Announcements > Announcements

Expect downtime during the coming weekend

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A weekend without HLP! WAAAAAAA!

Wait, I don't come here at the weekends! ;)

So now when the server dies it takes down two of our hubs.

All the better, maybe people actually get something done during that downtime. :p
In reality, it wouldn't be either of our choice if we could afford it.


--- Quote from: Setekh on November 17, 2006, 04:50:29 am ---Don't worry, we're capable of destruction on a far greater scale than that. We can destroy HLP and create a new community of disgruntled ex-hosted staff members!

Umm... :nervous:

--- End quote ---
My... My God! It's worse than I could ever have imagined!! *Jumps out nearest window*


Hmm, methinks I should go download some of the pages off the wiki later. Might need to refer to them if I'm playing with my tables during the downtime... :)


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