Author Topic: Unable to run FS2SCP because of... FRED2? Newbie question  (Read 5168 times)

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Unable to run FS2SCP because of... FRED2? Newbie question
At the beginning - sorry for my bad English. I have searched this forum rather carefully by using "search" function, but i haven't found anything useful in solving my problem with FS SCP. I have a strange problem trying to launch FS2 SCP. I have installed it by Torrey's Instaler, and when I try to launch it, I have an error message: "Freespace2/Fred2 cannot be run from a drive root directory". And that's it - no other error messages. Game isn't complying about video card, drivers, system specifications, but about... Fred2.

My configuration:
CPU: Pentium IV 3,00 Hz
Video Card: Ge force 6800 GS 256 Mb
RAM: 1024 Mb
Windows XP

Original Fresspace 2 runs without any problems, so what did I wrong?  :confused:


Offline Jeff Vader

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Re: Unable to run FS2SCP because of... FRED2? Newbie question
1. It's Turey's.

2. Where did you install FSO? My Documents and the desktop are examples of bad choices.
23:40 < achillion > EveningTea: ass
23:40 < achillion > wait no
23:40 < achillion > evilbagel: ass
23:40 < EveningTea > ?
23:40 < achillion > 2-letter tab complete failure

14:08 < achillion > there's too much talk of butts and dongs in here
14:08 < achillion > the level of discourse has really plummeted
14:08 < achillion > Let's talk about politics instead
14:08 <@The_E > butts and dongs are part of #hard-light's brand now
14:08 <@The_E > well
14:08 <@The_E > EvilBagel's brand, at least

01:06 < T-Rog > welp
01:07 < T-Rog > I've got to take some very strong antibiotics
01:07 < achillion > penis infection?
01:08 < T-Rog > Chlamydia
01:08 < achillion > O.o
01:09 < achillion > well
01:09 < achillion > I guess that happens
01:09 < T-Rog > at least it's curable
01:09 < achillion > yeah
01:10 < T-Rog > I take it you weren't actually expecting it to be a penis infection
01:10 < achillion > I was not

14:04 < achillion > Sometimes the way to simplify is to just have a habit and not think about it too much
14:05 < achillion > until stuff explodes
14:05 < achillion > then you start thinking about it

22:16 < T-Rog > I don't know how my gf would feel about Jewish conspiracy porn

15:41 <-INFO > EveningTea [[email protected]] has joined #hard-light
15:47 < EvilBagel> butt
15:51 < Achillion> yes
15:53 <-INFO > EveningTea [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]

18:53 < Achillion> Dicks are fun

21:41 < MatthTheGeek> you can't spell assassin without two asses

20:05 < sigtau> i'm mining titcoins from now on

00:31 < oldlaptop> Drunken antisocial educated freezing hicks with good Internet == Finland stereotype

11:46 <-INFO > Kobrar [[email protected]] has joined #hard-light
11:50 < achtung> Surely you've heard of DVDA
11:50 < achtung> Double Vaginal Double ANal
11:51 < Kobrar> ...
11:51 <-INFO > Kobrar [[email protected]] has left #hard-light []

Re: Unable to run FS2SCP because of... FRED2? Newbie question
1. I run the "spell check" function, and it change my Turey'a into Torrey's - sorry for that. Instaler is great, and it makes installing FS SCP a cake walk.

2. No, that's not it. Finally I managed to launch FS, by using "run" in the Launcher, but double clicking on the FS icon still gives me a error mesage.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Unable to run FS2SCP because of... FRED2? Newbie question
You should be using the Launcher anyway. The icons are not the way to do it.

Re: Unable to run FS2SCP because of... FRED2? Newbie question
Well, I guess you 100% right - when I'm using Launcher everything runs pretty smoothly. Thanks for help, and sorry for bothering anybody with such a penny-ante question.


Offline karajorma

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Re: Unable to run FS2SCP because of... FRED2? Newbie question
2. No, that's not it. Finally I managed to launch FS, by using "run" in the Launcher, but double clicking on the FS icon still gives me a error mesage.

Call up the icon's properties option and check what it says in the Start In box. My bet is that it's blank when it should say C:\Games\Freespace2 or where ever you've installed the game.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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