Author Topic: Are there any plans to make a campaign developers site in the future  (Read 2541 times)

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Are there any plans to make a campaign developers site in the future
I was thinking now that the HQ has been redone how about a add on campaign developers site after the completion of WC Saga.
I was thinking it would be great if there were a site where users could post and collaborate on additional campaigns, additional models to use in those campaigns.
It would be great if there could be a collection of all of the ships and fighters from the entire series with all of the technical specs included so they could just simply be plugged into Fred to create missions.
Also the site could be used to develop plot ideas and collaborate to create complete addons.


Offline The E

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Re: Are there any plans to make a campaign developers site in the future
What's wrong with, I dunno, this one?

I mean, most of the collective knowledge regarding the engine and the mission editor is gathered here.....
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
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Offline Aginor

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Re: Are there any plans to make a campaign developers site in the future
If you want to do that kind of stuff, do it here.

Of course there will also be a place for fan-made missions and models in the downloads section of (actually there are three user made missions for the prologue already), but the place to discuss is right here, and the people who know about FS modding are also here.
Member of the Scooby Doo model Fanclub "verticies and splines are the medium and he is the artist."

Re: Are there any plans to make a campaign developers site in the future
for myself i have 5 ideamods

1 Secret :D

the other 4 are:

Wing Commander 1 TC
Wing Commander 2 TC

the 3. i hope for help from the Saga Team.

Wing Commander Heir to Kilrah - the Wing Commander 1-3 Saga from the Sight of a Kilrathi Pilot :)

the Last one could be "The Clan Wars" Kilrathi War with the Capships from the Movie. The Clans fight for the Throne. Year about 2580-2620

Enough work for the next 20 years    ;7


Offline gevatter Lars

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Re: Are there any plans to make a campaign developers site in the future
One is never to old to play! Maybe you prefere other games by that time but hell I won't give up gameing ^_^

About the idea of a Kilrathi point of view of the first WC games, I also had that idea some time ago. Its still a bit difficulte in the way that we know how the war ended. No big surprise there. Still it could be made pretty interesting if one gets further insights on the Kilrathi way of life.

"Yes! That is my plan, and I see nothing wrong with it. I figure that if I stick to a stupid strategy long enough it might start to work."
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Offline KeldorKatarn

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Re: Are there any plans to make a campaign developers site in the future
IF a game was made on the Kilrathi point of view I think it should be where the Kilrathi are on the offensive. Deneb Campaign for example, or the early Venice campaign.

Imagine playing a WW2 game between 39 and 41 and you're the allies. Bummer!


Offline gevatter Lars

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Re: Are there any plans to make a campaign developers site in the future
I kinda agree that players prefere to win a game but I think there is room for haveing a "happy end" for the Kilrathi side as well. WC3 had the confed loosing path and a winning path.
If you say you want to re-create WC3 but with the player, playing on the Kilrathi side it would be fair to include the confed loosing path as well...except its not the winning path for the player ^_^
Its a bit of a "what if" scenario but could still be fun.

The other option would be, as you mentioned, telling a part of the war where the Kilrathi where on the offensive.
A very strange and yet interesting/challenging idea might be to have a Kilrathi that in the end is ""happy"" about what happend. I think it was mentioned a lot that there where Kilrathi who don't agree with Thrakath or the Emperors way of doing things. We even had a full rebellion going on at some point.
Maybe if you create a character that has a personal "problem" with the Emperors familie and yet serves in the Kilrathi military even if he would prefer to go after the Emperors clan itself or join with the rebelion he stays with the regular army.
I know its a bit of a crazy idea, just something I had going through my head a long time ago when I was thinking about how a Kilrathi story during the Confed-Kilrathi war could be told and could still have some interesting twists in it.
"Yes! That is my plan, and I see nothing wrong with it. I figure that if I stick to a stupid strategy long enough it might start to work."
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Offline starlord

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Re: Are there any plans to make a campaign developers site in the future
One thing which IMO could be done much quicker: adapt the armada timeline ships for a series of mini campaigns just prior to WC3 (saga already uses the lex).

how cool would it be to fly the wraith and battle jratheks... :nod:

also, I would certainly see the creation of the "end run" storyline... With kevin's landreich campaign covering false colors and standoff covering fleet actions, that would certainly be of interest.

you mention the movien ships, I suppose that might come in handy too one day, who knows... Personnally I would love to see a pre WC1 campaign centering around the mcauliffe and enyo attacks, possibly up to custer's carnival... heck from the way we see it, even arena ships might be of better use in that MOD than in the game (which is IMO barely worthy of the WC name).

even the privateer 3 script might one day be of use... Who knows! ;7
« Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 12:56:44 pm by starlord »

Re: Are there any plans to make a campaign developers site in the future

Wing Commander 2 TC

Alex1975 from is working on a WC2 remake for WCSaga:,com_smf/Itemid,32/topic,217.msg13471/topicseen,1/#new (the language used there is german)
Audio Converter of Enigma Campaign 2666:

German translator of WC: Hostile Frontier:

My Youtube Channel: