General FreeSpace > FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support
PC instability after using FRED
Iain Baker:
Hi all. I’m having technical difficulties that are making modding a challenge.
I can run FSO fine.
I can Run FRED fine – although it does take a long time to load.
The problem is that if I close one and open the other (for example – to test the changes I just made in FRED) FSO become unstable and either takes aaaages to load or fails to load at all. If I touch any key, mouse button etc. I get the spinning blue ring of death, and I often have to re-start my PC to fix it. It appears to affect trying to launch other stuff too – such as launching steam.
Has any one else had these issues, and if so, did you manage to fix them?
I have shown my system specs below:
Any help would be greatly appreciated 😊
I haven't had these issues myself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
--- Quote ---I have shown my system specs below:
--- End quote ---
Where? 👀
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