what motion blur? and how did you do the motion blur.
The bottom right ship is very slightly blured, like i said it was origianlly much more but i reduced it because i didn't think it looked right.
How did you do the background and AA at the same time?
I'm not sure what you mean but here is how i did it:
In FRED i took a screen shot of lots of stars (i moved the camera round a bit and they seemed to have stayed blured which is why they don't look right)
Then i opened it and some nebula pcx's in adobe photoshop. I enlarged the nebs and moved them around a bit, then applyed screen on the layers to remove the black from the nebs
I then used this image as the background in TS2 and applyed 4xAA
Here it is with more motion blur
As for nebulas ive saved loads of images of real nebs from the web so i'll try using some of them.
As for action i need to export a few more POF's and explosisions so expect more soon.
Ps. Does any one know how to stop TS2 crashing when rendering to a .avi or how to export to blender and keep the textures on the model?