIII shout as they worked their triggers, their biceps bulging with sinew after years of Ivan Drago-esque steroid therapy and weight training. - General Battuta


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Copied from the website:

1: Most of the missions give you special "bonus points" for completing extra secondary or bonus objectives. You will see a flashing indicator on your HUD when you obtain a bonus point. There are a total of 20 bonus points in the campaign. At the end, you will get a percentage score based on how many you acquired. If you manage to get 100%, consider yourself a true master. :)

It basically just keeps track of how many extra objectives you got throughout the campaign, although it doesn't include some of the very easy ones.


Offline jr2

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Hmm, this looks good, I'll have to d'l it...


Offline Qwer

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
I'll try this today or tommorow, but when looking into FRED I've noticed some realism bugs (which on the other hand might be incorrect as I don't know full campaign yet):
- you've overpowered Mentu with those two SVas'es, also you've changed the only fully specialised GTVA design into universal one :P
- another overpowered design is Hecate with two additional BGreens (both balance realism and strategic realism bug)
- you've spilt common GTVA technology into racial ones (common turrets into Terran and Vasudan ones, common AAA into TAAA and VAAA), bad strategy move
- GTVA still keeps that Fenris junk? :P
If in your opinion there's no difference beetwen "Master Game" and "Game Master", I can only feel for you.


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
I'll try this today or tommorow, but when looking into FRED I've noticed some realism bugs (which on the other hand might be incorrect as I don't know full campaign yet):
- you've overpowered Mentu with those two SVas'es, also you've changed the only fully specialised GTVA design into universal one Tongue
- another overpowered design is Hecate with two additional BGreens (both balance realism and strategic realism bug)
- you've spilt common GTVA technology into racial ones (common turrets into Terran and Vasudan ones, common AAA into TAAA and VAAA), bad strategy move
- GTVA still keeps that Fenris junk? :p

1 and 2: If you're looking at the defaults in the tables, they only apply to about a third of the instances where those ships are used, and are for the most part irrelevant. I routinely change the main armaments and strength values around on a per-mission basis, based on the mission's own specific requirements, and even then the beams are frequently running off fire-beam events with repeat intervals that vary widely between missions. It doesn't really matter what their stats are since they will perform differently in each mission, depending on other things. I typically want things in a mission to pan out a certain way, in terms of the story and gameplay from the player's perspective, and arrange everything so it works out that way.

3: It's an extension of the anti-capital beams. The different turrets are fairly common among campaigns these days and I believe they will go into they next Media VP version. The weapons are presumably based on the same technology and only carry minor stylistic differences.

4: If you have them around, you might as well have them do something. :D That being said, there is only one Fenris in PI that actually appears in a mission.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 03:38:57 am by CP5670 »


Offline Roanoke

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Lol kept this quiet didn't you (untill the release obviously) ? Last I recall it died when a hard-drive went down.


Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency

Oh emm gee, this is one of the best campaigns I've played. I'm on mission 9 right now, and I've really enjoyed the first 8 missions.

Good work on the campaign, man. :)


Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Ugh too bad you had to include one of those stupid covert missions. I've had enough bs for one day after trying and failing ten times over. :doubt:


Meh at least I can enjoy the rest of the campaign now.


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Lol kept this quiet didn't you (untill the release obviously) ? Last I recall it died when a hard-drive went down.

Yes, that happened in 2004 and I lost a lot of progress from it. I got some new ideas last summer and started working on it again. I had learned my lesson though and decided to refrain from building up any hype this time, until the thing was actually ready to go. :p

Ugh too bad you had to include one of those stupid covert missions. I've had enough bs for one day after trying and failing ten times over.

Meh at least I can enjoy the rest of the campaign now.

It's a matter of taste. Some people actually like those missions. :p I'm assuming you're referring to 13, which is actually fairly easy if you approach it the right way. See the walkthrough for some tips.

I suppose I should make it possible to skip that part as a cheat though. It's impossible to cheat in it and the later part of that mission is fairly critical to the story, so skipping it isn't a good idea either. I have already built a bypass into the mission for debugging but disabled it for the final release, so it should be easy to turn it back on in the next update.

In any case, at least I can say that the campaign has something for everyone. :D
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 12:15:50 pm by CP5670 »


Offline Vretsu

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Download faster!  :mad:


Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
Oh beejezus.... You've got another undercover mission...

BTW, I knew that there was going to be some interesting conversation in that mission so I cheated and went in fred and read the entire thing. :P

How do you get past Mission 14 Part II if you >dont< want to scan the freighters?

Good campaign except for those.... 3vil little missions.


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
14b is a piece of cake if you don't bother with the bonus objectives, much easier than 13. Just fly over to the installation and do the stuff listed in the directives. The fighters are spread out over too large an area to cause any real problems.

On a general note, if you're having trouble with these missions, make sure you have the escort targeting key easily accessible. You want to be cycling through the escort list constantly to check how far things are.


Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE - The Procyon Insurgency
check how far things are.

Ooh, it rhymes!