Author Topic: Troubleshooting Help  (Read 897 times)

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Troubleshooting Help
I've been having problems - well, massive, predicable crashes - with SCP basically forever.  I've tried to narrow it down, but I don't really know how the different components and installs relate to one another.

For instance, you install FS2, patch it, then slap SCP on it and add media.vps.  Why don't the nebulas work sometimes?  Other times, they work fine right off an install.

I also don't understand how the contents of .vps are processed.  Contents of ./data seem to override .vp files, and tables in root seem to override tables everywhere.

Older campaigns have table errors with new builds, but not the 3.6.5 build. Why is this?  Have the builds changed to require more specific order in table entries?

Basically, my big problem is that whenever Homesick.vp is in my root, SCP will always, 100%, every single time, bet your childrens lives, crash on the second mission I play.  First mission will work fine, but soon as I restart it or go to the next one, it'll crash.  It seems to be either explosion or SEXP related, but it's not always the same mission or the same position.  It is, however, absolutely replicatable, and not related to either hardware or OS, since it happens on all three systems and persists beyond reinstalls.  I want to be able to troubleshoot it - I figure it's something worth fixing - but SCP seems a little arcane.