Author Topic: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency  (Read 26630 times)

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Offline Macfie

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I don't think CP5670 has updated any links yet.
Normal people believe that if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it isn't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
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Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
Yeah, I'll update the link once I finish all the remaining things.

There is definitely something wrong with the 14d mission. The enemy fighter AI seems to forget about you when you leave their direct line of sight. I never saw this happen in the old builds.


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I found the problem in 14d. This has to be one of the most obscure bugs I've ever seen in FS2. :p I had added all the turret strengths into a new tbm to override the ones in the MVPs (which in turn were overriding the campaign's ships.tbl values), but the "radara" subsystem on the new Charybdis model is incompatible with this for some reason, and somehow that was screwing up all the other AI behavior in missions with a Charybdis.

CT27, since you're near the end of the campaign anyway, it would be good if you finish it and post any further problems that come up. There are more issues here than I was expecting.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I just beat mission 16 (attacking the PCI installations) and will likely finish the campaign tomorrow.

Thankfully allied fighters seem to have got their weapons back.

I noticed something odd near the end of mission 16 though.  The allied wing Rho (piloting Ares) would just sit there in space doing nothing, even when there were still enemy fighters around.  Sometimes that wing would just sit there doing nothing when I was attacked by enemy fighters (and I had ordered that wing to defend me).  For some reason, they did move when I ordered Rho wing to attack an enemy fighter ("destroy my target").


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
The AI is generally more responsive to threats when you tell them to just "engage enemy." Apart from that, it may have something to do with the Charybdis issue (now fixed). It would be very strange, but it sounds like the behavior I noticed in 14d, which made no sense either.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
If you could, could you also see if the Ares in that mission/in the campaign were the 2014 mediaVPs version?  I'm not 100% sure but for some reason I remember them looking 'old'.  Though I didn't get a super close look at them.


Offline Macfie

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
Press the F3 key in the main hall, then select the ship viewer, then select Terran, and  then select the Ares.  That will display the Ares used in the campaign.  If I remember there is no model in the PI models for the Ares so it should be using the one from the mediavps-2014.   
Normal people believe that if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it isn't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
The difference between Mechanical Engineers and Civil Engineers is:
Mechanical Engineers build weapons.  Civil Engineers build targets
An optimist sees the glass half full; the pessimist sees it half empty. An engineer sees that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
A minor question:

At the debriefing of mission 17 (destroying the Ancient dreadnought) was the debriefing music supposed to be that kind of ominous tone?  Or should it have been the "successful" debriefing music?  I got something that sounded more ominous and gloomy than successful (which might make sense considering they're worried about the Ancients now).  Since it was a military victory, shouldn't it have been the "successful" debriefing music?


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
Yeah, it's supposed to be the ominous one. As the debirefing indicates, you won but at a high cost (the Sekham), and with a lot of questions raised about the future.

If you finished the campaign and didn't see any other issues, I will release what I have at this point and update that moddb file.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
2 things to inform you about:

1-I followed Macfie's recent suggestion and while the performance of the Ares (Rho wing) might be something to look into like I suggested, I did see that they at least 'looked' like they were supposed to (2014 version).

2-I did a little bit better in this campaign than I have in previous tries (at the end it said I got 80% bonus).  I did a couple things I hadn't done in previous runthroughs of the campaign (getting 20 turrets on the Saturn, destroying some escaping escape pods, and getting the whole convoy in mission 5, for example).

Neither of these will likely affect what you're about to do...just thought I'd share.


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
The update has been posted on the moddb link. Hopefully I got all the issues this time.

Nice work on the bonus, 80% is actually really good. I think most players were getting in the 30-50% range when PI was released.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
Thanks again for doing this.  Are you going to update the main PI website too with the new download?


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I just noticed you did put it up there.

Also, as for mission 14:

-In 14C, the rest of Alpha wing now has guns so that's an improvement
-In 14D, there's an improvement in that enemy sentry guns fire at you; however, while enemy fighters in that mission are now able to fire at you they only seem to care about you if you're right in front of them


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
Hmm, that was the bug I was seeing earlier, related to the Charybdis subsystem. Are you sure you're using the latest download? I just checked it again and it has been fixed.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I used the latest download you provided on moddb (PI105.1 zip I believe the file was called).

The Myrmidons in that mission do seem to be a little more aggressive in tracking you down than the Herc 2s do (and sporadically the Hercs will look for you and fire on you).  For what it's worth, it's a lot better than before.


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I noticed that too, but before making that Charybdis fix. The Hercs seem to follow you around properly now. Are you using the 3.7.2 RC4 build?


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I switched to the most recent nightly build (11009) and the Hercs turned to fire on me now so it seems fixed.


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
And...I found another problem. It seems that certain versions of FRED at some point (probably earlier this year) were corrupting the background and music specifications in mission files. 14d and 16 had this problem. Not sure if the current FRED versions still have this issue, so I just fixed the mission files manually. Time to put up another mini-update.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
Will this next update be called version 1.06?


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I've been just putting them under the same 1.05 number, since the changes are so small. I figured that anyone who got the older downloads in the last week or two would have found them from this thread, and would be reading this anyway. I'll make a 1.06 if we ever get around to updating the Saturn or Akrotiri models.