Author Topic: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed  (Read 55045 times)

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed

*cough* *cough*

Homer: Aw, twenty dollars! I wanted a peanut!
Homer's Brain: Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts.
Homer: Explain how.
Homer's Brain: Money can be exchanged for goods and services.
Homer: Woo-hoo!


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
PLEASE! Any updates? I beg you to post another chapter!


Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
PLEASE! Any updates? I beg you to post another chapter!

Is there any need to plead? Just bump it if you have to.
My blog

Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
It's better than moaning to weatherop.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
I hope this is up to my older stuff, I may be out of practice.  ;)

Chapter 4: The Hopeless Fallen

System: Beta Aquilae(Delta Serpentis jump node)

May 18, Year 2371, 9:57 hours.

Bridge: GTD Vega

Simms looked down at the terminal, while keeping a slight eye on the crew stations below him. He grimaced as he pulled up the latest report.



The situation was rapidly heading toward another massive civil war, one far greater than the NTF Rebellion as Athor was a very powerful and persuasive man. Then he pondered that information Hanley had told him earlier. What exactly was Hanley leading to?

"Incoming jump signature"

A tech said.

Simms watched as the Adrastos class heavy cruiser exited subspace to join the assembled forces guarding the Node. So, the stand off continued. Simms just couldn't shake the loss of his pilots and the crew of the Flawless. All those crewmen sacrificed. But, he swore to himself, he would see them vindicated.

Chapter 4: The Hopeless Fallen(Continued)

System: SOL

Pike put his hands over his eyes. He was exhausted. His fellow pilots and himself were taken on board a frigate and interrogated for at least three hours it seamed to him. He lost count on how many times he had recounted all that has happened since the Great War. He briefed them on the GTI Rebellion and the Second Shivan Incursion into Allied Space, and he had no doubt his fellow pilots had the same treatment. He rubbed his head, even though it was bandaged up, it still was quite painful and he was still slightly dizzy from the slight concussion he suffered.

A knock at the door.

A man obviously a lesser officer walked through the door.

"You have been cleared. Come with me please."

Pike stood up, he then realized how bad his muscles ached. He walked around the officer only to find Heirden and McKinley waiting with the another crewman. They too looked both emotionally and physically drained.

"Where are they taking us." Pike asked in a whisper.

"I don't know, they haven't told either one of us anything. Nothing at all for that matter." Heirden answered.

"Please follow me." the officer said as he flicked his hand.

A few minutes and an elevator ride later, they arrived in the small hangar they had landed in only to find scientists and pilots looking at their fighters. But, that was not their concern. They were directed to a Hermes shuttle, and after they were seated, the craft raised up off the surface and pulled away from the frigate.

They could see it would be a short trip as the craft immediately turned toward the large vessel. The ship was so large it had deployed the frigate after it exited subspace. Pike watched out the glass as the ship grew larger. It was un-like anything else he had seen. In fact, it looked as someone had put a number of designs together to create this monstrosity so that it was more like Frankenstein than a ship at all. But, as they neared it was easy to tell it was a formidable vessel, full of gun emplacements including what appeared to be massive cannons very much like what appeared on naval battleships many hundreds of years ago.

"Command would like to know about this." Heirden said quietly.

However, Pike's attention was now on the cavernous hangar now in front of the Hermes. Even from this distance, he could see the hundreds of fighters on multiple decks.

The Hermes pulled into the hangar. Pike watched as both crewmen and pilots stopped and watched the craft, "watched them" float slowly toward an empty space.

McKinley tapped on the window glass. The older fighter pilot grinning as he pointed toward a wing of fighters.

"Valks. Those were the first fighters I ever did fly."

"What are those?" Pike asked as he pointed to another wing of fighters.

"I don't know, never seen that class before" McKinley responded.

It was obviously based on the Hercules class, not as sleek as the Hercules Mark II he was familiar with, but just as formidable. His attention shifted as the Hermes set down on the hangar floor. The guards stood as the metal doors opened. Pike put his hands on the frame as he stepped out. The whole hangar was dead silent, all eyes shifted to the men. Pike watched as man wearing the blue garb of a high ranking officer approached.

"Welcome aboard the Galatea. Colonel Hood pleased to make your acquaintance."

He shook the pilots hands in succession.

"Please come with me, there is much to be discussed"

Hood motioned with his hands and begun walking.

"Galatea.... I've heard that name bef..." Heirden whispered.

"Orion class, destroyed by the Lucifer in The Great War." McKinley spoke up, almost speaking the name with reverence.

Walking through the massive hangar, they were under constant watch from all crewman and pilots.

"Inviting bunch, huh" Pike whispered watching the expressions of the crew.

"Well, after being isolated from the rest of the GTA from thirty plus years, they have reason to be." Hood spoke up, his voice monotone.

Pike looked at Hood, as they continued to walk, and noticed the hearing aid behind his left ear. They entered the elevator, guards standing at the entrance saluted.

For what seamed to be minutes the elevator traveled. Heirden watched out the single viewport as they traveled along the great vessel.

"Magnificent, isn't she" Hood spoke softly.

"Thirty-two years of engineering, fifty thousand crewmen."

Pike opened his mouth.

"All questions will be answered in due time" Hood spoke, obviously expecting Pike's question.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Guards outside saluted. They walked down the hallway, toward a door. Hood pressed the intercomm.

"Sir, the pilots from the GTA"


The door opened to reveal private quarters. The room was well lit, there a man sat at the desk his face behind the computer monitor.

The man, in his late fifties early sixties Pike guessed, looked up at them them. He smiled.

"Welcome aboard this excellent vessel" He spoke with a grin on his face stood. Pike could see he wasn't a very tall man, somewhere in the range of five foot, ten inches. He walked around his computer desk and as shook Pike's hand.

"Admiral Jacobs"

Pike couldn't help but see all the medals and awards he wore on his uniform. Triple Ace, Gold Cross, but a certain patch caught his eye, it was tarnished slightly, but still the emblem of the 242nd Suicide Kings stood out among everything else.

"Yes, pilot of the Galatea under Admiral Wolf, and to this day the Orff was nothing but a piece of scrap" Jacobs laughed.

Pike completely stunned nearly saluted when Jacobs waved him off.

"Long time ago, my friend." Jacobs grinned as he sat and motioned for them to do as well.

"I think this would be a good time to answer some questions and to ask some of my own. The smile on Jacobs face disappeared.

"We are pilots of the GTD Veg.." Pike spoke but was interrupted.

"I mean no offense, but I already know that information from the transcripts of your interegation"  Jacobs said.

"Perhaps if you ask your questions first, we could get on the same level."

Pike sat silent for a second then spoke.

"Maybe you could explain this vessel and it's purpose"

"Ah the Galatea, Well after we destroyed the Lucifer, we found that jump node back to allied space had been cut off as you also know. Well, to begin with we didn't have a clue what to do to get back in contact with Command. Well while our scientists tried to study the first recorded collapse of a jump node, the science ship Hope's Call found something very interesting."

Jacobs opened a file folder and handed Pike recon pictures. His blood went cold as he stared at the images, and Jacobs saw it.

"You have seen this before"

Pike looked up.

"I have sir, these images match the devices known by the codename Knossos. They are subspace gat....."

"We know" Jacobs spoke.

"That is how you got here my friend. That device appeared mysteriously after the destruction of the Lucifer, why it wasn't detected before we do not know. But, we have re-engineered it to create Pyli, our subspace portal to reconnect us to the allied systems. The device has been active for close to a month now, but by all means far to hazardous to cross, at least until you and your fellow pilots flew through it. Now all science ships have recorded it is now stable and safe for travel."

"Is the Knossos activated?" Pike inquired.

"No, even though we were able to reverse engineer it, it is far to complex to activate."

"So how did we make it though the node?" Heirden asked.

"Our scientists have debated, but have concluded whatever device you claim was built in Delta Serpentis somehow stabilized the node."

"So, what now sir?" Pike rubbed his chin.

"We re-establish the prodigal son with his father." Jacobs gave a small grin.

"And of the rebels on the other side of the node?

Jacobs smiled.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 11:34:45 pm by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline blowfish

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
:yes: :D


Offline Hellstryker

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
:jaw:  :yes: Please, please do not this turn into just another dead fanfic...


Offline eliex

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Yay it's alive!  :D


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Woah, I think that just made up for the six months I went without reading a book



Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
My blog

Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


Offline Retsof

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed

"Get off my forum" -General Battuta
I can't help but hear a shotgun cocking with this.


Offline WeatherOp

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
I'm tired, so please look over any spelling errors I missed.  ;)

Chapter 4: The Hopeless Fallen(Continued)

System: System: Delta Serpentis

May 19, Year 2371, 2:57 hours.

Bridge: GTD Temple

Hall stood looking out the main view ports on the bridge. He was staring at the beautiful structure known as Aurora, the "Hope" to reach Earth, the hope to re-unite loved ones. The hope was a lie, a lie used to draw them out. A lie so well crafted it had worked to perfection and has left him with little hope of survival. But he had right on his side, it was his job to save humanity. He looked over  a piece of paper, on which the orders from A'thor were clear. He knew A'thor was right, coming to save him and his fleet now was a waste of time. Time he thought was something they didn't have a lot of.

Hall looked down off the command deck.

"Has the scouts reported in yet?"

"We are just receiving them now, sir" a tech shouted back.

"We are getting word that a sizable GTVA fleet is organizing in Beta Aquilae, as of now it consists of two destroyers, three corvettes, two cruisers and one heavy cruiser. They also report that they have decoded a message that two more destroyers will be join the force later today."

Hall cursed and looked at the portal. He knew what would happen, with the portal being nothing more than a over sized ring, Command would have no problem attacking with all the ships it could assemble. He had planned on using the portal as a bargaining chip. But, that plan was now far out-dated. He had to take his chances in a all out assault as soon  as possible. His fleet of two destroyers and a cruiser and corvette wouldn't stand much of a chance against the fleet assembling in Beta Aquilae. Besides, the greater damage he could afflict may give A'thor just enough time to...

"Sir! We are getting incoming jump signature from the Aurora! a tech screamed.

"Impossible!"  Hall shouted watching out the view port.

He watched as two medium sized subspace portals materialized out of the black space. Then he watched as flame burst from the portals, both unleashing a torrent of shells that poured from the portal and slammed into the Cougar, a Leviathan class cruiser, and massive chunks of metal tore from the vessel and gouts of flame poured from the ship on all sides.

The two vessels exited subspace, revealing modified Leviathan cruisers armed with two four barreled battleship like turrets. Then all reality broke lose.

"Sir! Many incoming jump signatures!" The Tech was astounded by what he saw, fifty fighters and bombers all closing, weapons armed and all hostile.


Reggie Hayden looked over his sensor board, the two destroyers and corvette lit up like a Christmas tree on his display, as did the poor Leviathan cruiser for a few moments before disappearing, no doubt falling to the viscous onslaught by the GTC Oak and the GTC Atlantic, the Kraken class cruisers who led the assault.

"All fighters fall in, hit the destroyers hard, attack sub-systems, and put some bombs in the hangars before the fighters can launch. Also as briefed, watch the anti-fighter beams."

He heard the acknowledgments of the many leaders of the wings behind his own. He smiled, this is what being a Suicide King ment. He toggled a few switches, his Banshee cannons on his display changed from red to green as did his Glaucus cannons. His Eurus Interceptor was in top form, a design taken from the great Hercules fighter of the Great War. The Eurus was fast, agile and strong, and it carried a decent amount of bombs. Thinking that, he flipped a switch that armed his Paveway V bombs. Not powered, they were much smaller than the normally used torpedo, yet they carried about half the punch of the Tsunami and were much harder to hit. He could carry a lot of them , but he had to get close to toss them, and that is how he liked it. Hit engaged his afterburner, streaking out toward the destroyers.

"Sir, sensors show fighters launching."

"Acknowledged, Alpha 3, all fighters protect the bombers and engage" Hayden yelled, then they were in the thick of it.

Bridge: GTD Temple

The ship shook as it took a bomb hit on it's port side, Hall holding on to a terminal. He watched at a unknown class fighter shredded a Herc Two in front of the top view screen. He didn't know what to do, the assault was too fast and unexpected. His wings were getting slaughtered.

"Sir! Incoming jump signature! It's huge!"

Hall looked up, his knees nearly failing him. A vessel so large while coming out of subspace, it had collided and destroyed half of the Aurora.

"Orders Sir" a Tech screamed.

Hall said nothing.

Bridge: Galatea

Jacobs watched the view screens as they exited subspace. He looked over his shoulder at Pike.

"Watch and see that we are not behind in technology as you may think." Jacobs smiled, pointing to a Orion class destroyer on the mid-right viewpoint, as he pointed the ship received a red target box.

"Fire full broadside at that ship."

"Acknowledged Sir, commencing firing." a tech said.


Hayden weaved in and out behind the Loki, it was a slick little ship, hard to hit. He grunted as he pulled a tight left turn to stay on it's tail. But, his skill was far too much a match for the hapless fighter, he pulled the trigger, his four cannons slicing through shields and shearing off the the complete right rear end of the fighter, which spun uncontrollably before exploding in a fireball.

He checked his sensor board, it was a turkey shoot, enemy ships were quickly disappearing. Looking back out out his HUD he found himself in a interesting position. He smiled, flying right down as into the hangar of the Temple as to land, he clicked his bomb release trigger twice while throwing his fighter straight up vertical. He watched the bombs bounce down into the hangar before exploding, fire and debris poured into space as the hangar collapsed.

Bridge: Temple

Hall was knocked down as the entire vessel listed to the side, the lights dimming.

"Status report" getting back to his feet.

"Main hangar totally destroyed" a tech helplessly screamed.

Hall managed a smile, this battle was nearly over.


Huge streams of flames burst from the main three barreled super cannons on top of the Galatea, releasing massive rounds that tore into the side of the Heart's Desire a second later. Chunks tore out of the vessel from front and back, some rounds penetrating out the other side. The whole ship now with massive holes in the side, was kicked sideways from the force of the rounds. Flames burst from the sides of the Orion destroyer, now completely out of the fight.

Bridge: Galatea

"The Heart's Desire is out of commission" a tech shouted.

Jacobs eyed the vessel, small explosions ripping out chunks of levels every few seconds while fire consumed the whole ship's hull. Then he looked at the Temple, hangar flaming, with smaller flames pouring from bomb strikes.

"Open a channel"

"Done Sir"

"Temple, this the Admiral Jacobs of the Galatea, power down weapons and surrender your ship or suffer the same fate as your sister."

"We would rather die, your majesty." Hall mocked in a sarcastic tone.

"You will lead to the end of us whether or not I survive this engagement, wait, on second thought kill me now so I won't have to see your future blunder and the dooming of our race. Hall out."

Jacobs sighed.

"Recall all fighters from the vicinity of the Temple. Commence first battle testing of the Flux Cannon."

"Aye sir"


"All fighters, this is the Galatea, remove from the vicinity of the Temple, over."

Hayden heard the order over the comm channel.

"Roger, Galatea, all fighters pulling back.

Bridge: Temple

Hall downed a shot of liquor. He watched with detached interest as the attacking fighters and bombers pulled away from the ship. Then a faint glow at the front end of the Galatea, that glow soon grew bright, what looked to be red flames leaping from the glow, then it fired, and he was vaporized instantly.


The Flux Cannon fired, it's almost liquid, molten beam hit the Temple at the mid-line totally covering two-thirds of the ship. Hayden watched as the Temple melted under the intense power, that when the Flux Cannon ceased firing, all that remained was a hundred meters of the bow and stern both glowing as molten steel.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 04:58:49 pm by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline Hellstryker

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
"Have the scouts reported in yet?"

Fixed. Keep at it man!  ;)


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Awesome :D

Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Up to now, I was gonna say...Ohh great, another Galatic Civil War story. UGH!

But I have to admit, this one really shines bright in a good story line and well written characters as well. Good job and by all means, keep at it!  :yes:
Got Shivans? The SOC Ezechiel is the schnitzel! Don't leave base without it.


Offline Retsof

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
I'm trying to remember, Hall is one of those that attacked the jump gate, right?

"Get off my forum" -General Battuta
I can't help but hear a shotgun cocking with this.


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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Dammit, I really want to be able to play this. :p

Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed

Just had to do this! Can't wait for more!! ;)

Got Shivans? The SOC Ezechiel is the schnitzel! Don't leave base without it.


Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Re: FreeSpace: Secrets Revealed
Dammit, I really want to be able to play this. :p

Somebody could FRED it... :nervous:
My blog

Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?