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Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.

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Freespace via Knossos FIXED with the newest OS update [Dec 14, 2023]

Here is the most updated solution: 

1 -- Open Desktop Mode.

2 -- Use a real keyboard for your sanity.

3 -- Open up a blank document using a preinstalled app called KWrite and copy this stuff to a new file that you'll call

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh

rm -rf /tmp/desktop-mode
mkdir -p /tmp/desktop-mode
cat > /tmp/desktop-mode/kwin_wayland_wrapper << EOF
$(which kwin_wayland_wrapper) --no-lockscreen --width 1280 --height 800 --x11-display $DISPLAY \$@
chmod +x /tmp/desktop-mode/kwin_wayland_wrapper

kwriteconfig5 --file startkderc --group General --key systemdBoot false
PATH=/tmp/desktop-mode:$PATH startplasma-wayland
kwriteconfig5 --file startkderc --group General --key systemdBoot --delete
--- End code ---

4 -- Save it into the Home directory, or just on your desktop.

5 -- Right click on that file, go to properties, Permissions, then check "Is Ececutable"

6 -- Start  Steam in Desktop Mode (not Return to Gaming Mode) and click "Add a Game" then "Add a non-steam game" and go to home/deck. You'll have to select "All Files" from the "File Type" dropdown to see Add it as a Non-Steam Game. You can add game art if you want for added Style, has lots of art all ready to go.

7 -- Go to this link

8 -- Download the file called Linux_x64.tar.gz open it, and drag the file called to your desktop.

9 -- This is what you will click on to launch, the portal for installing Freespace Open.

10 -- Next, insure you have purchased Freespace 2 from Steam and install it. You can find my custom control set by clicking on the controller icon next to the play button for the steam Freespace 2. Go under the Community Layouts tab. It's called Freespace Open - By Delta 5-1. You'll have to save it as a local template. Go to your Library and go to non-steam games. You can now add that template to your custom added game (that's not a game,  just a ghetto workaround) as the default control layout.

11 -- When you launch it will just take you to desktop mode. You'll need to click on the "" file you made to launch the portal.

12 -- Open Dolphin file explorer, go to the home folder, and create a folder called "FreespaceOpen" to store all the freespace mods in. Set that folder as the place to keep the files on the first Knossos prompt "/home/deck/FreespaceOpen" Your Freespace VPs are installed at "/home/deck/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Freespace 2" The .steam folder may be hidden, so you may need to click on the three lines in the upper right corner of the dolphin explorer to see it, or select "All Files" from the file type dropdown. Or, you might just copy that filepath... Whichever.

Once Knossos knows where to find Freespace, you should be able to install your mods as you please.

Expect to spend a bit of time looking at my bindings and figuring out if you like mine or if you need to redo them completely. I bound the D-pad to power management, so that's one bind you'll need to change, but most of the rest are layered inside that layout.

To Exit the game, or to exit ghetto desktop mode, click on the steam button and select "Exit Game". If you need to do anything else in desktop mode, restart your steam deck and go into it the normal way.

After all that nonsense, you appreciate this game so much more.

Here is the old post, listed purely for archive purposes:

 Scroll down to my TLDR EDIT on this first post to see the old  instructions on getting FSO working on Steam deck, You shouldn't need them anymore, but for archive sake, they're still here.[/size][/font]

Alright. I'm nerdy but apparently not nerdy enough. I spent about 5 hours  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: trying to get my steam deck to run the Knossos portal, but I just couldn't figure it out. What I need is a super easy flat pack for the Discover store or some similarly easy way to install Knossos on Linux.

It's worth money to me to get it working, $69 via PayPal or Venmo to anyone who can get me into FSO via Knossos on my deck.

I can't afford any more sanity trying to figure this out myself. Running Knossos with proton seemed broken, and I just could not wrap my head around the AUR instructions.

I know that most of you guys are in it for the love of freespace like I am, and if the person that solves this for me prefers, I will also pay the bounty to the upkeep of this site instead of a personal payment.

****EDIT FOR TLDR*****
If you just want to install Knossos on Steam Deck for now, you'll have to reinstall it every SteamOS update. Here's the sequence that works for me:
First, in Desktop Mode, set an admin password for your deck. Go to System Settings>User>Change password. Make it super duper unbelievably easy to remember, because if you forget, You'll have to reimage your steam deck to reset it. When the Konsole asks for your password, it hides the letters as you type, they are there, you just don't see the cursor moving.

Open Konsole in Desktop Mode.
Use a real keyboard for your sanity.
Start typing. Hit enter after each line. Remember that Linux is very case sensitive for all commands, not just passwords. Y is not the same as y. Type in your new password as required.

--- Code: ---sudo steamos-readonly disable

--- End code ---

Continuing on for initial install (select Y to continue through all the parts of the install):

--- Code: ---sudo pacman-key --init
sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux
sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
sudo pacman -S base-devel
sudo pacman -Syu --needed base-devel git python-pip
pip uninstall PyQt5 PyQt5-Qt5 PyQt5-sip PyQtWebEngine PyQtWebEngine-Qt5
sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm --needed python-pyqt5 qt5-webengine qt5-svg qt5-webkit
pip install

--- End code ---

If you are reinstalling Knossos after a SteamOS update, this should work for you. Just Click on your old desktop link.

If  it all worked...

Close Konsole

To get it to run in Gaming mode:

Open up a blank document using a preinstalled app called KWrite and copy this stuff to a new file that you'll call

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh

rm -rf /tmp/desktop-mode
mkdir -p /tmp/desktop-mode
cat > /tmp/desktop-mode/kwin_wayland_wrapper << EOF
$(which kwin_wayland_wrapper) --no-lockscreen --width 1280 --height 800 --x11-display $DISPLAY \$@
chmod +x /tmp/desktop-mode/kwin_wayland_wrapper

kwriteconfig5 --file startkderc --group General --key systemdBoot false
PATH=/tmp/desktop-mode:$PATH startplasma-wayland
kwriteconfig5 --file startkderc --group General --key systemdBoot --delete
--- End code ---

Save it into the Home directory, or just on your desktop.
Right click on that file, go to properties, Permissions, then check "Is Ececutable"
Next, Start normal Steam in Desktop Mode (not Return to Gaming Mode) and click "Add a Game" then "Add a non-steam game" and go to home/deck. You'll have to select "All Files" from the "File Type" dropdown to see Add it. You can add game art if you want for added class.

Create a shortcut for the desktop by opening up KWrite again.
paste the following lines, and save it as "Knossos" to your desktop.

--- Code: ---#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=python -m knossos
--- End code ---

Rightclick on the file, go to the "Permissions" tab and check "IS EXECUTABLE"

Next, insure you have purchased Freespace 2 from Steam and install it. You can find my custom control set under the Community Layouts tab. It's called Freespace Open.
You'll have to save it as a local template. Go to your Library and go to non-steam games. You can now add that template to your custom added game (that's not a game,  just a ghetto workaround) as the default control layout.

When you launch it will just take you to desktop mode.
You'll need to click on the "Knossos" file you made to launch the portal.
Open Dolphin file explorer, go to the home folder, and create a folder called "FreespaceOpen" to store all the freespace mods in.
Set that folder as the place to keep the files on the first Knossos prompt "/home/deck/FreespaceOpen"
Your Freespace VPs are installed at "/home/deck/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Freespace 2"
The .steam folder may be hidden, so you may need to click on the three lines in the upper right corner of the dolphin explorer to see it, or select "All Files" from the file type dropdown.

Once Knossos knows where to find Freespace, you should be able to install your mods as you please.

Expect to spend a bit of time looking at my bindings and figuring out if you like mine or if you need to redo them completely.

To Exit the game, or to exit ghetto desktop mode, click on the steam button and select "Exit Game". If you need to do anything else in desktop mode, restart your steam deck and go into it the normal way.

After all that nonsense, you appreciate this game so much more.

One final note, after a SteamOS update, you'll have to do the Konsole work again, but none of the rest. This is not a great process, but it worked.

If you  get an issue with
--- Code: ---sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux
--- End code ---

First issue (fixed) was when running "sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux" it was just throwing up database does not exist errors. Seems to be a SteamOS 3.4 issue. Fix (thanks google) was as follows:
Edit a config file found at /etc/pacman.conf
--- Code: ---sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf
--- End code ---
and modify these:

Change [jupiter] to [jupiter-rel]
[holo] to [holo-rel]
[core] to [core-rel]
[extra] to [extra-rel]
[community] to [community-rel]
[multilib] to [multilib-rel]
Ctrl + O save
Ctrl + X exit

--- Code: ---sudo pacman -Sy
--- End code ---

User fix identified by @Meadiator

The AUR instructions are to deal with qt update incompatibilities. They should be hopefully unnecessary on a fresh install like the steam deck. As Phantom Hoover is working towards a bugfix release, I'm standing ready to push a new and simpler version to the AUR.
So your problems might vanish with a little patience, but as I don't have a 'deck, you'll have to test for yourself.
Bookmarking this thread to notify on future developments.

Phantom Hoover:

--- Quote from: delta_5-1 on August 31, 2022, 12:12:46 am ---Alright. I'm nerdy but apparently not nerdy enough. I spent about 5 hours  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: trying to get my steam deck to run the Knossos portal, but I just couldn't figure it out. What I need is a super easy flat pack for the Discover store or some similarly easy way to install Knossos on Linux.

--- End quote ---

flatpak.... oh god, flatpak

i spent ages getting knossos to build on flatpak, and it worked! the problem is that the linux FSO binaries are packaged with appimage, and appimage absolutely does not work inside flatpak.

I think another crack at the AUR install is probably your best bet — I can't experiment on SteamOS but if you have makepkg at the command-line that's really the only tool you need. Follow the instructions here to build AUR packages manually: first python-token-bucket, then fs2-knossos. Use makepkg -si for the build stages to make sure you get the dependencies.


--- Quote from: Phantom Hoover on August 31, 2022, 06:14:41 am ---first python-token-bucket, then fs2-knossos. Use makepkg -si for the build stages to make sure you get the dependencies.

--- End quote ---

I think it's in the dependencies that I got lost. I've only ever followed exact instructions for Linux installs through the console. If someone can give me the exact commands to input into the console, in text or video form, it meets my bounty criteria. I just was screwing up the "install dependancies" step.

Phantom Hoover:
The problem is I don't have a Steam Deck myself, so I can't test any commands I write — I'm kind of flying blind. This is pretty much what I'm thinking:

--- Code: ---sudo pacman -Syu --needed base-devel git python-pip
mkdir ~/pkgbuild && cd ~/pkgbuild
git clone
git clone
cd ~/pkgbuild/python-token-bucket
makepkg -si
cd ~/pkgbuild/fs2-knossos

--- End code ---

At this point you need to go to the Knossos maintenance project thread, paste the patch given in the Arch section there into a file called ~/pkgbuild/fs2-knossos/fix.patch, then continue:

--- Code: ---patch PKGBUILD fix.patch
makepkg -si

--- End code ---

I've actually tested this on a fresh Arch install, but that's still not exactly the same as Steam OS. Best of luck.


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