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Journey To Hiigara needs YOU!

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I suppose I could toss in a model or two... or three... okay maybe four... I dunno my time is rather consumed and I am unsure of how exactly long I can work on things. I know how you'd want to only convert models, but I digress I could just remodel them to be efficient and give them a custom skin but I dunno. Honestly I'd prefer to just HTL them and get it over with. PM me if you want to discuss this I guess.

Will do!

I can port the original models (already have quite a few) and have specific team color ones (ex: yellow-red variant for imperialist Taiidan and white-cyan for republican Taiidan) and make a .pof of it of course. Don't know how to do ships with parts though, doing turrets and stuff in hw2 modding is a lot easier it seems :| ...some ships don't seem to want to work (get a .pof but it crashes the game after like 30 seconds and has weird/tiny targeting square)

Don't know why pofcs2 won't import .cob? pofcs1 does. Doesn't seem to like ships with double-sided faces or whatever (like Kushan interceptor, can't get that ship in and I kinda want to -_-)

Also I am more interested in getting things the way they are in HW, no extra turrets or anything. I also rethought on ship scale, I actually would like things to be to scale compared to HW, but scaled down to fit FS better (ex: interceptor scaled by like 0.4 to be 23m, so also frigates and capitals scaled by 0.4 rather than staying at 1.0). Now the ships look more like they do in HW and aren't gigantic (ex: flying a interceptor the size of a freighter lol)

I love the whole HW series, good luck with this.

I'd help if I could, but all I can do is support!  :)

I signed up just to post in this thread. I love Homeworld so much, and I've recently become a fan of Freespace.
As soon as I had started playing Freespace, I thought "this would be the perfect base for a Homeworld game, playing from the perspective of a pilot!"
This is a dream come true.

All the media released so far look fantastic!

I would so very much like to contribute, however the only skill I have to offer is in 2D artwork, which I would assume isn't top priority.
I do feel that I could also be of some help in the story/mission design aspect, having played many games and recognising the factors that make them good.

Keep up the excellent work!


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