Modding, Mission Design, and Coding > Test Builds

Sound set test builds

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+Filename: is not valid if you want to create a sound set and is only still supported for backwards compatibility. +Entry effectively replaces +Filename with the slight difference that you can have multiple entries :p

--- Quote from: Spoon on October 10, 2017, 05:49:16 am ---Actually, thats how those error messages always look when a build doesn't support some table feature. I would know, I've had a very long history of running into these things  :p
And I even checked with another build just to be sure, and it gave me that exact same error message.

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The +Filename triggers the "old" parsing code so that explains why you see the same message in both builds. I only looked at the new parsing code so that explains why I didn't understand where that error was coming from.

So, just remove the +Filename line and it should work.


--- Quote from: m!m on October 10, 2017, 05:56:26 am ---+Filename: is not valid if you want to create a sound set and is only still supported for backwards compatibility. +Entry effectively replaces +Filename with the slight difference that you can have multiple entries :p

--- Quote from: Spoon on October 10, 2017, 05:49:16 am ---Actually, thats how those error messages always look when a build doesn't support some table feature. I would know, I've had a very long history of running into these things  :p
And I even checked with another build just to be sure, and it gave me that exact same error message.

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The +Filename triggers the "old" parsing code so that explains why you see the same message in both builds. I only looked at the new parsing code so that explains why I didn't understand where that error was coming from.
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Aaah okay then!

--- Quote from: m!m on October 10, 2017, 05:56:26 am ---So, just remove the +Filename line and it should work.

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It werks!

Boy, does adding a wide pitch range make for... interesting sound effects  :lol:
But even just a slight pitch change, already makes a stream of pew pew sounds, sound more diverse. I'm going to be messing with these sound sets for a while.

(Also, has it always been possible to use letters instead of numbers for $Name: ?  :nervous: Because that sure would have been more easy to organize tables with, rather than these dumb numbers! :P I always assumed  :v: had sounds.tbl indexed with numbers for some hardcoded reason)

(Also also, damnit m!m, stop adding all these neat features that will delay WoD's release even more! :P )


--- Quote from: Spoon on October 10, 2017, 07:06:25 am ---(Also, has it always been possible to use letters instead of numbers for $Name: ?  :nervous: Because that sure would have been more easy to organize tables with, rather than these dumb numbers! :P I always assumed  :v: had sounds.tbl indexed with numbers for some hardcoded reason)

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It has been like that for some time already. It's documented on the wiki.

--- Quote from: Spoon on October 10, 2017, 07:06:25 am ---(Also also, damnit m!m, stop adding all these neat features that will delay WoD's release even more! :P )

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I only have to fix a minor issue until I have a working setup of basic impact decals so I guess I'm looking forward to seeing the release of WoD in 2030 :p


After adding a bunch of sound sets, I can only add that this is fantastic  :yes:

However, I ran in a game breaking bug, that is most likely not directly related to this particular soundset feature. But it happens in this build.
Ingame messages are bugging out (using Axem's message script). It gets stuck on the first message that plays, and never plays anything after that. I dont know if this is specific to this particular build, or just something that got introduced with recent nightlies. (It's always kind of a hassle for me to test these things with WoD, since I have to comment out multilock in weapon entries, and now with these sound sets, I have an extra thing to comment out before I can run a 'regular' build.)

Edit: Actually tested with BP, latest nightly has no issues, this build also causes the messages in BP to freeze after the first one.
Since message length is tied to sound file length, it might actually be related to this sound change?


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