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Freespace 1 on Windows10

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I did find NGlide to be significantly less of a hassle then DGVoodoo (which if anything has too many options for me).

I should give it my own shot really...

Col. Fishguts:
Tried it also with nGlide now. As advertised, it works straight out of the box, without any configuration tweaks.
At forced higher resolutions, there are also some artifacts around text elements, but less noticeable than with dgVoodoo.
Also, there is no stuttering (like there is in dgVoodoo), so overall it's the superior experience.
If one would also use some CPU-slowdown tool (to avoid the glitches caused by too fast CPU), you'd get a perfect setup.

I wonder if you can edit the max texture size for Glide mode somehow.  Would be interesting.

I know it's pretty strongly hardcoded in a few other games, so I expect it's not going to be easy for FS1.

Also, glad to see you got it to work, fishguts!

Col. Fishguts:

--- Quote from: jr2 on June 10, 2023, 06:11:40 pm ---I wonder if you can edit the max texture size for Glide mode somehow.  Would be interesting.

--- End quote ---

The texture size limit at 256x256 is hard-baked into the Glide API (at least in version 1.x and 2.x), since the hardware cannot handle larger texture sizes, due to the way the texture memory is organized on V1/V2/V3 boards.
So any larger texture you ask Glide to load into VRAM gets down-sampled to the nearest 2^n value <= 256.
Now in principle a Glide wrapper could work around that limit and inject arbitrary textures during rendering, but from what I read on the  dgvoodoo forums it's not exactly trivial, but might be implemented at one point.


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