Author Topic: [work in progress] ship variant manager  (Read 2374 times)

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[work in progress] ship variant manager
Hello folks,

Who likes unique warships with c00l custom turret loadouts, special hipoints and/or armor type? Who fancies having multiple standardized variants of a single ship class? I know I do, but it can be a rather tedious process to do the tons to edits, set-armor-type and all that every two missions, not to mention making sure loadouts are consistent throughout the campaign.

In order to make that process a bit smoother, I've been working on a script that allows a FREDer to do all that tweaking in a single script-eval SEXP call.

In order to work, this script needs:
   - a descriptor text file
   - the global variable variantFileName needs to point to this file, eg. "data/config/ship_variants.txt"
   - call the setVariant() or sv() function via scrip-eval, with the name of the ship you want to alter and the name of the variant of the appropriate class as the function's argument.
      For instance "sv(Colly, bunny)" means you want Colly to be of the "bunny" variant.
      Keep in mind that, as of this writing, script-eval suffers from FSO's infamous 32 character limit, so you may want to keep your variant names short for the time being.

For a specific variant, you can specify (see shipVariant.lua below):
  • special hitpoints
  • hull armor type
  • ship-wide subsystem armor type
  • ship-wide turret armor type
  • turret-specific armor type

I apologize for the rather odd descriptor file format, it's a slightly tweaked version of the variant design document I was using before creating this script - I figured it would be more interesting for me to try and parse it with minor tweaks rather than to rewrite the whole thing into something that's easier to parse.
Also, keep in mind that this is both my first attempt at FSO script-fu and writing a program in lua. As always, I am open to any suggestion, remark or other comment that could allow me to improve the code.

Coming soonTM:
  • Proper comment handling & making the parser more flexible
  • Some actual documentation regarding variant definitions

Code: [Select]
#Conditional Hooks
$Application: FS2_Open

$On Game Init: [[shipVariant.lua]]
$On Warp In: [setVariantDelayed()]


shipVariant.lua (also contains a short description of the script and variant definition, some of it has been copied above)
Code: [Select]
-- ship variant manager script --
In order to work, this script needs:
- a descriptor text file
- the global variable variantFileName needs to point to this file, eg. "data/config/ship_variants.txt"
- call the setVariant() or sv() function via scrip-eval, with the name of the ship you want to alter and the name of the variant of the appropriate class as the function's argument.
For instance "sv(Colly, bunny)" means you want Colly to be of the "bunny" variant.
Keep in mind that, as of this writing, script-eval suffers from FSO's infamous 32 character limit, so you may want to keep your variant names short for the time being.

Descriptor file logic:
- A new variant is identified by a '$', followed by the ship class, a ':' and then the variant's name, like this:
$GTC Aeolus: nerfed --> defines the "nerf" variant for the GTC Aeolus
- Following the variant definition is a list of attributes or turret names, potentially with their own sub-attributes.

Valid attributes:
hull : special hit points
armor : hull armor type
turret armor : ship-wide turret armor type
subsystem armor : ship-wide subsystem armor type
texture:name=replacement : doesn't work
team color : change team color
ai class : change ai class

Valid sub-attributes:
armor : armor type
RoF : new rate of fire (in percentage)

Sample entry:
$GTC Aeolus: nerfed
hull: 15k
armor: Fancy Armor
turret armor: Fancy Armor
subsystem armor: Fancy Armor
turret01: Terran Huge Turret
+armor: Weak Armor
turret02: Terran Huge Turret
+armor: Weak Armor
turret03: Terran Huge Turret
turret04: Terran Huge Turret
turret05: Terran Huge Turret
-- global variables --
variantFileName = "ship_variants.txt" -- change this
variantMatrix = {}

shipsToSet = {}

-- utility functions --

function trim(str)
return str:find'^%s*$' and '' or str:match'^%s*(.*%S)'

function removeComments(line)
return line:gsub("--(.)*|//(.)*|;;(.)*", "")

function extractLeft(attribute)
local line = attribute
local cut = string.find(line, ":")
return trim(string.sub(line, 2, cut - 1))

function extractRight(attribute)
local line = attribute
local cut = string.find(line, ":")
return trim(string.sub(line, cut + 1))

-- screw you, 32 char limit
function sv(shipName, variantName)
setVariant(shipName, variantName)

-- core functions --

function parseVariantFile(fileName)
if (matrix == nil) then
matrix = {}
if cf.fileExists(fileName, "", true) then
local file = cf.openFile(fileName, "r")

local line = file:read("*l")
i = 0
while (not (line == nil)) do
i = i+1
line = removeComments(line)
line = trim(line)

cut = string.find(line, ":")
if not (cut == nil) then -- we've got a parsable line
if not (string.find(line, "[+]") == nil) then
if (attributeName == nil) then
ba.warning("parseVariantFile: assigning a sub-attribute without a super-attribute: "..line)
subAttributeName = trim(string.sub(line, 2, cut - 1)) -- armor, texture
subAttributeValue = trim(string.sub(line, cut + 1)) -- armor type, texture name
ba.print("parseVariantFile: subAttributeName="..subAttributeName.."; subAttributeValue="..subAttributeValue)
matrix[className][variantName]["+"..attributeName..":"..subAttributeName] = subAttributeValue
elseif not (string.find(line, "[$]") == nil) then
className = trim(string.sub(line, 2, cut - 1))
variantName = trim(string.sub(line, cut + 1))

-- init class & variant maps
if (matrix[className] == nil) then
matrix[className] = {}
ba.print("parseVariantFile: className="..className.."; variantName="..variantName)
matrix[className][variantName] = {}

-- clean up potential leftovers
attributeName = nil
attributeValue = nil
attributeName = trim(string.sub(line, 0, cut - 1)) -- turret, hull, armor, texture, team color
attributeValue = trim(string.sub(line, cut + 1)) -- weapon type, armor type, hull value, texture name, color name

-- special case: texture attribute
if (attributeName == "texture") then
equal = string.find(line, "=")
attributeName = trim(string.sub(line, 0, equal - 1)) -- attributeName = texture:name
attributeValue = trim(string.sub(line, equal + 1)) -- attributeValue = replacement name

ba.print("parseVariantFile: attributeName="..attributeName.."; attributeValue="..attributeValue)
matrix[className][variantName][attributeName] = attributeValue
--TODO: error check results of previous if then else block?

line = file:read("*l")
end -- while
return matrix
ba.warning("parseVariantFile: Variant file not found "..filename)
return nil

function setVariant(shipName, variantName)
if (variantMatrix == nil) then
variantMatrix = parseVariantFile(variantFileName)
-- get ship class
-- lookup variant for that class
-- start going through the attributes
local ship = mn.Ships[shipName]
if not (ship:isValid()) then
ba.print("setVariant: Could not find ship "..shipName)
ba.print("setVariant: adding ship/variant to shipsToSet")
shipsToSet[shipName] = variantName
return nil

local className = ship.Class.Name
local variantInfo = variantMatrix[className][variantName]
if (variantInfo == nil) then
ba.warning("setVariant: Could not find variant info for "..className..":"..variantName)
return nil

local turretArmor = ""
local subsystemArmor = ""
local subToSkip = {}
for attribute, value in pairs(variantInfo) do
--Note: value = variantInfo[attribute]
if (attribute == "armor") then
ba.print("setVariant: Armor ==> "..value)
ship.armorClass = value
elseif (attribute == "shield armor") then
ba.print("setVariant: Shield Armor ==> "..value)
ship.ShieldArmorClass = value
elseif (attribute == "turret armor") then
turretArmor = value
elseif (attribute == "subsystem armor") then
subsystemArmor = value

elseif (attribute == "hull") then
-- deal with orders of magnitude
if not (string.find(value, "k") == nil) then
value = string.gsub(value, "k", "")
value = value * 1000
elseif not (string.find(value, "M") == nil) then
value = string.gsub(value, "M", "")
value = value * 1000000
elseif not (string.find(value, "G") == nil) then
value = string.gsub(value, "G", "")
value = value * 1000000000

-- set max & current hit points
ba.print("setVariant: hull ==> "..value)
ratio = value / ship.HitpointsMax
ship.HitpointsMax = value
ship.HitpointsLeft = ship.HitpointsLeft * ratio

elseif (attribute == "team color") then
(when (true)

elseif (attribute == "ai class") then
(when (true)

elseif not (string.find(attribute, "texture") == nil) then --note: this doesn't work
local textureName = extractRight(attribute)
local texture = gr.loadTexture(textureName)
if (texture:isValid()) then
ba.print("setVariant: Replacing texture '"..textureName.."' with texture '"..value.."'.")
ship.Textures[textureName] = texture
ba.warning("setVariant: Texture "..value.." is invalid.")

elseif not (string.find(attribute, "+") == nil) then -- sub-attribute
local line = attribute
attribute = extractLeft(line)
local subAttribute = extractRight(line)
ba.print("setVariant: Setting sub attribute for "..attribute)
ba.print("setVariant:     "..subAttribute.." ==> "..value)

if (subAttribute == "armor") then
ship[attribute].ArmorClass = value
-- also, need to make sure general armor settings don't override this
subToSkip[attribute] = true

elseif (subAttribute == "RoF") then
(when (true)

ba.warning("setVariant: Unrecognised sub attribute: "..subAttribute)

else -- turret
if (ship[attribute].PrimaryBanks) then -- primary banks
for i = 0, #ship[attribute].PrimaryBanks do
ba.print("setVariant: Prim "..attribute.." - "..ship[attribute].PrimaryBanks[i].WeaponClass.Name.." ==> "..tb.WeaponClasses[value].Name)
ship[attribute].PrimaryBanks[i].WeaponClass = tb.WeaponClasses[value]
else -- secondary banks
for i = 0, #ship[attribute].SecondaryBanks do
ba.print("setVariant: Sec "..attribute.." - "..ship[attribute].SecondaryBanks[i].WeaponClass.Name.." ==> "..tb.WeaponClasses[value].Name)
ship[attribute].SecondaryBanks[i].WeaponClass = tb.WeaponClasses[value]

-- set turrets & subsystems armor
for subIndex = 0, #ship do
local subsystem = ship[subIndex]
if (subsystem:isTurret() and not (turretArmor == "") and not (subToSkip[subsystem])) then
subsystem.ArmorClass = turretArmor
elseif not (subsystemArmor == "") then
subsystem.ArmorClass = subsystemArmor

function setVariantDelayed()
for shipName, variantName in pairs(shipsToSet) do
local ship = mn.Ships[shipName]
if not (ship == nil) then
ba.print("setVariantDelayed: setting ship variant "..shipName.." ==> "..variantName)
shipsToSet[shipName] = nil
setVariant(shipName, variantName)

-- main --

variantMatrix = parseVariantFile(variantFileName)

variant descriptor file example
Code: [Select]
$SD Ravana: Battle Destroyer
hull:  200k
armor: Shivan Elite Armor
turret armor: Shivan Elite Armor
+armor:Hell Armor
+armor:Hell Armor
+armor:Hell Armor
+armor:Hell Armor
turret07:Fast Flak
turret12:Fast Flak
turret14:Fast Flak
turret16:Fast Flak
turret17:Fast Flak
turret18:Fast Flak
turret20:Fast Flak
turret21:Fast Flak
turret22:Fast Flak
turret23:Fast Flak
turret30:Fast Flak

$GTC Aeolus: nerfed
hull: 15k
armor: Fancy Armor
turret armor: Fancy Armor
subsystem armor: Fancy Armor
turret01: Terran Huge Turret
+armor: Weak Armor
turret02: Terran Huge Turret
+armor: Weak Armor
turret03: Terran Huge Turret
turret04: Terran Huge Turret
turret05: Terran Huge Turret
« Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 07:53:53 am by X3N0-Life-Form »

Re: [work in progress] ship variant manager
This sounds very promising. So we could have, for instance, a Corellian Corvette with red lasers and another with green lasers.

Hmmm... have you considered having a feature for alternate textures for your variant manager as well?
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Re: [work in progress] ship variant manager
if the variants are return often then surely you might as well just drop the "variant" in the ship table and have done with it?
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Re: [work in progress] ship variant manager
Hmmm... have you considered having a feature for alternate textures for your variant manager as well?
That sounds like a neat idea. I'll add that to my TODO list :)

if the variants are return often then surely you might as well just drop the "variant" in the ship table and have done with it?
Well, I don't really like to to clog my ship tables with a bunch of redundant entries. I went that route at first - in fact, I still have a couple of "hard coded variants" that I'm trying to eliminate, but it was getting ridiculous. Shivans ships have it really bad, as there usually is the retail class, a couple of variant class and a boss class. The Rakshasa is the absolute worst with 6 or 7 different types, each used 3 to 8 times throughout the campaign.

Plus, I really wanted to do something challenging to get into scripting :)

EDIT - in-mission texture replacement doesn't seem doable at this time, but changing team colors should be fairly trivial

EDIT 2 - added team color, ai class and turret Rate of Fire handling, OP updated

EDIT 3 - did a tiny bit more testing, fixed a couple of goof-ups and added the ability to have the script work on yet-to-arrive ships
« Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 07:55:28 am by X3N0-Life-Form »