Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > The Scroll of Atankharzim

RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I

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Honestly, I never saw this one coming  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Congratulations to everyone involved!  :)

Spoiler:So far I like what I play. First two missions are a little bit generic and expandable in terms of plot development but later ones are interesting. Asteroids jumping through some unknown node? Very old Knossos device orbiting black hole? Interesting start plus some very good writing and dialogues. It makes my wanting play further. I encountered one bug so far, in Mission M1_02. Nothing happened after attack on third shivan convoy. I mean message about stabilization of the Knossos displayed, but nothing further happened. When I replayed, further messages were present and I was able to complete the mission.

The problem occurs when I try to beat M1_03. What's going on with this mission? I like the initial concept, and proximity sensor script is marvelous. I scanned first batch of freighters, completed scanning of Primary cargo cluster but nothing is happening when I'm done with second cluster. Literally nothing. I tried to scan secondary cluster first, but no matter what I do mission is not progressing any further. Plus sentry guns are insanely annoying, as they are not displayed on proximity sensors.

I have updated the first post with the soundtrack to the planned intro cutscene.  Our voice actor did a fantastic job with the narration.  Close your eyes and try picturing it in your mind. :)

--- Quote from: Nyctaeus on September 21, 2017, 04:07:36 pm ---Spoiler:So far I like what I play. First two missions are a little bit generic and expandable in terms of plot development but later ones are interesting. Asteroids jumping through some unknown node? Very old Knossos device orbiting black hole? Interesting start plus some very good writing and dialogues. It makes my wanting play further. I encountered one bug so far, in Mission M1_02. Nothing happened after attack on third shivan convoy. I mean message about stabilization of the Knossos displayed, but nothing further happened. When I replayed, further messages were present and I was able to complete the mission.
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m1_02: It's possible that in your first playthrough, Rho wing got hung up somewhere while trying to depart.  If anyone else runs into this, let me know.

--- Quote ---Spoiler:The problem occurs when I try to beat M1_03. What's going on with this mission? I like the initial concept, and proximity sensor script is marvelous. I scanned first batch of freighters, completed scanning of Primary cargo cluster but nothing is happening when I'm done with second cluster. Literally nothing. I tried to scan secondary cluster first, but no matter what I do mission is not progressing any further. Plus sentry guns are insanely annoying, as they are not displayed on proximity sensors.
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m1_03: I'll investigate.

General Battuta:

--- Quote from: Goober5000 on September 21, 2017, 08:39:00 am ---A Vasudan campaign set eleven years after the destruction of Capella, The Scroll of Atankharzim offers a rich and dynamic gaming experience.  A fantastic storyline weaves together elements from the highest examples of myth and epic with the science fiction adrenaline of FreeSpace 2.
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Okay but what's it about

I don't see anything wrong with m1_03.

Spoiler:Make sure you have explored every area of the depot.  This phase lasts for about nine minutes, whether or not you manage to target every ship.  And if you didn't get the bonus goal, you didn't target every ship. :p

--- Quote from: General Battuta on September 21, 2017, 04:43:12 pm ---Okay but what's it about
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