Author Topic: RELEASE - Wings of Dawn Episode 1 & 2  (Read 132425 times)

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Offline Spoon

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Re: RELEASE - Wings of Dawn Episode 1 & 2
Try deleting the file called cuswingmengag-sct.tbm in the tables folder, this should revert the wingmen gauge to the retail default.

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline wookieejedi

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Re: RELEASE - Wings of Dawn Episode 1 & 2
Just FYI: I noticed this post and it made me update the custom wingmen gauge, so now modders can specify which fonts the gauge uses (also added support for low resolutions and ability to turn the gauge off if the player disables the wingmen gauge in the HUD configuration window).

Re: RELEASE - Wings of Dawn Episode 1 & 2
and ability to turn the gauge off if the player disables the wingmen gauge in the HUD configuration window).


FYI, turning the gauge off in the HUD Config Window doesn't work for me.   In the config window it goes dim when you turn it off, but when you play the game, it's still there.  Could just be part of my graphics issues tho.  This is with the latest update which I downloaded.   That update also screwed my fonts again which had been previously fixed with that fonts.tbl patch file :(


Offline wookieejedi

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Re: RELEASE - Wings of Dawn Episode 1 & 2
I just updated it today, which should fix the toggling not fully working. So download and try again, ideally it should work.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 03:01:39 pm by wookieejedi »

Re: RELEASE - Wings of Dawn Episode 1 & 2
I just updated it today, which should fix the toggling not fully working. So download and try again, ideally it should work.

Knossos seems unaware.  Do you need to tell it that there is an update available?


Offline wookieejedi

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Re: RELEASE - Wings of Dawn Episode 1 & 2
I just updated it today, which should fix the toggling not fully working. So download and try again, ideally it should work.

Knossos seems unaware.  Do you need to tell it that there is an update available?

Oh so it won't work with Knossos. I meant you can download the updated version yourself and put it data/tables and then it should work  :) The link for the most up-to-date version is in my signature.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2019, 09:48:10 pm by wookieejedi »


Offline aja318

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Re: RELEASE - Wings of Dawn Episode 1 & 2
Hello, I just got stuck on shopping mission, after getting to shop I can't leave interface at all. I am simply stuck and can't do anything aside from turning text on and off. Aside from that when I get any VN part with big red MORE stuck at the bottom I can't scroll down at all.


Offline Thisisaverylongusername

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Re: RELEASE - Wings of Dawn Episode 1 & 2
The resolution you are playing at is not supported. Try using a higher resolution, if you can.
If the opposite of pro is con, then is the opposite of progress Congress?

Re: RELEASE - Wings of Dawn Episode 1 & 2
Thanks for the feedback  :yes:

You sure you want to reveal so much so fast, Spoon? Or do you perhaps have more up your sleeve?
It was done quite deliberately, yes.
But apparently nobody seems to have any faith in my story telling abilities!  :(

You do good work Spoon, I'd just take the criticism in stride and keep working on the stuff you want to work on.

Now that I think of it, I don't think I finished the last mission in WoD act 2 because I didn't really want it to end knowing how long it'd likely be for the next episode. :P

Re: RELEASE - Wings of Dawn Episode 1 & 2
Hello, I just got stuck on shopping mission, after getting to shop I can't leave interface at all. I am simply stuck and can't do anything aside from turning text on and off. Aside from that when I get any VN part with big red MORE stuck at the bottom I can't scroll down at all.

I'm having the same problem. What resolution should I set it to?


Offline Thisisaverylongusername

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Re: RELEASE - Wings of Dawn Episode 1 & 2
I know personally that 1366x768, 1600x900, and 1920x1080 all work. Other 16:9 resolutions will also most likely work.
If the opposite of pro is con, then is the opposite of progress Congress?


Offline Sutehp

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Re: Reviews and Feedback thread Episode 1 & 2
Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but I just finished downloading WoD through Knossos and tried to play it.

All the text was missing. Seriously, there was no text at all in the Pilots Roster, the Options menu, nada.

I'll try restarting Knossos and see if that fixes the problem, but that was a really weird glitch. More later.

Re: Re: Reviews and Feedback thread Episode 1 & 2


Offline LoneFan

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Re: Re: Reviews and Feedback thread Episode 1 & 2
Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but I just finished downloading WoD through Knossos and tried to play it.

All the text was missing. Seriously, there was no text at all in the Pilots Roster, the Options menu, nada.

I'll try restarting Knossos and see if that fixes the problem, but that was a really weird glitch. More later.
I did the same, but had no issues.


Offline Su-tehp

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Re: Re: Reviews and Feedback thread Episode 1 & 2
Now WoD won't even start at all. :nono: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Here's my debug log, FWIW:

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast


Offline Axem

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Re: Re: Reviews and Feedback thread Episode 1 & 2
The debug log shows you're hung up on a warning. That's not a fatal error, you can just click no or continue or whatever it says.

For your font problem, it looks like you have a certain breed of AMD card that is known to be problematic for TTF fonts in general. Can you try the possible work-around in the below link?


Offline Su-tehp

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Re: Re: Reviews and Feedback thread Episode 1 & 2
The debug log shows you're hung up on a warning. That's not a fatal error, you can just click no or continue or whatever it says.

Yeah, but (if I remember right) every time I click "Debug", the same warning comes up again and repeats no matter that I hit "Debug" or "Continue" or "Exit". And then I have to bring up the Task Manager to End Task in order to shut off the program entirely because there's no other way to end it.

For your font problem, it looks like you have a certain breed of AMD card that is known to be problematic for TTF fonts in general. Can you try the possible work-around in the below link?

I'll take a look at this.

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast

Re: Re: Reviews and Feedback thread Episode 1 & 2
The trick is to select the debug window through Alt+Tab, not by clicking on first (only click the button when the window is selected).


Offline Su-tehp

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Re: Re: Reviews and Feedback thread Episode 1 & 2
The trick is to select the debug window through Alt+Tab, not by clicking on first (only click the button when the window is selected).

That's what I did. I alt-tabbed to see the window with the "Debug" or "Continue" or "Exit" option buttons. I pressed "Debug" and the same window still came up repeatedly.

As for inserting the fonts.tbl file into my /data/tables/ directory, Jellyfish said this:

Can you take this fonts.tbl and put it your /data/tables/ directory to override the one in the vps? It basically makes all the TTF fonts back into VF ones, so they won't be as nice but hopefully it'll work for you.
Great success! Texts are back.

EDIT: the missions, however, are gone. Every mission now loads a ghost where the player should be, no HUD of any kind and the words "top view" on the top of the screen. It is as if it was stuck in cutscene mode.

So I'm gonna try this later when I'm actually about to start playing WoD, which will be after a number of other mods I'll play beforehand because I don't want to take the chance of screwing up the other mods before I've had a chance to play them. :nono:
« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 09:43:23 pm by Su-tehp »

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast


Offline Axem

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Re: Re: Reviews and Feedback thread Episode 1 & 2
Clicking debug will make the game try to open up the debugger in Visual Studio, so that's not something a normal player should do. Just click continue to get past the warnings. They are generally harmless. (Also once everything is working, be sure to go back to release builds!)

As for the issue that Jellyfish mentioned, I don't know if that issue is directly related or not. That sounded like a keybind/stuck joystick button issue.

Also if you're playing in Knossos, all the WoD data files are completely separated from everyone else. So you can put that table file in something like wod2.whatever/data/tables and it won't affect other mods. If you're not, WoD is recommended to be played completely standalone without being put in your main FS folder.