Author Topic: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4  (Read 16548 times)

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Offline CT27

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Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
The campaign was bug-free as far as I could tell and I look forward to trying the full version when it's released.

A suggestion I would have is:  could you go into a little more depth in the campaign on what exactly the "Cataclysm" was and what it did?  It's alluded to being the jump point/subspace network shifting around I think but some more specifics would be nice.  I'm not asking for a lot, just maybe a page or two in a command briefing.

Specifically in this regard, what happened to Delta Serpentis?


Offline NeonShivan

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Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
A suggestion I would have is:  could you go into a little more depth in the campaign on what exactly the "Cataclysm" was and what it did?  It's alluded to being the jump point/subspace network shifting around I think but some more specifics would be nice.  I'm not asking for a lot, just maybe a page or two in a command briefing.

As for what the Cataclysm is and what it did will be explained either in a separate forum topic or in the full release, whichever comes first.

Specifically in this regard, what happened to Delta Serpentis?

It's still around.
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Author of Dusk Wars - A modification for Freespace 2.


Offline Marguel

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Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
I really liked the campaign! Looking forward to the next release
What I have to say are mostly typos in the briefings...
Mission 2 briefing - Edible food instead of editable
Mission 4 briefing (a lucid dream)- caused instead of cause

I feel like missiles are pretty op, dk if it's a bad thing tho.
I played it on medium, and felt like the ai dodged primaries pretty damn well.
Also liked the fact that the background on the mission, briefing and loading screen were the same, it gave fluidity to the transitions.
You also referred to most pilots as them/they. Weird choice, but it's not very important

I feel like the Ravana in the last mission should've tried to turn to match the attacking warship instead of going forward till it died.
And when your wingmen died it was like very "scripted", like they were fine and then they were no more. Like ofc you can't save them, but some prior message for help or sth would've been nice. Otherwise, I have no qualms. Liked the models, the story, and looking forward for more!
« Last Edit: October 23, 2022, 03:45:35 pm by Marguel »
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Offline Iain Baker

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Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
Neon, if you want help with writing, proofreading etc send me a message, I’ll be happy to help 👍
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Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
Just finished this weekend.  I really enjoyed the campaign, NeonShivan!  Thanks for the hard work.

Your Solar Union faction had a very distinct look.  Very much looked like the logical successors to the GTA in terms of ship design.  It played a lot like FS1, to me.  I probably need to dial the difficulty up a bit.  I'd gotten tired of having my ass handed to me on some harder campaigns and dialed down to easy.  This felt a little []itoo[/i] easy on easy.  :p

The fact that you are dropped right in the middle of a completely changed universe with very little explanation of what happened or what has happened in the 10 years since is rather disorienting.  Some of that disorientation is good, because it makes you look for clues.  But it feels like the character you are playing knows a lot more about what's going on than you (the player) does.  (tck) You know, I guess I'm just really hungry for more of the story.  There's a lot that happens before and during these missions that is only sparsely talked about.  More pre-mission and in situ banter might be something to consider.

Or not!  It's your story!  Thank you for sharing it!
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Offline NeonShivan

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Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
Just finished this weekend.  I really enjoyed the campaign, NeonShivan!  Thanks for the hard work.

Your Solar Union faction had a very distinct look.  Very much looked like the logical successors to the GTA in terms of ship design.  It played a lot like FS1, to me.  I probably need to dial the difficulty up a bit.  I'd gotten tired of having my ass handed to me on some harder campaigns and dialed down to easy.  This felt a little []itoo[/i] easy on easy.  :p

The fact that you are dropped right in the middle of a completely changed universe with very little explanation of what happened or what has happened in the 10 years since is rather disorienting.  Some of that disorientation is good, because it makes you look for clues.  But it feels like the character you are playing knows a lot more about what's going on than you (the player) does.  (tck) You know, I guess I'm just really hungry for more of the story.  There's a lot that happens before and during these missions that is only sparsely talked about.  More pre-mission and in situ banter might be something to consider.

Or not!  It's your story!  Thank you for sharing it!

Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad you've enjoyed it. I do plan on expanding the explanation considerably in the full release because, well, no one likes being dropped into a new world without a damn clue what's going on. I was aiming for a more traditional feel in terms of gameplay so it's great to hear that (at least to you) it plays a lot like FS.
In German even the most beautiful love letter sounds like an execution order -Mito

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Author of Dusk Wars - A modification for Freespace 2.

Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
Do more mission also more missions longer it is


Offline Kher

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Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
Very good work on this campaign, can't wait for the release and learn more about the "lore" of this campaign  :yes: :yes: :yes:


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Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
I was looking for a new campaign to play and stumbled upon this release thread.  :)

I've just completed my playthrough and I must say I really like the overall setting you created. Just like other community members, I'd like to know more about the nature and characteristics of the cataclysm the campaign is named after. :yes:
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Offline CT27

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Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
This campaign was very enjoyable and the atmosphere that was set really drew one in.

A question based on something that happened in the game:  In the mission where you capture the enemy cruiser (the one that kind of looked like a flower), did the player faction learn anything from that (or from interrogating prisoners)?  Or will we learn about that in a future post/release?

Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
I like the setting you made, though it needs more exposition: what was the Cataclysm (I assume it was caused by the Capella Supernova?), how the Node Map looks right now, explanation on Solar Union and other post-Cataclysm polities, etc.

Dialogues are fine, but need proof-reading.

This is a personal opinion, but any plan to replace the Nightmares models used for Pretan? I am not a big fan of those models. But again, this is just my personal opinion.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2022, 04:38:17 am by Nova Terran »


Offline ssmit132

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Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
I decided to give this campaign a play through over the last few days.

I don't really have any particular comments about the gameplay itself, but I had a fun time in general and there didn't seem to be any big and noticeable bugs or anything, so that's good. I mainly want to echo some of the other comments in this thread that I'm intrigued with the setting you've presented here, which is great! I would certainly like to hear more about what's going on such as the actual nature of the Cataclysm the campaign is named after.

I admit I was a bit disappointed that there was a whole mission around capturing a Pretan ship and we didn't get any info about them afterwards, though (unless I missed it). That's a bit of a tease there. :p

Also it's nice to see the EA music (as well as the other things from their dump) finally get to be used in something.

I wish you the best of luck if you continue to develop this - keep up the good work! :)


Offline Nohiki

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Re: [RELEASE] Cataclysm Beta 1.0.4
This is amazing. It is giving me the same vibes as Tides of Darkness. I can't wait for more.